What's a Mastermind group? The Essential Information You Must know (2023) |

Oct 13, 2023

Mastermind groups can be incredible spaces to develop and grow with like-minded individuals, regardless of whether you find an existing one or create your own. In this article we'll tell you the definition of a mastermind and discuss some of the advantages of mastermind groups, and various types of masterminds. In addition, we'll give amazing examples of masterminds from our powerful Hosts!

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What is a mastermind?

    Mastermind group definition

A mastermind group is a gathering of people with similar interests that meet regularly in small groups to support the other, inspire, and gain from each other's stories as well as experiences and thoughts and hold each other accountable to clearly defined goals. Although participants do not necessarily have to be in the same field Mastermind groups can perform best when the members share similar roles or titles with a similar objective or purpose.

The term "mastermind" was coined by the personal development author, Napoleon Hill. Hill was a student during the first decade of 1900 and studied the most successful personalities of his day-industrialists like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Charles Shwab. In his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich He introduced the concept of the mastermind.

    "The master mind could be defined as the  coordination of effort and knowledge that is conducted in the spirit of peace, among two or more persons, for the attainment of an objective.'" Napoleon Hill"Think and Grow Rich."

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We've seen a ton of masterminds emerge in the last few decades. While every mastermind group is unique, here are some things that the majority of them share in common:


  • A group of people sharing a domain of knowledge who bring their knowledge and experience to the table.        
  • An instructor or leader who manages group sessions.        
  • A set of rules that provide the guidelines to guide behavior in the community.      
  • A Membership fee that's sufficient to make members are willing to pay it with seriousness.      
  • The willingness to gain knowledge from one another and to hold each other responsible.        

Contrary to the title the members of a mastermind group is meant to be the only one with all the solutions. It's a place where the door is open to take lessons from the successes and the mistakes. In a mastermind group, everyone stands to benefit from the collective wisdom of the whole--and from the outside perspective each member can bring to the table.

The concept of mastermind groups might seem familiar if you've participated in peer-support or accountability programs in the past. Think of it, but with ideas, solutions, and issues exchanged among members instead of among people with differing levels of experience.

Mastermind groups can be held in person or virtually, there are many excellent mastermind group platforms.

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What's a Mastermind event?

A mastermind is typically the meeting of one of the mastermind groups, either in person or online. A good mastermind requires an actual meeting (virtual or in-person) but it won't be as well done asynchronously.

Advantages of mastermind groupings

In mastermind group, you're in contact with others and offer and get suggestions. This is also a place that allows for the natural setting of goals.

Shrink the learning curve: It takes time to learn how to succeed at doing something. However, if you're into a group of individuals who have been through the same thing that you're trying to accomplish, you can learn from them. This shrinks the time for success.

Overcome limiting beliefs The lizard mind can be the most significant obstacle to achievement. It attempts to guard you, and you are constantly saying that you cannot accomplish X. Having a roomful of people that challenge your restrictive beliefs can help you conquer these beliefs.

Accountability The thing is to declare that you're going implement a change. But it's a different matter to be aware that those you trust will ask whether you've followed through with the steps you committed to. That's accountability!

Get perspective: It's easy to get lost within the chaos of the day-to-day. Business owners, for instance, frequently find themselves in their businesses instead of working focused on their work. Masterminds can assist you to focus and get the bigger perspective.

Increase your networks: We'll do this without the cheesy phrases ("Your network is what you're net worth!") BUT if you're in a mastermind group, expanding your network is a huge plus.

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A mastermind group in action

Dan Miller launched 48 Days to Do the Work You Love podcast, and also the book. But from the success of these, he launched 48 Days Eagles, a private membership community that became a connected network of business owners.

"I've always sought ways to get people connected," Dan says. "I don't want them looking at me for help rather than lifting each other up for the sake of achieving the goals they set for themselves. ."

With this vision that Dan has, it's no surprise that masterminds became essential to Dan's business model. Dan launched"The 48 Days Eaglepreneurs Mastermind Group: an exclusive, invitation-only mastermind for at least 30 members.

If you're not sure whether to make a charge for your mastermind group, this is a wonderful advice from Dan on why it should be a cost:

"We have a real obvious connection in our culture between value and cost. If you don't have to pay anything then it's not much.

    There must be at least some sort of commitment in order to build the possibility of having a lively community. Paying customers take note of. If people pay, they will follow your advice, they take action and transform the way they live their lives."


What is it that makes a mastermind group work?

Experience: Masterminds can operate at expert or intermediate levels, however they're rarely right for total beginners (a method of group coaching is more well for novices). The group members need to be able to exchange experiences and learned knowledge.

Mastermind groups are vulnerable. is required to be safe and that only happens when people are open and truthful. Brene Brown's research on vulnerability and shame illustrates how vulnerability creates connection. And it's true in the mastermind group you belong to. Sharing your hopes, fears, and even dreams are all a an integral part. That's the reason that members of your mastermind group often become close friends.

Structure: Effective mastermind groups do not just have a free-for-all. An effective mastermind needs structure and intention behind it-and following a schedule is crucial.

active listening Participants in the group must be attentive and responsive to those who share, and should ask questions and give feedback.

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Consistency. Mastermind group meetings must meet consistently over a set amount of duration. This helps them find a routine (both for members and the facilitator), and results in transformation.

Privacy: Members should be confident enough to be vulnerable and know that what they share won't leave the group.

Helpfulness: Mastermind members need to be open to helping each other, offering feedback, as well as sharing their connections, resources, and other information.

Mastermind Example Design Live - Sound Design Live

Nathan Lively had a passion for sound engineering that was outstanding. He began a podcast in 2015-Sound Design Live-and spun this into a group composed of audio engineers. He gave his most dedicated members a personal invite to a mastermind, and then interviewed each member on a 1:1 basis to determine if the members were compatible. This resulted in an incredible mastermind group. Check out the entire story here!


What is a mastermind team is not

A mastermind group can be defined by what it's not. Here are some of the things that a great mastermind group shouldn't be.


  • One member monopolizing It is important to strike the equilibrium. Sometimes group members can monopolize or control the group. If necessary, speak with them, and if they aren't able to change, take the initiative to remove them. Your group's success members will be worth it.    
  • Group coaching: Group coaching can be amazing! However, it's not the same as group coaching. In group coaching, the coach knows the answers and is able to teach the group. In a mastermind, the participants have the answers, and the role of the host is to help facilitate.    
  • The idea of telling people what to do members are free to discuss their thoughts and experiences. Each member has the agency to choose the goals they want to pursue and then commit to them.    
  • Therapy The user are able to be real with a mastermind group; but it's no substitute for professional mental health if members of the group require it.      
  • A network group is a place where networking occurs naturally in masterminds, but it shouldn't be the sole purpose. If you're the leader of a group, screen potential members to ensure they're looking to move beyond the realm of networking towards individual growth.      
  • The place to vent or to judge: Members may freely discuss their challenges, but there shouldn't be any room for complaining. The same is true for judgment. participants should not be taught to be judgmental of each other.    
  • Hierarchical: Sometimes, mastermind groups can tend to develop an orderly structure when certain individuals have the upper hand or are considered to be more successful. As an example, simply the fact that a group of entrepreneurs includes one person who is extremely successful does not mean that everyone has to respect that individual. No matter what social status or achievements, it needs to be an inclusive group of equals.    

how to run a mastermind

Mastermind Example - Money Without Wall Street

Financial advisors Russ Morgan and Joey Mure wanted to help people look at wealth creation differently, beyond investing in stocks and observing the Dow. They launched a coaching community named Wealth Without Wall Street to change the way we see wealth-building.

And they run an organization that serves as a mastermind to some of their most devoted members. This is what they have to say about the subject:
"This method that treats groups as high-value item has really resonated. This paid content offers an opportunity for our members to get more access to the experts in the room, as well as be able to have more personal conversations with people who have a personal experience in these areas."

Graphics wealth without wall street

How do you start the mastermind group

There is a complete outline of how to begin a mastermind group, so if you want a more in-depth walkthrough DEFINITELY check it out!

Here's a short breakdown of the steps we recommend:


  1. Create your tentative Big Purpose. A big Purpose is the raison d'etre of a group, or your visionary goal that brings people together. Mastermind is a free group name generator that will make a big Purpose for you (and an appropriate name, if there isn't one!) You can try it!    
  2. Choose your ideal members. In the cases above many groups chose their participants. Selecting the right people (or kinds of people) that you'd like to include in the group, perhaps even interviewing them, helps to establish a solid foundation.    
  3. Solidify your main Purpose Be sure that your participants agree on your Big Purpose! This can be done in the initial meeting (and make changes if necessary ).    
  4. Select a platform: If you're organizing a online group or want to keep organized and conversations ongoing between sessions, pick the mastermind platform you want to host on.      
  5. Make the rules clear: Establish and accept the terms of engagement of your group. Then, you can define community guidelines.    
  6. Create a cost for the cost of membership. Read Dan Miller's quote above again. Although it may seem counterintuitive, a membership fee will aid your organization to be more successful.    
  7. Choose a frequency: Agree the frequency of your meetings (and the location if you're meeting virtually).    
  8. Choose a structure for your meetings Decide what the meetings are going to be like (and adhere to it). The typical mastermind session to offer the opportunity for members to bring in a problem, a round-table sharing session, and Q&As.    
  9.         Launch!            

mastermind group

Different types of mastermind groups

There are a variety of mastermind groups which are typically grouped by individuals who share similar in terms of lateral responsibility within the corporate structure or who align to an image. CEOs of similar businesses might gather to discuss the overall strategy, while middle management might gather to discuss specific issues that require hands-on involvement (for instance, helping employees shift from an office environment to working from home). Entrepreneurs might join a mastermind of those that have similar businesses.

Masterminds can run as ongoing events or could be structured into a mastermind-based course, session, event, or a class that is devoted to thinking about a particular challenge or issue.

These are the most popular types of mastermind groups. yup, there's some commonality between these groups:

Entrepreneurial mastermind groups: Napoleon Hill invented the term "mastermind" by studying the greatest entrepreneurs of the day and it's perhaps not a surprise that many entrepreneurs have masterminds (and believe they are the reason for their success).

Leadership mastermind groups: Leadership is a lonely job, and that's why many leaders are part of mastermind groups in order to gain access to other leaders to aid in the growth of their careers.

Masterminds for career advancement Masterminds are now becoming a vital aspect of any career (not only for entrepreneurs). Masterminds are a great way to help your members become conscious of their careers and advance by sharing knowledge.

Personal development masterminds: Growth is difficult, but masterminds can be amazing for personal development.

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Tech-related masterminds: Nathan Lively's tale above illustrates the importance of masterminds in sharing knowledge about technology as well as mastering the most valuable skills.

Personal finance or investment masterminds: Similar to Wealth without Wall Street, thriving masterminds can be built around sharing knowledge about personal finance and generating wealth.

Parents' masterminds aren't that commonplace, but being a parent isn't easy. Masterminds can really help parents grow and learn in a group.

Where can you get a mastermind team

If you're more interested joining a mastermind group rather than creating one, how do you find the group? Here are some suggestions on how to locate a mastermind group


  • Websites such as Meetup.com and Facebook's directory of events are great places to find out which mastermind meetings are held within your area.        
  • Find LinkedIn to find the term "mastermind." You can search by region OR using a modifier, you can find a specific group (e.g. "parenting mastermind). It is important to note that this can help you locate facilitators via their LinkedIn profiles- you can follow up with them.      
  • If you follow creators or thought leaders, check their websites for mastermind groups. Some creators manage these mastermind groups.      
  • Contact your friends from your sector for advice or suggestions.        
  • Find your local business support organizations or community bulletin boards.        

And if all else fails, don't be afraid to create on your own! Below are the steps.

Do you want to create the mastermind?

We hope this guide to mastermind group activities can help you gain a grasp on what they are and aren't. And if you want to create your own mastermind quickly and efficiently, get started using Mighty!

It is a platform for members that is unifying which allows you to connect communities, content, courses as well as live events. It allows you to create private mastermind areas, charge members for access, and set meeting times with the events feature (and take RSVPs). The only program you'll require to begin an online mastermind--and using our mastermind group generator, you are ready to begin inviting members just in just 10 minutes.

You can try it for yourself! You can try it for free for 14 days.

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