What is a good landing Page Conversion Rate?

Jun 21, 2024

Websites can be really effective selling tools, generating leads all day long all the time, whether you're asleep in your vacation home or performing other tasks that aren't sales related. One of the most important factors to get high results from your website is to create strong product landing pages that are high in conversion rates. What counts as a good site's conversion rate? Read on for a short but thorough explanation of the elements that determine how prospective customers come to your website and the best way to get visitors to click the next action that leads them to become a lead or customer!

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The conversion rate formula

Before diving into the details of what constitutes a great landing page conversion rate you must know this formula to calculate this percentage.

  (Number of visitors or number of conversions)*100 = Conversion rate percentage (%)  

The amount of people who visit might be something similar to:

  • The number of times the page had was viewed
  • How many impressions an element of the webpage was exposed to
  • How many viewers saw the ad paid for

The exact "conversion" could be any thing you consider important to your company's growth, like:

  • The purchase of a brand new course
  • Template downloads
  • Form fills for more details
  • For requests for a private session with a coach

It's important to remember that conversion rates will always be described in terms of percentages. It is the goal to get this figure as high as it is possible!

In the next few segments, we'll discuss some ways to boost the conversion rate of landing pages.

Main factors affecting conversion rates

Knowing how you can measure and influence conversion rates will assist you in determining a good conversion rate is for your website. Test these aspects for better outcomes.

Traffic and referral sources

Website traffic measures how many visitors actually visit the landing page. It's important to look at data on unique users more than the overall traffic, since you could have had visitors visit your page several times over a certain time period. If you only look at the unique visitors, you'll be able to make a much more accurate calculation of your conversion ratio.

Sources are where you get website traffic from. Examples:

  • Platforms for social media which direct you to your landing page
  • Organic keywords derived from search engine optimization (SEO) initiatives
  • Other sites that have your site promoted or linked on the page


The use of a well-crafted call-to action (CTA) helps visitors convert through to the desired action once they've hit your website. CTAs are a way to get people to take action. CTA typically consists of a quick prompt to encourage people to follow through with the next action and is displayed as a button or link on your webpage's page of landing. A few examples of effective CTA's include:

  • Book a call
  • Share your story
  • Let us know more
  • Connect to the Internet
  • Discover what's next
  • Register an account

Follow the link below for more information about testing which CTA will perform best to your intended audience.

Website design

  • Colors, fonts and other stylistic decisions
  • Media like images, audio, or video
  • Copywriting that entices your audience
  • Page load speed (make it as fast as is possible! )
  • Secureness of the site
  • URL slug size as well as reliability (best to keep short slugs when you can)

What is the best way to determine your website conversion rate

If you want to keep your site builders and marketplaces or CRM apart from one another it will be necessary to rely on different tools and then determine the conversion rate by hand. Google Analytics is a go-to product for many marketers because it is a simple way to integrate to the majority of websites, and how precise the information is.

Examples of the ideal conversion rates for industry

According to Hubspot The benchmark conversion rate for each website is 10 percent. But, the majority of businesses achieve the average rate of 5.89 percentage on their landing pages.

Semrush is one such marketing tool that allows you to see the conversion rates of your competitors. It's a good practice to observe what your competitors are doing and the type of messaging they're employing as it will be the most accurate illustration of the best site's conversion rate in the niche you're in.

Industry/Niche Average Rate Median Rate
Real Estate 7.8% 2.4%
Software-as-a-Service 9.5% 3.0%
Family Support 9.0% 3.0%
Home Improvement 7.2% 3.8%
Legal 14.5% 5.4%
Health & Fitness 13.2% 5.6%
Finance & Insurance 15.8% 6.2%

6 Strategies to improve your online conversion rates

A/B testing

A/B testing is an important method to continually improve the page's landing. How it works is by picking a minor detail for example, the colour of the CTA button, headline, or even the place of the form fill area making variations of the landing page with the same element that has been modified. After that, test all the versions of the landing page over a period of 2-4 weeks and measure if one site had a higher conversion rate. At the end of the test period, go with the highest performing option.

If you are conducting A/B tests you must always only run one test at a time, to maintain a control page that isn't altered, and record your tests to ensure that you can continue learning.

Diversifying calls-to-action

As an example, alternative options for "creating the account" include:

  • Sign up here
  • Join us today
  • Click here to join
  • Login
  • Get started

Reducing website load speed

Google has a free tool called PageSpeed Insights to assist you in measuring your speed of loading pages and pinpoint areas that could be improved.

Cart abandonment emails

A variety of online shopping platforms and software will help you determine if shoppers have added an item into their shopping cart, but have failed to complete the transaction. It is a great low-hanging tree to target customers to convince customers to complete the transaction. A few strategies that could help could be:

  • Promoting a discount on orders
  • Reminding them about the value of your offering
  • The item they have in their carts is in low stock or has a limited edition status
  • Inputting information to reach you should they experience technical problems

In the event that your prospect didn't add their email into the cart as of yet it is possible to target them using website cookies.

Exit intent pop-ups

An effective method to boost conversion rates is to try to stay your visitors to your website. Exit intent pop-ups are a form of online advertisement that only appear at the point that visitors are about to leave the page. In these ads, you can include special offers in limited editions such as discounts, tours of your product as well as free versions of your content to download. If the lead does not end up converting into an actual customer then you could use their contact information for a follow-up nurture program.

Reducing the number of fields on forms

Having a webform in your landing pages is essential for collecting details about your contacts. However, asking your contact to provide too much information could discourage them from filling out the form (and thus you'll be losing out on this lead). Reduce the amount of fields to 11 from four can boost conversion rates by 120 percentage.

How to get more users to your site

We have mentioned before that the traffic you receive from your site affects your conversion rate. Even if you keep the conversion ratio constant, boosting your traffic on your website will allow you to earn higher results on your desired CTAs.

A few ways to increase the traffic to your site include:

  • Organic traffic is generated through SEO. Whitepapers, blogs and glossaries will aid visitors in finding your website using search engines like Google, Bing, and Safari.
  • Pay-per-click ads through search engines and social media and point the traffic from paid advertisements to your site. It is possible to apply conversion rate optimization to your paid advertisements also.
  • Share your content on social media in order to earn more organic traffic. Make sure to focus on platforms where your target audience goes for new details.
  • Make use of QR codes at live events to register sign-ups and create new accounts or book meetings for potential leads.

Other important metrics that you can use to determine the success of your website's landing page

Metric Description Goal
Bounce rate Determines the percentage of people who stay on your page after clicking into it. If they aren't staying for long enough to browse your page It's possible that the content doesn't line up with what they expected from the website's referral source, or that there's a loading problem on your page. Reduce this as much as possible.
Time on the page Determines the amount of time people stay on your website. If they aren't staying long, it's likely there's content that isn't appealing to them, or is loading slow. Make this as high as possible.
Referral source Determines the number of people who come from different sources like Facebook or other sites. Use this to determine which channel to put more money in for better site traffic.
Mobile vs. desktop Determines the proportion of users who access your website on a computer, smartphone, or a tablet. You also can see what kind of device or model people are using. Utilize this for optimizing your site's appearance and load speed, based on popular device types.


Making landing pages optimized for high conversion can result in an increase in return on investment. Being aware of what your competition is doing in terms of conversion rate and testing your own content for on-page use can help you earn an effective conversion rate that is useful and relevant to the industry you operate in. If you are growing your business, be sure to continuously review your website metrics, bring in new web traffic and perform A/B testing to find which one is most beneficial for your target audience.