The most effective models of HD drives that can be used to meet all phases of manufacturing

Mar 27, 2024

The biggest risk with videos can be Great Fear: Losing all of your hard-earned efforts. If your content isn't stored correctly, the whole video could end up erased. It's great to know that there's a wide range possibilities in technologies and methods that allow us to duplicate and save important work. We reached out to Larry O'Connor, Founder and CEO of Larry O'Connor. Powerhouse storage solutions company OWC  will assist us in gathering the necessary equipment to deal with all kinds of video scenarios. Take a look at Larry's best practices regarding storage, and his best practices to ensure the security of your footage during all stages of the procedure.

A brief description about the driving experience

HDDs (HDD) HDDs are among the most well-known and well-known storage devices which have been used in computer systems and external drives have come across in the last couple of years. Solid State Drives (SSD) could be described as similar to HDD but they're flash storage devices, but they're not packed with moving parts inside. Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe ) is a communications standard that was specifically developed to boost the performance of flash technology to offer greater speed SSD performance with PCIe.

Let's move on to the gear


Most crucial details which determine the success or otherwise of a project like casting processes, locations for scripts equipment personnel and places to ensure that your "pre-pro" project is easily available and secure. Save early and often be sure to select storage devices that are able to handle large amounts of information as well as being economical.

     Envoy Pro EX with USB-C

$119.00 -$ $479.00 Best to use to: Off-site or location customer scouting excursions

The sleek, water-proof and dust-proof design can be slipped into your pockets. It's sturdy and flexible.

Mercury Elite Pro Dock -- $330- $1,430

It is ideal for: Studio and desktop computers. Dual drive PC-friendly model is speedy and versatility with the ability to store up 32TB in storage/backup capacity.


Like the part locations play during real estate transaction, storage speed is crucial to the process of production. The material you're working may be huge, but you might not be within the safety in your workplace at home or in the place you'll be working for the preparations. What ever you're working on it's crucial to make certain that the video isn't going to consume a significant amount of time to be processed.

     The Accelsior PCIe 4M2

$529.75 $1,999.75 $1,999.75 Ideal to use to: Controlled studio environments and backups for productions that are currently on location.

No matter what you're running, whether the latest Mac Pro or an old Mac or PC tower on the set it's best to buy the Accelsior card SSD. It's by far the best SSD OWC can offer (over the limit of 6,000MB/s) that makes it perfect for editing and streaming videos that have large format as well as images that don't have any hiccups.

ThunderBay Line - $710 -- $2,800

Most suitable for: Large-scale projects

If your business requires speed and massive capacity take a look at OWC's ThunderBay collection. OWC ThunderBay collection. Do you need something which is small enough to fit into the space you have, or maybe a DIT-compatible cart? Think about ThunderBay Miniature HTML0 .

The delivery will be made at the point you're currently located and delivered to the studio.

It's possible to deliver the work you have written to your coworkers or editors before you return home. This is the drive you could use to deliver your project.

Mercury Helios 3S - $229.99

The best alternative to consider for durability, and to backup the day of shooting. It's an item called the Mercury Helios and the U.2 NVMe Interchange System was developed to bridge processes between manufacturing and production. It offers quick U.2 NVMe SSDs as well as simple swapping of drives within an extremely secure and compact container. The lightweight and long-lasting SSD can be used for a full entire day of film, and edit it back which will reduce shipping costs due to its compact structure.

ThunderBlade 729 dollars --- - $2,299

is ideal for: T ravel Productions and outdoor shooting

The ThunderBlade was developed to be durable, strong and swift, reliable and efficient and the ThunderBlade is easily visible on areas around the studio as well as in the editing area. It's housed in a sturdily hardshell case, which makes it easy to move and shift. It's small, but robust with up to 8TB in storage (with speeds as high as 2800MB/s read and 2450MB/s speed for writing).


The majority of drives classified under production can edit the content of posts. Here's where ThunderBlade, Mercury Helios and the ThunderBlade, Mercury Helios, as well as ThunderBay miniature shines as they are able to edit posts.

     Jupiter mini-NAS

It's a great alternative to allow Real-time collaboration.

This desk that has five compartments Jupiter mini provides a wonderful option for large-scale projects. It's compact enough to fit in the backpack, but has enormous storage capacity (up to 70TB). It's 100% compatible with all the famous video editing programs.


Mercury Pro LTO

A format that is suitable for use in: It was saved but then discarded for 30 years

Once all the thinking and editing has been done and the editing is complete, you can move on to the final step that will complete your project. If you're planning to archive your work, it's best to choose equipment that is sturdy and stable in order to avoid erasing your work after you've had the equipment for a long period of time. The Mercury Pro LTO will be made available from June 2020 to purchase. It allows you to make use of the gadget for up to 30 years.

HTML0: A little bit about Terabytes

Many disks in this post are Terabytes worth of data storage. Therefore, in the eyes of a human being 1TB of capacity for a hard drive corresponds to

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