What transpired after Amy Lang Made $113,000 Helping parents to teach their children about sexual health
Amy Lang assumed that when she was a mother and also had children, she would be able to pinpoint exactly what she discussed when her son. was raising.
As a freelancer, teacher of sexuality and parenting for the past 17 years, she was accustomed to talking about sexuality every day. It was not clear how uncomfortable and unaware she was when the time came to talk about sex and her child. "I was embarrassed to have "the discussion" about sex with my child. I'm an educator of the sex industry," she says.
Looking to learn how to be a trustworthy parent to her kid and the family members, she set about doing research. She was able utilize her knowledge of applied behavioral science and was able to find the best way to talk to children about sexuality issuesthe kind of conversation she feels, is very crucial, yet is often overlooked. "We are all aware that children require emotional, physical as well as social health. It's not common to talk about sexual health concerns because of the stigma" she says. "We do not have enough information on the benefits of a healthy sexuality, in childhood, as well as the formation of sexuality."

Through her research, she was able to broaden her toolset and she was compelled to help parents with their children's education however at this point, she was able to offer online classes. The year 2017 was when she launched her first programcalled Birds and Bees Solution Center for parents. In the following year, she launched her second program, Preschoolers, Parts, Private Parts and Playmates. "My credo is that information is empowering," explains Lang. "The higher your level of knowledge, the more you know, the better a position to help your children ."
Online courses account for 50% of her overall earnings. The first time she started an online course back in year 2017 it has earned more than $113,000 of revenue. What's great about it? She uses her own list of email addresses, as well as the word-of-mouth method to promote the classes. "I do not have to be a difficult task," she laughs.
"I'm earning some money while washing dishes."
While her success increased naturally however, she also had a strategy that she followed. Here are a few instances:
Skip ahead:
- She is using HTML0.
- She develops an electronic database for email
- Social media is used as a marketing tool and does not use it to promote sales.
- She creates a member course
- She creates an extra course
- She designs content via trial and the
- She analyses her target viewers' wants and requirements.
She is using HTML0.
Lang was in her field for over ten years at the time she launched her first online class. Her passion is giving classes on-the-spot, she has also attended a number of live events. So the concept of online classes seemed like an obvious progression for her company.
Additionally, she was hoping to connect with parents of their children and individuals who engage with them. But, she also wanted students to be able learn from home; talking about sexuality can be difficult for some students, and online courses offer students the privacy they require to study.
The platform she chose to host her class instead of other platforms that offer online education. "It was very welcoming and simple to navigate, and it also had the lowest cost" she says.
She builds an email database
In the year that Lang first began her online classes her subscriber list was already large. The mailing list had more than 17,000 people.
The process she employed in the making of the majority of her lists was simple. When giving live lessons students would be handed an QR code which led them to her website where they could sign-up for her newsletter. Also, she would relocate an iPad in the classroom to make sure that students had the ability to input emails. It was an excellent idea to ask for email addresses in the first few minutes of each session. This was as students were engaged and interested in finding out more.
In the meantime, she continues to gather emails through live events and on her site. The navigation bar on her website contains a button that says "free tips. Clicking the link, you'll be taken to a page where you can input your email address to receive the freebie seven tips to enjoy great Birds & Bees Talks. You'll receive this freebie in the mail. Also, it's an opportunity to get involved to the school she manages.
With a massive mailing list as well as an extensive mailing list, she reminds online course instructors that this didn't occur in a single day. "I've been in this business since 1997," she says. "That's an average of 11,000 customers per year. It's not a new concept to me. It takes a lot of time to create a successful program if you don't already possess a solid foundation."
She leverages social media for marketing, but not to market
While she does have an YouTube channel with approximately 850 subscribers as well as an Instagram account with more than 4,500 followers, a facebook page that has over 10,000 followers and a Q&A style podcast, she says that her email account is the most popular for sales. In reality, she doesn't make use of social media to sell her classes, she just relies on her email list. "It's way more personal in the event that you're notified by an email. It's true," explains Lang. "Social media is primarily used to promote marketing that is not used for sales. For me, it's a world of ."
Although Lang isn't dependent on social media in the sales of her classes, she finds that the channels are useful for advertising the classes she offers. To make it more accessible to users, her content is identical across all the websites on social media every week. Furthermore, she schedules her posts prior to the time. Each piece includes a call to actions. The writer invites readers and readers to subscribe to the mailing list and book an appointment with her- which she humorously names"a "Quickie Consult,"buy the online classor invite her to present an on-site seminar.
Although she doesn't have communities which her kids can be part of, However, she's able to create an environment that is a sense of belonging because of her social media accounts, especially through her program that is known as "Help Another Parent. Through the program, Lang can ask parents for help and let the group offer helpful suggestions and advice. "I have a habit of playing with a number of them excel for giving parents advice," she says.
Lang recommends that course creators be sure their social media content is customized to meet their customers' needs. Also considering how to market using the right mindset is crucial.
"Believe that the data you're providing can be beneficial."

Alongside her social media profiles and her mailing list, her followers have grown organically through word-of-mouth A majority of those who have gone to her live events as well as the online classes have spread the information to their friends, teachers as well as their parents.
She develops a membership course
She serves two main audiences those who are parents of children that are between 5-12 years old and professionals that are primarily teachers in the very early classes of elementary schools.
This program was designed specifically for parents. Birds & Bees Solution Center for Parents operates as an online membership service for annual fees of $89 USD. It was an experiment up to the point that she settled on this number; she wanted it to be as affordable she could. "I would rather not consider a great deal about this," she says. "I prefer to have simple." simple"yes ."
Lang describes this class as"library" within the meaning of "library," which refers to an assortment of materials such as handouts, documentation, along with other videos and webcasts, which are current and other material as well as regularly scheduled classes, referred to "Hump half-hours of the day.' Each session is comprised in 10 minutes of instructing as well as individual instruction. "These sessions are one of my most-loved activities, since they're live, which means I'm able to engage the students."" Lang says. Lang.
The curriculum was created by instructor using a library design because most parents are only required to make one request. Instead of having hours of content to study for you to get answers to questions, students are able to utilize the library's resources to select and select the material they wish to study. "With libraries, you don't have to be concerned about receiving the correct material for your level of education or research as it is," adds Lang. "People often tell me, 'Thanks for this. It's made the whole task so much easier' .'"
The material is created and improved to meet the demands of children on an a regular basis. "I am able to assist many parents and they don't have to appear in any way," she says. "It's just one of the benefits of having a website that offers membership ."
HTML0 She's also created an extra course
As well as working with parents she also engages professionals usually early childhood educators to deal with the issue of preventing sexual abuse.
The 3rd course, Preschoolers with Private Parts and Playmates is geared towards the same group of kids. In this class the instructor will give details on sexual behavior for children, including the normal behavior and what's not, and how to determine if a child needs assistance.
Additionally, the course offers firms an opportunity to hire her. "Some companies are not able to hire me on their payroll," she says.
When students complete the class, she does not provide them with any other assistance. The goal she has for 2023 is to increase her efforts towards promoting an "I'm an instant consult" or an electronic book Sex Talks for teens on what to say and How To Say it.
She creates content using the trial and error method.
It took Lang some time to master the art of writing content for her online course it was a ton of trial and error. When Lang thinks about her journey to create an online course, she realizes that the most challenging part was coming to the right duration for the course as well as the amount of materials that needed to be provided (and the way they can aid) and the kind of content that resonated best with the audience she wanted to reach.
When she reflects on her course in the process of creating her content, she would have liked to had conducted an audit following the first day of the year, to determine the content that was liked by viewers and also making adjustments in response to the feedback. While she's modified her website since the audit but she is convinced that feedback from viewers will help you grow as the creator.
When she first started making videos, she would show them through the day to her classes -- before she discovered that they were too long. Her videos are now smaller and simpler to comprehend, since her audience is composed of parents who have hectic schedules and not a much time. "I am looking to design something that is simple and simple to comprehend," she says.
Her family doesn't assists her in the development of new information. She says that she reads books who is constantly researching and allows parents' concerns be the guiding force in the development of material. There are also colleagues she talks to who can aid in developing ideas as well as provide help.
It is possible to determine the needs and demands
If you're considering creating an online-based class it is recommended that the creators identify why they wish to develop the course. They can then set a target-oriented goal of the course, which will allow them to begin taking small steps.
Lang stresses that it's essential to determine what the people who are the target market want and need. "What you imagine they'd prefer and want is not always what they actually want and would like," she explains.
To understand the desires and requirements of the client you are targeting, Lang advises that creators request the clients they work with to fill out a survey and then use their responses to establish a framework to develop online training programs. "Be perseverant and keep the idea in mind that it's not solely about your organization. The focus is on those you help," she says.
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