Veronica Green is inspiring educators to bring more creativity and excitement into preschool environments. students are thriving

Mar 30, 2022

Discover how the creator Veronica Green is helping educators to incorporate more fun and play in the early childhood environment of their kids - as well as developing a successful business based on authenticity.

Imagine what it would be like if children of all ages could take charge of their own learning by exploring the world with imagination, enthusiasm and enjoyment?

After realizing that the traditional techniques of teaching weren't necessarily effective in early childhood education, educator Veronica Green set out to find out the answer to this. And what she discovered revolutionized the whole process of learning.

Presently Veronica works as an early childhood advisor, as well as the co-creator of Cultivating confidence , a business that aids educators to plan engaging activities, understand student behaviors and strengthen relationships through playing and creativity.

That's how Veronica used her own experiences and became an industry pioneer in the field, changing our way of teaching kids throughout the process.

"When I began to learn more about the loose play of parts, I was captivated again."

Before Veronica started her own creative journey her life was full of roles including early childhood teacher, as well as the mother of a son who is autistic.

The instructor was operating an accredited program for early childhood in her own home, and was learning how to handle her son's specific needs. Standard activities weren't cutting it, so Veronica conducted some study to find solutions that would work both for her pupils as well as her son.

It's led Veronica into "loose parts play" that is a fun-based, child-led educational method where young children make use of unique everyday objects and their imaginations to make sense about the environment around them. think about problems, discover the world, create the world, think differently and most importantly, have fun.

Veronica discovered new ways to teach children that place play and inquiry at the first priority top of the list.

Innovative ideas, persistence, and perseverance resulted in the positive result. Veronica was able to understand her son's communication style and also his behaviors while offering assistance to the children in her care.

"Going through this really formed who I am in my job as an educator, and also as a person" Veronica explains. "It enabled me to look at the world differently with new perspectives."

"My child is my most important educator, who has helped me look at the world in a new perspective, and to stand against the grain...and enjoy a lot of fun in the process," Veronica says on her blog . "My son has taught me all the lessons I've learnt."

They appreciated her transparency as well as her capacity to provide an enjoyable, welcoming classroom. She pushed the boundaries when she was an educator and students thrived. Students were eager to learn more.

"When I started to study more about the loose component play, I found my artistic side once more. .... It brought out my artistic side while I was at the course of my ECE job. I uploaded photos along with the "whys" of what we posted on social media. others ECEs participated and had questions."

Veronica knew that the educational strategies she was researching can help early childhood educators reach numerous children. She imagined one day sharing her experiences on the world stage in a huge way.

"I taped my first race on my cell phone at Starbucks at the end of my 10 hours of working and am still in the race."

One of Veronica's first offerings was an online class on sensory issues. She teaches data from research as well as her personal experiences with working with her son.

"I made my first course on my smartphone at Starbucks at the close of 10 hours work, and I'm still keeping the course running. The format is the same. The format is the same. People have also had the opportunity to receive an diagnosis as well as the assistance they'll need following the diagnosis. This is an amazing thing, and I'm very grateful to be participant in the way that this has occurred."

The authenticity of Veronica's course made it distinctive from others on the market. In describing the struggles and victories she experienced, Veronica helped other families as well as teachers to feel comfortable and empowered.

She discusses how young children's teachers often think that they must stay "on" all the time and they aren't capable of expressing emotions. The program also includes a personal aspect by discussing the real issues as well as how her family has overcome these obstacles.

"A majority of that was sharing our journey. I'm willing to share that story, both good and bad, as well as certain less than stellar experiences because that's where we learned from," Veronica explains.

Alongside her popular course for training, Veronica also offers live seminars which she packages and offers as replays on the demand.

They discuss topics like using loose play for creating spaces of curiosity which teachers can utilize for their professional development .

"I am a fan of being in the presence and teaching, because I'm in the present moment. If I record, I feel like I'm involved in my thoughts, and then I lose the words I'm saying. .... If I'm using Zoom in a class I'm relaxed. I've got notes. The content is all ready. Therefore, I believe that the information is better crafted this way."

In the next section, we'll look at the techniques Veronica employs to manage her business behind the scenes.

"[...] provided me with the chance to focus on my business instead of my personal problems."

Creators need a safe place to handle the nuts and bolts involved in operating the business. lets Veronica cut down on her work equipment to stay organized and worry less on technical difficulties.

"I did not want to take any longer time to figure out how to market something. [With ], I can just go in and make an object." Veronica says.

Educators can purchase Veronica's products directly on her website and without switching to other apps. After they login to their account to access the products and then access the website, they will see a user interface based on Veronica's branding to create a cohesive professional design.

"Customer experience is crucial. I wanted things to be simpleto use]. Early childhood educators are fatigued. Most of the time, ECEs have to do personal development in their own schedules. In the majority of cases the work is unpaid. So it's really important that they have a simple time," Veronica emphasizes.

"It helped me solve a number of the big problems that I faced in terms of technology and gave me time to focus on my work instead of focusing on solving problems for my business. And that's crucial. I didn't realize how much time I spent troubleshooting until I could move all of it over."

In this article, we'll look at how Veronica can achieve great success in her venture and her tips to aspiring artists.

"For the initial three years in my company I was focused solely on the creation of content. Then I'm not required to make anymore. It's time to improve it."

When it comes to the making of content Veronica knows that creating more isn't always more effective. The creator is reminded that you do not have to stay on the same wheel in which you are constantly creating fresh content.

For Veronica she is less concerned about the amount, but is more focused on the quality.

blog posts

"I'm obsessed with recycling material. Always. Every single video I've created ..., has been produced to the highest standard."

Repurposing content refers to the procedure of deciding on a specific piece of work and transform the work into various different mediums and channels.

"I'm addicted to recycling the contents. Always. Every video I've ever created ..., was used to the max," she explains.

"I am currently creating a YouTube clip and it originated from an essay on a blog I wrote extremely effectively. .... The next step is to include the video on the blog. After that, I'll post it via my social media platforms regarding it. I collect clips or quotes, and then post images and create carousels. .... Following that I send my contacts on it."

Veronica insists that content creators shouldn't be pressured into creating fresh content, when they are able to often reuse the material they already have in innovative ways. When you reformat existing content it is possible to work more efficiently and not work harder.

"I know that everybody in the digital world says that you've created weekly fresh content. For me, as a creator I find it exhausting being doing it. If I'm inspired to create something, it's going be fantastic. But, if I'mn't feeling inspired, it's not going to be good. If I only get one post or video up a month later and I'm happy with that, then I'm good with it."

However, there's one aspect Veronica does every week, no matter if it's raining or shines and that's to send an email to her database of email addresses.

"I've consistently sent out emails every single week because I finally made it a priority above all else, and that's hugely beneficial."

In the process of launching her classes, she was amazed at the way other entrepreneurs attracted new clients.

Since then, word of mouth and social media are major growth factors for Veronica's list. This website offers various lead magnets for no cost designed for her ideal audience.

As people be a part of your mailing list in order to get leads, everyone benefits. The creators attract subscribers based on their specializations. Likewise, individuals are able to learn about new subjects.

Since the start of few years, Veronica has made it an effort to send emails to her subscribers every week. The PDF newsletter was discarded. newsletter and now simply writes out of her heart.

"Now I use my email account on a daily basis to create a new outlet for my creativity. My Mondays are when I write to start my week with my Sunday emails for the next week. It is when I contemplate what I'd like to create before I create my thoughts from within me. That's how I try to be a part of my process and to improve my writing skills. It feels more genuine. It's me."

The importance of authenticity is at the core of her work. Her emails each week do not differ from the norm.

"Carve your space so that you have the space to do your job."

One of the most important tips Veronica provides to become successful? Practice the craft you are attempting to master.

Don't get so involved with the management of your business which you can't recall the reason you began. Enjoy what you're doing and to improve your knowledge.

"Carve out that space for you to focus on your work regardless of what it might be," Veronica advises. "When you begin running your own business there is a chance that you do not practice the work you've been doing for yourself very often. You spend most of your time managing your business rather than doing the work."

Last but not least, Veronica stresses the importance of ensuring it is to take your own route . Don't let others' opinion distract you of the end goal you're trying to reach.

"Listen to what others are talking about and sharing the details, but try not to take it as an eminent tidbit," she explains. "You aren't aware of what's going on in the background. There's no way to know if they have a staff of. You don't know how much money they have to allocate for marketing. You can't know all of this. The only thing they're sharing is some of the details however it's not possible to know all the details."

"That is a comparison " could cause you to slow down and hinder your progress. Take note of it. Ask yourself, what can I use this information to me? Be careful not to try to replicate the same method, just because it worked for them."

It is a rerun of Veronica's advice about content creation and choosing a process which best suits your requirements.

The digital marketing industry advised her to create every week new content, Veronica attempted it, but she decided this was not the right choice for her business. The author didn't earn an ounce of money since she was busy writing pieces.

In the present, Veronica has honed her technique of operation. She produces fewer pieces of content each month, however, she does not sacrifice the quality. Her entire work has a focus on growing revenues, increasing her reach, and getting her content into the hands of elite early childhood teachers.

"It was a long time to get rid of the counsel of others telling me what to do. My voice was lost because of that," she recalls.

"You must determine how you can create a life that works for you. Every person has their own unique circumstances. Each person's path is different. It's possible to get there. You have to believe in your abilities. In fact, you must. It's going to be a mysterious mystery. It's sure to be a huge irritation. It's about to be shut it down, but you just have to be convinced."

Presently, Veronica is making a huge impact in early childhood education by combining her expertise in the field with honest personal experience.

Her company has grown in her own way and is focused on quality and not the amount of information. Her work has been repurposed, nurturing her email list, and carving out the space for her to link to her passions.

Veronica has helped many teachers better serve their students too, and we're sure she's just starting. We're eager to see the direction her drive and enthusiasm will take her in the future.

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