What did it mean when Amy Lang Made $113,000 Helping parents educate their children about the importance of sexual health
Amy Lang assumed that when she became a mother and had kids and children, she'd be able to tell her son what to tell her son about the children she had.
In her job as a teacher who was self-employed, she dealt with questions of parenting and sexuality for over seventeen years She often discussed sexuality throughout the day. The woman wasn't aware of the way uncomfortable and uncertain , the experience caused her to feel when conversations about sexuality that took place between her son who she was raising. "I found myself embarrassed by the fact that I was part of "the discussion" which my son was having with me , since I'm a professor of sexuality" she recalls.
Find ways to become an effective and reliable person that can meet the demands of her family and children and her entire family. Then she began to study. She leaned on her background in applied behavioral research. She started to research more about the ways children communicate about sexuality , as well as gender issues, which, in her opinion, crucial and yet often omitted. "We admit that children have a need for physical emotional, and social health, but this isn't an approach that's used regularly to discuss sexual health because of the stigma that comes to it being taboo" she adds. "We are lacking information regarding the health effects of sexual health and sexuality in addition to the formation of sexuality among children."

In the course of her research and studies she was able to incorporate more tools to her toolbox and was asked to aid parents and children with this issue, but this time, she was capable of offering online classes. In 2017, this was the year that she started the first online course online: Birds & Bees Solution Parent Center. Then, she started an individual program that was later named Preschoolers' Playmates, as well as Private Parts. "My conviction is that knowing the right information will empower youto be more effective," Lang says. Lang. "The more information that you are capable of accessing and accessing, the better you'll be likely to find yourself at a higher level to assist your kids ."
Nowadays, her online classes are the principal source of income for her. Since she began the course in 2017 it has earned more than $113,000 in revenue. What's the most rewarding thing about the course? The majority of her confidence lies in her email list along with the people's words of mouth that spread the word about the course. "I didn't have to consider the concept," she laughs.
"I'm making money as I clean dishes."
As her successes grew organically, she was aware of the steps she'd made. Here are some instances:
Skip ahead:
- She uses HTML0
- She's created an online database for storing email
- She utilizes social media to advertise but not to promote sales.
- She develops an instructor training course to members
- In addition, she made an extra course
- She develops content by tests as well as
- She decides on her readers' wants and needs.
She is using HTML0.
Lang has been running her company for over 10 years before she began her first online course. She is passionate about teaching in personand is an avid participant at several workshops and meetings and the online class was a natural development for her business.
In addition to the ability for parents to be contactable, and the people working with children Additionally, she wanted students to be able to take classes at their own homes. It's not easy to discuss sexuality with certain people. However, online classes offer the security they need in order to be able to understand.
The instructor chose to conduct her class with a different technology than some other platforms for online learning. "It was very user-friendly, intuitive to use, but affordable," she says.
It is a archive of email addresses.
Lang began online classes in the year Lang began her online courses, Lang had built up an extensive database of emails that hosts more than 17,000 students.
Her method to construct most of her lists was easy because every time she taught live, she would hand her students the QR code that would lead them the students to sign-up for her newsletter via email. Furthermore she moved her laptop around in the classroom in order for them to input their email addresses on their own. She used to check on people's email addresses at the beginning of class at a time when students were engaged and keen to know more.
The email list is growing as she host live events on her site. The navigation bar she uses on her website, is a button with a message that reads "free advice. After clicking the button, visitors are directed to a page where users can sign up with their email address in order that they will be sent a complimentary guideline: 7 methods to gain the maximum enjoyment from Conversations with Bees birds, bees and Beas. The offer will be delivered by email. This email will also guide people to the schools.
The mailing list she maintains is a massive list. She makes sure that she reminds those who create online courses online courses that this isn't something that occurred in the span of a few years. "I've been running this program since 1997" she says. "That's 1,000 people a year. This isn't something new. It could take the time needed to develop a winning strategy without the foundation of."
HTML0 Social media is an instrument she employs to advertise but she does not use it to boost sales.
Her YouTube channel with about 800 followers, as well as an Instagram account that has more than 4000 subscribers, she also has a Facebook page with 10,000 members in addition to an interview show. She says that her email list is the most effective at converting users. Her social media accounts to promote her classes, instead she is able to use the email list she manages. "It's much more secure when you receive an email. That's how it functions," explains Lang. "Social media is primarily designed to serve to promote marketing but not to sell . My private life ."
While Lang does not rely on social media in order to promote her course, she's found these channels helpful to promote the courses. To make it easier for her, she posts the same information on each social media platform. Her content is the same on all sites every week. Furthermore, her content is pre-planned prior to the time. Each piece is accompanied by an action point; Lang encourages readers to sign up to her email newsletter and to organize individual meetings with her. Lang refers to them as"Quickie Consults. "Quickie Talk." For more information, purchase her online classes or inquire her to teach live classes.
Although she isn't a part of any of the communities the kids of hers are allowed to join, she is able to create an atmosphere of belonging by using her social media accounts especially through a programme she names "Help Another Parent. Through this programme, Lang is able to ask parents questions and parents can then offer them useful and helpful tips. "I regularly participate in being a part of a group of other users, who provide valuable advice to parents that might have a few issues," she says.
Lang advises course designers to modify their material to the needs of social media to meet the needs of the customers. Also, taking into consideration what is the best way to promote your product with right thinking is vital.
"Believe that the information that you've imparted can help others."

Alongside social media as well as her email lists her followers have been growing organically through word of the mouth. Students who have taken sessions in person or in online classes have been recommending her to teachers at their school and to parents.
She develops a member-only course for members.
She's a key resource for parents of children that are between 5 and 12 years old, as well as professional professionals, that are mostly educators in early elementary schools.
The classes she offers are specifically designed for parents. Birds & Bees Solution Center for Parents is available via an online platform that lets members join at the price of $89 USD for an entire year. The cost details would be before she decided on the amount she'd like to spend; she wanted the system to be as straightforward to use as it can be. "I prefer not to consider the expense," she says. "I prefer to think of the answer as an unambiguous"yes ."
Lang is an abbreviation for "course" and is an idea of "library," which refers to various documents that include handouts, documents as well as videos, audio recordings, topic-specific webinars as well as other sources and regularly scheduled meetings, referred to as "Hump hour " of the day. These are sessions that form an aspect of class, which lasts for 10 minutes, and then the students are taught. "These sessions are among my favorites because they're live and I'm capable of communicating with my pupils" Lang says. Lang.
The program was created by the teacher taking an approach to learning at the library since majority of parents suffer from the similar issue. Instead of having to go through hours and hours of information to look through to solve that specific issue, libraries let students pick and select subjects they wish to study. "With libraries you don't have to worry about whether or not the content is appropriate for kids or is designed to be research-based in the way it's created," Lang says. Lang. "People often say to me "Thank me for helping you make your life more easy' .'"
The content of the program is created and revised to the program on a regular schedule. "I can help the parents of many without going in the direction of having to leave," she says. "It's only one advantage from being a platform that allows users to be members ."
She creates an extra course
As well as supporting parents, she also collaborates with professional experts, mostly early childhood educators, in order to help in the fight against sexual assault.
The next course, Preschoolers: The course Private Parties and Playmates is specifically designed for the pre-school class of youngsters. She will teach sexual behaviors to children that concentrate on the things that are common but aren't typical. She will also teach the signs of a child who may require help.
In addition, it provides firms the opportunity to work with her. "Some firms aren't financially equipped to pay for my expenses." The actress says.
When students are finished with their classes, she does not have any money. In 2023, the goal is to place in selling more than her "Quickie Consult" product as well as her publication Sex Talks with Tweens How To Say , and What to say and how To Say it.
She designs content using conducting tests and experimenting.
It took Lang time to grasp the procedure in making the content for her online course. the course was tested with several tests, and many failed. When Lang looks at the process of designing an online course it's obvious that the toughest element was coming up with the right length of the course along with the amount of handouts she'd provide (and the extent to which they could be helpful) and the type of material that would be appealing people she wanted to attract.
The writer thinks about his writing and wishes that you had conducted an audit over the beginning of her career in order to observe the things she was watching, and later made adjustments in response to the feedback. Although she's altered her writing in the past, she's certain that receiving feedback is an excellent way to enhance her writing skills.
The first video was made by her and could be watched for hours in the class. She realized, however, that they were way too long. They were then trimmed down and made easier to understand since her audience consist of parents with full schedules who do not have a lot of time. "I will try to simplify it and make it easy to understand," she says.
Her family does not assist her in the creation of material. Instead she is a person who stays up to date with her training, and let the worries of her parents aid in the development of fresh ideas. There are also colleagues whom are a part of her world who aid in developing concepts as well as provide advice.
HTML0 She determines her readers' requirements and wants.
If you're thinking of creating an online class, she recommends that you identify the reasons they'd like to develop the course. The course creators will then be able to determine what they'd like to accomplish with smaller amounts.
Lang insists it's crucial to identify the needs and demands of a particular category. People want and need. "What you think they'd like or prefer to have isn't the thing they really require or desire," she explains.
To better know the requirements and desires of prospective customers, Lang advises that creators request their clients to complete surveys and then use the outcomes as a basis for the development of the online course. "Be aware and watchful. Be aware that it's more than just the teacher. Your relationships with will be the ones who are most important to you." she adds.
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