Writing a Course Description that Sells (with examples) -

Oct 28, 2022

 Updated: 28 October 2022

A description of the course is among the primary aspects will be addressed in the beginning of your online course. This is what your learners will be looking at prior to making a decision on whether or not to purchase the course online.

It's a first impression for you as well as your online course which is why you need to make sure you present yourself in the best possible way. In this article, we'll be providing information on the importance of course descriptions and how you can write them effectively to support your product.

Below is a brief overview of the topics we'll cover:

What's a Course Description?

A course description is an overview of the subject you are teaching, its content, and learning objectives. Potential learners will read your course description and then make an assessment as to whether or not yours is the appropriate program to them. A course description should run less than one hundred words and should be clearly written and specific written language.

What is the reason you should Write a Good Course Description?

Consider a course's description as a mini-advertisement for your product. Simply put, a well-written course description means that many potential students are moved to purchase the course. What exactly does a "good" class description refer to?

A good course description is interesting.

Similar to an effective ad or commercial, a good instructional description can grab the attention of the reader. Be sure to avoid boring or monotonous phrases. If potential students are disinterested while reading your descriptions of the course, they may think that your content is going to not be interesting.

An excellent course description will be complete.

The summary you write should provide potential students a realistic notion of what they can expect while taking your course. You will need to balance the interesting/inspiring aspects of your course description with a realistic communication of what the learning objectives are.

A good course description uses correct spelling and grammar.

This is a critical point. If there's typographical or spelling errors in the description of your course, prospective pupils aren't likely to believe in your knowledge. Let someone else read the text to make sure there are no any errors or mistakes. You can also run the description through a free online editing check.

A good course description uses the present tense and active voice

This is an easy method to draw the reader in by eliminating the needless words and details. (If you're finding this suggestion confusing, don't worry because the following examples will help you understand.)

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Writing a Course Description

Before writing the description of your course You should spend some time to organize and gather your thoughts on your contents. The description is meant to draw potential students into purchasing the course. Below are some of the questions you can ask yourself before you sit down to write your description of the course (jot down your answers in bullet point format):

Why am I so interested in this subject?

It's possible that this specific information has proved to be useful in your day-to-day life. It could be a tranquil hobby and good for your mental health. Make sure you remember what brought you to this subject in the first place as it will assist in selling it.

Why would other people be attracted to this subject?

Imagine you are talking to a friend about this topic and telling them why you found it useful/interesting/healthy/helpful. What would you say? How would you inspire them to take an interest? How would you be a bit snarky with them bit, and insist that the topic is worth your time?

What do you wish your students to be able to comprehend, understand or know at the conclusion of your class?

What do you plan to impart your knowledge to them?

This is specific. What teaching methods are you planning to use? What content will be presented in the form of a lecture? Do your assignments have to be hands-on and hands-on? Is there a final project?

After you've had a few minutes thinking about these questions After that, it's time to begin the step-by-step instructions.


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How to write a Course Description (Step-by-Step Instructions)

1. Decide on a course title

Your course title is important. It should be clear as well as entices the reader to move on to the full details of the course. Try to be clear and precise. Think about the style you would like to portray. Are you aiming to make your course academic or research-oriented? Do you intend to make it appealing to people who just want an interest? (If you are running a course series Include a class number if appropriate.)

Here are a few examples:

  • The Basics of bookkeeping
  • Crafting the Quilt The Basics of Quiltmaking
  • The Writing of Essays to The Next Level
  • The Ultimate Graphic Design Education: From Beginner to Professional

It is evident that the course titles above provide some indications of a specific skill in addition to the prospective student's level of skill.

2. Explain the reasons whystudents are required to attend your class

Your goal is to start your essay by introducing one or two paragraphs that appeal to your readers' needs, passions or curiosities. What's the primary motivation for someone seeking your course to begin with? What are the issues you are seeking to resolve for them? What types of changes could they attain after taking the course? When you have figured that out, you can connect to them at that point.

Sometimes , it is helpful to begin by asking questions. In the case of, say, if you're teaching a class about framing a photograph, you might begin by asking "What is it that makes an image interesting?" or "Why does the way we frame a picture affect our emotions?"

In other instances, it could be more appropriate to begin by introducing a topic that will pique the reader's interest. There may be a significant historical aspect to discuss regarding your subject, or a general consensus that is interesting to think about. For example, if you're teaching a course called LOOK UP and BIRDWATCHING FOR BEGINNERS you might begin by saying, "Whether it's their colorful feathers, distinctive voices or their witty behavior the birds have always proven interesting to humans."

This is also the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your reader about the exact thing that led them to study a course on your topic.

3. Inform the class of the things you plan to impart and what you will teach it.

After that, you write at least two or three sentences about the way you plan to run the course, what methods are used and the outcomes that students should walk to leave with. Will you primarily teach through classes? Will there be articles and cases study? Are there practical, hands-on elements? That's when you need to use present tense and active voice. This is a challenge if you're used to writing using a active voice. Below are a few poor examples of corrections


Example of a POOR:"Well-known photos will be examined and discussed in order to understand the composition."

CORRECTION: "Lectures examine and analyze the compositions of the most well-known images."


Example of a POOR: "In this course, birdwatching fundamentals will be taught in classes, discussions with other students, and homework assignments."

CORRECTIONStudents study the fundamentals of bird watching via lectures and discussions with a group of students. The assignments are synchronous and encourage practical experience.


Tip: provides multiple lesson styles, such as videos, text-based lessons survey, quizzes, assignments, embeds, and much more. This lets you create an interactive learning experience that appeals to a variety of learning styles.

4. Fine-tune with specifics

  • Beware of using clichés such as "In this class we will ..."
  • Avoid saying "Students will be learning" since you can't guarantee that they'll learn all the things you aim to teach. Instead, use words like examine, investigate, discuss, interrogate.
  • Think carefully about naming specific texts, media, or programs, as that aspect of your class could change in time.
  • Do not use jargon or terms that your student could not be familiar with, particularly in a course designed for students who are new to the subject. If your course is not intended for advanced students (and the requirements are clear) You want your descriptor of the course to appear welcoming to students of all levels and experiences.
  • Remember your audience: a instruction should be written from the student's perspective.
  • Use gender-neutral language. When referring to your potential clients, it is best to use general terms so people don't feel excluded due to the language you select. Take into consideration the following categories: students, participants, artists, group members.

Example Course Descriptions

The life of the short STORY

What is it that makes the short story appealing? What is it that makes short stories uniquely poised to explore the human state of affairs? Lectures examine classic and current examples of short fiction and examine the key elements of craft in relation to plot, voice and character growth. Students are required to submit their writing for critique and feedback, in the hopes of creating a completed story outline and polished initial paragraph.


Is inclusivity simply a box to check off? Can inclusive leadership actually be transformative? With the help of statistical analysis and case analysis, students examine the ways that inclusive leadership impacts the corporate culture, morale, and productivity. Participants investigate best practices and solve problems by playing role-playing and reliving actual scenarios. Particular attention is paid to developing confidence and the resolution of conflicts.


Understanding who we are involves understanding where we're from. What is the best place to start? The growing genealogy industry implies there's never been more tools that we can use. Lectures explore research strategies as well as the benefits of various genealogy databases available online. Students choose their own personalised learning and research objective in the project. Coaching sessions with a coach are not required.

Offer Online Courses for Sale using

There are many choices for how you can format your course description. It's really about personal preference. Prior to beginning editing your course, the home page should look something as follows:

We recommend you use the space under "Course Title," as your opening sentence; the first to attract your reader's interest and curiosity. In the section under "Example Text," can be saved for the remainder of your text. Try different combinations until you find the one that looks good. Here's an example of what you can format your description for your course. (And obviously, you'll need to use images that are appropriate for your content.)

It's true that there's no single method to structure the description of your course on your course page. Play around until it looks right for you.

The benefits of selling your course online

  • Free forever pricing. There is no cost until you've started selling your course. After that, you pay the transaction fee of 5. If your company grows it is possible to change to a no-transaction fee program.
  • Diverse Lessons This platform combines text and video lessons with questions, assignments, embeds, and surveys. This creates a more compelling learning experience.
  • Drip Content: You can opt to publish specific course materials at a later date.
  • Sell Your Courses With Other Product Types: customers can also offer coaching subscriptions, coaching as well as physical goods (among many others) which allows for a better learning experiences and more revenue opportunities!
  • Fully customizable Sales or Landing PageSellers can modify their course page using the store builder. This way, the look and feel of your site will better reflect your company's image as well as your product. You can also implement specific areas on your website that improve conversion rates from customers to paying customers.
  • Variety of Pricing Options: You can offer various course rates, which include single-time payment, subscriptions, or payment plans.

Final Thoughts

It is