What is the reason we created Slack? Community is for SaaS as well as Software Professionals --

Sep 15, 2022
  • Global focus.
  • More established professionals and businesses (less startup companies and students at the beginning of their development).
  • Moderation by professionals.
  • The focus is more on the funding or venture capital rounds.
  • Very supportive and supportive of each other, with no tolerance for disrespectful or unethical behavior.

The truth is that the features like an global perspective on business and expert moderators (that's me!) are things we would like to find in an online forum.

The post discussed the benefits of members in particular, in comparison to other groups on the internet.

Perhaps you're thinking "But what's in it to do ?"

An important question, that I'll be able to address it -- due to the motivations (plural) the reason to make a decision could not be as easy as those who are the least shrewd of us think.

If you're a businessperson yourself know of how this operates. The companies don't spend money for new software that aids professional businesspeople on the web They do this because it serves their individual business in some way.

And yes the existence of a prosperous online community could be a fantastic method to increase the popularity of your company and even bring in some prospects every once in awhile.

However, marketing isn't the only reason we're doing this. Whatever your status, whether you're a member of ours or not, we wish for members to be an integral part of the team, otherwise it will not achieve its goals.

Our guiding principle is that: Our Software and SaaS Community Must Be Good to you for it to be successful.

It's a simple explanation The main thing to remember is that if one doesn't believe that the community they live in is beneficial and stimulating, then it's not a good location to live in and socializing in our communities.

Therefore, it's essential for its continuing success for you as well as for us to work to be the most awesome organization to be member of.

(And If you think we might be deviating from that in any wayor you have any suggestions for how we can make it more effective, let us know. Further details on that in the next paragraph.)

What Can You Benefit From hosting an online community?

There must be something to this otherwise we wouldn't do this, would we?

Of course. Our intentions should be clear and unambiguous.

We're going to outline what we'd love to achieve with this endeavor.

Learn What's Important to Your business

One of the first things our CEO David Nachman was quoted as saying during an interview about the goals and directions for the group was that this group is an opportunity for us to decrease the nature of our interactions with our customers as well as other businesses that use software, and SaaS businesses.

There's a legitimate motive to be worried We facilitate real transactions between companies online and it's very common for anyone to get caught in the trap of being in a transacting connection.

We give you a service. you earn money, and keep on autopilot.

If we allow this to last for too long could hinder our ability to enhance Our B2B service to benefit the performance of your firm. Also, helping online businesses succeed is the top goal of ours.

It's true for our existing clients, but it's also applicable to software companies who might be considering employing . If you're not sure whether it's the right payment method or merchant of record (MOR) for your B2C, B2B or B2C SaaS business, we'd like to hear about the questions and concerns you're facing to help us take them into the consideration in the development of new products and features.

To learn more about how David is looking forward to meeting you and your business, take a look at his interview with members video, where I spoke about David's membership himself.

That's why we've expanded the scope of this community , in order to establish the executive, individual contributor entrepreneurs, founders and entrepreneur membership basesince we are convinced that it's easier to understand companies (and help them in a better way) by having various layers of community members.

This goal to increase the personalization level of interactions with business (and in particular, the people who have been employed by them) is also part of why we conduct interview with members. Apart from helping members meet one another, it also helps in getting to know our members as well as their concerns in business.

Strengthening Customer Relationships

Knowing more about your company can help us to build more of a relationship with you, regardless of whether you're a customer or not.

The relationships we have with our customers could be strengthened by providing our members access to additional services of us .

Already, we have a broad and friendly customer support and purchasers, and also have customers success specialists for a few of our customers who have large or complex business.

We know that the majority of companies could always improve how they help their customers as well as improve their relationships with them.

99% of the times in one hundred, making an account is the most effective way to request assistance. The support staff at Fastspring can route requests in accordance with the severity and nature of the problem, and help us to keep an eye on your needs for support over time.

(That is also a method aiding us in gaining a greater understanding of the business's needs.)

It is possible to contact the leaders directly particularly when someone is at a point of addressing a business need that doesn't necessarily require a technical query regarding our software. There's an array of experts on the market, not just end-user technical support specialists.

Product managers, tax and payments experts, expert in customer service and one or two are present and are able to answer relevant business issues. They may even be able to discuss what's coming via the company's platform.

We'd like our customers' experiences to be the type of experiences that they'll tell their family and friends about, so we consider that being more open to them could increase the likelihood of this happening. If you're a client who's not having that kind of experience with us yet Our community can also be the platform to let us know about your experience.

Yes, Leads

This is the section of the blog that we must be honest and open.

It would be great to allow our members who aren't currently merchants of record to sign up for our services.

It's good news for them that this isn't all we want to accomplish in the world of community.

We have set as our goal to improve the relationship with our customers as well as learning everything that is possible about SaaS and business software requirements:

  1. We're confident that the process of registration for new customers is just an aspect of what we're trying to accomplish for this community, and we will not solicit anyone to join that hasn't expressed an interest to us first.
  2. There are a higher chance of attracting new customers if you've achieved those two goals which we mentioned earlier and that's why we're going to work more for achieving those objectives.

We're sure that if members of our community be aware of us paying attention to our customers , and honestly soliciting comments, they'll be more interested in the role we play as a marketplace for commerce and merchant on record since they'll be able to see the good work we carry out as well as the care we provide members in person.

If this is something you've thought about it earlier, it might be the perfect opportunity to get started with us somewhat informally. Community members can connect with customers from other companies, engage in their conversations and (remotely) get to know those who run the business.

What can you expect from Signing Up To This Community

However, it was focussed on the many benefits provided by GSL, it didn't focus on the many benefits offered by GSL community, it didn't offer the actual benefits realized by joining a group such as this.

While we have big plans in the area of Global SaaS Leaders -- and we're continually creating community -- here are some of the advantages we've offered to software developers, SaaS CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs, as well as marketers as well as engineers, developers and many more.

Connect with Software Experts from All Over the World

Whether you're an SaaS marketer seeking to enhance the SEO of your location, a person and culture director who is concerned about meeting-ups and international onboarding, or even a SaaS company owner seeking ways to sell to particular markets Accessing the people that make up an international network can help makes "going international" much simpler.

As of now, we have member representation from over 50 nations across 17 time zones.

Find out about new markets you Are Interested in expanding or introducing within

The main benefit that comes from having a community with a global reach is the ability to get guidance from them when looking to enter a the markets.

You can make an account on the forum, asking people from certain countries that are able to help. You may even contact me, who is the chief moderator. I'll connect with relevant members on your behalf.

Keep your eyes on the discussions within the community for past discussions that are relevant to the SaaS areas you're working to enter into.

Also, you'll be able look through our profiles of our members videos, which are continuously recorded fashion with other members looking to be part of the group (like our previous example featuring CEO David Nachman).

One of the most common questions we usually ask our interviewees is "What's something people don't understand about selling software in your country?" The aim of this query is to assist in helping in understanding the culture and business norms that may affect how easy it is to market software in the country.

Learn From SaaS Company Leaders and Experts

Our membership is split among different roles at different levels, we do have several executive members, SaaS founders, and department heads from Global SaaS Leaders who are keen to share their experience to other members.

A few members are software and SaaS founders with multiple SaaS startups, some have been employed at internationally-known businesses, while others are entrepreneurs who have shifted into different industries or careers and possess a wide range of knowledge to provide suggestions.

In addition, several top management and executives are available, including our Chief Executive Officer, the tax director for the global region as well as our Vice President of Global Customer Operations. They're all in the community, and they're willing to assist our members in any way they can.

example of answer in the Slack community

(For more details about this issue, please contact Kurt regarding this topic read his standing-room-only seminar on SaaS Pricing Strategies that are effective: how to develop a perfect Pricing Model during SaaStr Europe prior to 2022.)

We're happy to respond to these questions and are happy to provide a space in which topics such as they can be debated with our international colleagues.

You can present yourself as an expert

If you're already recognized for your work as an SaaS professional or industry specialist, great! We'd love to hear from you about contributing to the community as you grow your professional and personal brand by sharing your knowledge.

If you're working on creating your own brand in the first place and you're interested in professional forums, then joining one could be an excellent method to achieve this. We don't all have to become SaaS founders to become specialists in the areas that we are in. Sharing that knowledge and experience with others establishes each of us as not only well-informed however, also warm and generous -- and that's an ideal image for your online profile.

The Community will shape in the course of its expansion

The software was launched and the SaaS community in March 2022and is increasing quickly. We want it to be an ideal place for you to practically "hang out" this community is adaptable and is willing to hear your suggestions.

One member, for example has recently proposed that we include the option to select a specific sort of for a particular type of use.

The idea was turned into a vote asking users to choose which channels they'd prefer to see been added to Slack workspace:

example of poll to members in slack community

So whether you'd like to vote in a quiet way about community updates, or confidently suggest your own suggestions, we're open to suggestions!

If you're looking for particular forum channels, service provider suggestions, LinkedIn and social media connection possibilities, a podcast or Facebook Group online meetups or webinars, as well as other software and SaaS tools for development throughout the world and more, we'd love to be aware of it.

Vote Your Opinion

There are many other avenues for members to voice their views than in relation to the community. One of the questions that we received from members asked us to inform us of the kind of benchmarking information as well as metrics they'd prefer to have released.

The use of these metrics will help software and SaaS business owners to develop strategies for increasing their revenue.

We would like to provide relevant and valuable data to companies that are in the process of developing and growing successful software and SaaS businesses, we approached the group directly to find out regarding benchmarking data we may want to collect to the near future.

example of opinion question about benchmarking data

Some of the responses included retention rates within a certain market, MRR growth in the specific industry, and failed payments metrics (unintentional conversion rate conversion rate) as well as churn conversion and rates across diverse areas.

The poll is open to customers of all types, regardless of customer level.

Like we said earlier, knowing what is important the most to software and SaaS businesses is the primary aim of establishing the Global SaaS Leaders community to provide a forum in which you can discuss what you really need to take your company to higher levels.

Join the Community to learn More About (If you're interested)

The poll above was posted in the channel dedicated to the community, which is designed to facilitate discussions (as opposed to general business-related conversations) which are published to this channel but remain outside of general feeds.

We don't want our users -- particularly those who aren't customers -- to believe that we're constantly advertising . Like we've stated before, a software and SaaS community must be something which you can benefit from to succeed. We consider that salespeople who are too aggressive can create this a place which is one that you would not want to be.

If you're not an existing customer and you've been thinking about trying us out, then signing up to GSL can be a fantastic way to find out more about the company, through viewing the customer's interactions with our executives, taking a look at the types of comments and questions users have about GSL and more. The GSL-specific channel is accessible to everyone who is a member.

If you do not have an interest in ? It is possible to leave the platform that you are interested in and not read. There are numerous other ways to be part of the community, without having to go through content on an online platform there's not any need for.

Take part in The Global SaaS Leaders Community

We're very proud of our Global SaaS Leaders community already We're thrilled to provide an international networking and discussion space with options like live interview videos, introductions of our members, as well as various expert contributions.

In the future, we are focusing on building community. when our members grow and we expand our services, we will roll out more functions. We'd like to make the most of one-to-one connections, start by hosting a podcast, organize regular events in real time, and integrate social media as well.

If you do join now, you can determine what the club develops into.

To maintain a high quality of membership and to ensure that I personally review all application for new members There aren't any robots that allow in the spammers and bots. Thus, the submission of an application with your LinkedIn URL is crucial. We appreciate your patience as I look over your application and don't hesitate to email us if need help before you send your application!


Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Social Media and Community Manager and is the moderator of her role in the Global SaaS Leaders community. She has completed the MFA in creative non-fiction writing and has also served as an college instructor of writing.

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