What Educational Games Motivate Learners -

Jan 17, 2023

In the realm of learning using games, it is an excellent approach to assist students to grasp difficult concepts, and also inspire them to take on challenging subjects. In addition, by bringing a sense of accomplishment or competition students will feel compelled to achieve milestones in order to reap the reward.

Gamification is a widely used tool in education. Gamification, or using game elements in non-game contexts aids in engaging people who are engaged in routine activities. Since 2000 the trend towards gamification has been growing rapidly, and has become a major strategy.

Explore how learning games can promote motivation and how to add those features to the WordPress course.

The importance of games for education

Studies show that gamification helps improve intrinsic motivation. Involving learners in choices and challenges, you'll unlock the desire to feel a sense of achievement. Additionally, games will ignite the competitive spirit. It is the idea of winning, or being the "best" can motivate learners to participate.

A good game finds that sweet spot between boring and impossible.

Gamification Solutions


17 enabled achievement triggers are available on WordPress and can reward users of your site. Registration, login, clicking a post, and adding comments all can result in the creation of a badge. This is a great method to extend learning outside from the classroom and onto the other sections of your site to provide a more immersive learning experience.

Do you want to know how? Watch our webinar replay to view Achievements in action: Achievements & Gamification using and WordPress


GamiPress will give learners a range of awards, points or ranks as well as badges for their contributions. Points are awarded when engaging in lessons or the completion of tasks. Achievements can award users for fulfilling a prerequisite, such as making a post on a forum, or passing a quiz. Rankings allow learners to climb up to a higher level of status, for instance scoring high on games of learning or earning elite badges.

A few additional features comprise:

  • Modify how you make use of points, achievements, as well as ranks
  • To add or subtract points a user's pool without micro-managing
  • Features can be locked or hidden under certain criteria.
  • Add time limits for an element of urgency to finish a task before the next lesson

Simple but powerful, GamiPress comes with a variety of the best gamification features for engaging learners. It's easy to install too and is a simple process for installing the plugin.


myCred helps reward learners through points as well as badges. Individual badges are awarded to learners in accordance with the requirements and objectives of your course. Points can be awarded or deducted from groups to drive participants to finish their course.

myCred has an intuitive main menu and a simplified layout of the badge pages, as well as choices for sharing on social media of badges earned. It also has " treasure" options with appealing graphics of the various ranks as well as badges. The myCred plugin is available to integrate wherever you'd like to incorporate gamification to your courses. The free plugin includes assistance and one year of upgrades.

Encourage Learning through Gamification, and

The applications for gaming in the field of online learning are virtually infinite. The possibilities will expand as new tools are made available to a wider range of educators.

Are you ready to see how to incorporate educational games into your next lesson? Play around in our Demo and build a course using Achievements to see how this solution could work for you.