
Jul 12, 2024

In order to effectively display your products on the internet, you'll require product pages that are visually attractive and simple to navigate. The default template offers all the basics, however you might be looking for additional features to accommodate the unique needs of your store online and complement your personal style.

Utilizing built-in tools for customization, such as the block editor or site Editor, WordPress enables you to create significant modifications to your product pages without extensive technical knowledge. Plus, you can get specific design features and added functionality with different extensions. Or, if you're a more skilled WordPress users, then you can alter your pages' content using customized code.

In this post we'll take a look at the default product page and talk about why it's possible to modify the page. We'll then show three different ways you can begin to customize templates for your product pages.

What is a product page?

If you add it to your WordPress website it instantly generates a Shop page where you'll be able to list your products. When a user clicks the item you have listed, they'll be taken to the product's page. The format of this page will be largely based on your theme, but it'll contain vital information regarding the product.

Edit or add the information you want to edit by going to your Product tab in the top menu on your WordPress dashboard, finding your product, then clicking Edit Products. Alternatively, you can choose the Add New button to create a new product.

product page in the Woo dashboard
adding a simple product

On this page, you are able to select an appropriate category for your product as well as add tags. This lets customers navigate your product catalog more easily.

When you're finished configuring a product, hit the update button. Here's what a default product webpage might look like from the front-end:

product listing for a WordPress pennant

It is evident that this page for products comes with the essentials for selling your products on the internet. Be aware that the design you see on the front of your website is the same for all items.

Why you should customize the product's page

Why should you customize the product page if it works just fine?

Perhaps you don't have to in the first place.

If you prefer a minimalist layout and are only looking for essential features to sell your products, you might not have to make any adjustments. Nothing says you have tocustomize product pages and the basic options have served fine for thousands of successful proprietors of stores.

The template for the default page isn't always the best. In particular, it doesn't offer an choice to incorporate other kinds of media such as videos or variations swatches.

It's a simple approach that could be useful in some shops. However, others may require additional options to increase sales.

This is why it is recommended to customize your product page if you'd like to:

  • Offer more information on your product. When you give customers all of the relevant information it may be more straightforward for them to make an informed purchase (and make a purchase). Add a product FAQ section, variations of swatches, 360-degree images, videos, etc.

Three ways to customize the pages of products

Let's take a take a look at three ways you can customize your product web page!

1. Utilizing the Site Editor

The great thing about WordPress is that its built-in functions are extremely user-friendly. Because of Site Editor Site Editor, you don't need to learn how to code in order to create beautiful custom product pages .

The Site Editor operates similarly as that of the blocks editor. While the former is used for pages and blog posts it is a Site Editor that allows users to modify all elements, such as your header, footer, and the product page template.

It is important to note that you are able to use the Site Editor with a block theme. If you're still using a standard theme you'll have to reference step three of this article.

Also, the content for every page on your product can only be modified by clicking on the Products tab and open the product in the back-end editor (as shown earlier). What we're going to modify is the components as well as the design of the product page.

To begin for a start, head to "Appearance" - Editor and click on the Templates tab..

Appearance --> Editor --> Templates screen

Scroll down until you reach the section and then select the Single Product template.

selecting the single product template

Click upon the icon for pencil in order to launch the template editor.

editing the single product template

In the beginning, you'll notice that the template has been colored gray.

default single product template

Simply click on the template then you'll get a prompt to turn this template in blocks. Press the Transform into Blocks button to begin.

classic template placeholder

You can now modify your page's content using blocks.

editing the product page with blocks

In case you're not familiar with WordPress blocks, or The Site Editor here's a few useful ways to tweak the look of the page's layout:

Modify the layout of your page

To change the layout to change the layout, select a bigger block, then select the parent block.

selecting columns on the product page

Your horizontal menus should include arrows allowing users to shift that portion of the page left or right.

option to move a block left or right

You're also able to move blocks or groups of blocks both up and down.

moving description block up

If you'd like to add a block, simply hover over the place in which you'd like to place it, and click on the plus icon.

adding a block to the product page

If you'd like to change the layout of your website, then adding blocks to columns or groups makes sense.

You can also change the template layout by selecting it, and then navigating to the block's settings.

setting layout options for the product page

In Layout You'll be able to select the option to change the justification and position of the layout. It can also be transformed into a "sticky" element - that means it doesn't go away whenever users scroll down the page.

When you're happy with your modifications, hit the save button at the at the top of your screen.

Colors can be changed and typography changes.

To modify colors in The Site Editor select the component you want to edit and open your block's settings to the left.

block settings screen

The components you are able to alter will depend on the block, but generally, you are able to alter the text, background, and link colors.

As a default, you are able to select from the theme's default color scheme.

options for block text, background, and links

If you click on the section that reads "No color" and you'll see a color picker.

color picker for blocks

Here, you can drag your mouse over to choose the colour. The Site Editor will inform you if you've selected a bad color contrast.

adding a custom color to a block

Additionally, you can input HEX, HSL, or RGB color codes. This is ideal as it lets you ensure that the colors of your business are in line with.

Within the Typography section, click on the Typography tab. You are able to alter the font size to medium, small and large.

To access more font settings Click on the three dots that are next to Typography.

font size options dropdown

There are many options in this section. Just click to select these and then save them in your typography menu.

choosing more typography options

You are able to remove these settings if you decide you don't need them.

Make new blocks

Do you want to include additional elements to the website's product pages? The Site Editor makes it possible.

If, for instance, you're conducting a sale across the entire site You could include an advertising block at the at the top of your design.

adding a banner block
adding a search bar to the product page

It's an excellent idea to be familiar with available WordPress blocks as well as blocks, so that you know what alternatives you can choose from.

Create multiple types of product pages

As you've learned that there are a variety of ways to customize the product page template in the Editor for Sites. Any changes you make are reflected across the pages of your products.

But in certain cases there are times when you may need a template that's only used for a specific product type or category. For instance, you might require a unique product page for an item you're launching. You might also want to develop a sale page for a certain product category around the holidays.

To make multiple templates to serve various purposes, visit the Appearance Editor and click on Templates. Click on the plus sign to add the template you want to create and select the single item, Product.

template options

This lets you create an entirely new template for your product's page however, only for one product. Select the item you wish to use from the drop-down menu and launch the Site Editor.

assigning products to a template

By default, you'll be prompted to use a pre-existing pattern. First, you'll want to choose your general product page template.

choosing a pattern

Using a pre-existing pattern can help fast-track the design process. You can also bypass this process if you prefer to start from scratch.

If you go back to the templates screen and hit the plus icon once more to create a new template, you'll be presented with the option of selecting Categories (product_cat).

adding a new template

This template can be used specifically designed for one specific area, like clothes, accessories or decor.

Simply choose your category and begin building your template. The steps are identical to those for the single item: product option.

2. Utilizing extensions

As you've seen, when you're using a block theme Site Editor lets the user to alter your template for your page in various ways, without touching one line of code.

However, it does not give users the possibility of expanding the capabilities of your page. Fortunately, there are plenty of extensions available to accomplish this, regardless of whether you're not a professional with any technical expertise.

In this article we'll take a look at some tools to help you change your website's appearance to include the latest options. To simplify things, we've organized these extensions into three use scenarios: to create advanced products, enhancing product pages to increase the sales.

Develop products that are innovative

If your store's online offering customized products or more advanced versions, then you may need an extension that will facilitate the sale of these items. In this article, we'll look at a few top-notch options.

Advanced Product Variation
advanced product variation extension

enables you to create variables in your products However, the configurations are somewhat restricted.

Additionally, the extension allows you to personalize your galleries and create tables to clearly highlight the various options.

Product Designer for
product designer for

Your customers will be able to add images, clip art as well as templates and shapes for your designs. And they'll even be able to add these items to their carts right on the design page. Additionally, it creates print-ready images, which can help facilitate the manufacturing of personalized goods.

Composite Products
composite products with extras

A shop that sells skates might allow patrons to design their own skate with just four steps. They can then customize each step to meet their personal preferences. Advanced sorting, filtering, and conditional logic make it easy for shoppers to discover what they're searching for.

The greatest benefit of Composite Products is that it comes with built-in support for product bundles. When customers make their own item, they'll be able to choose from a variety of products in your catalog.

Price by Formula Calculator for
Product Price by Custom Formula extension

Some custom products require more materials, such as additional fabric or wood. With the wrong equipment, creating a site for these items could be logistically challenging.

The most common method of selling such a product would be to reach out to customers with a quote. This can significantly reduce the speed of sales. Actually, one of the most common reasons why shoppers abandon carts is the inability to determine the cost total of their purchase upfront.

Wholesale For
Wholesale for  extension

You are able to manage and create different wholesale user roles as well as create pricing based on role. The software also includes the ability to drag and drop registration forms, so you can create a wholesale application.

Optimize product pages

These extensions can help improve your product pages.

360o Image for
mixer product

While comprehensive product specifications as well as static images and even videos could be helpful, offering a 360o image will help bring your product to life.

It also comes with navigation controls and offers full screen mode, so your customers can get a good look at your product.

One Page Checkout
landing page that says "enable seamless purchases"

Like the name suggests, this extension lets you design a unique product page which guides customers directly to make purchases. You can also add items to their cart and pay without waiting for a new site to load.

This program is perfect for sites with fewer products or targeted landing pages associated with advertising campaigns.

Tab Manager
Tab manager extension

If you offer your clients too much information, you can overwhelm them. This is why you may want to utilize product tabs for presenting information about the product in a more organized way.

To increase sales of products

Here are a few techniques that can help you improve your sales through both traditional as well as more subtle marketing methods.

Sale Flash Pro
Sale Flash Pro extension

Around 40% of internet customers say that their user experience would be better if the retailers had wishlists. If that's a high percentage all online stores ought to have included this feature as a top priority on their checklist.

Product Recommendations
recommended products featuring shoes

It could even create automatic recommendations based on the shoppers' recently viewed history. These reports will assist you in identifying your most effective recommendation strategies.

Product Add-Ons
product add-on options
Bundles of Product
product bundles with instruments

This tool enables you to combine simple and flexible products. It also lets you recommend additional items and offer bulk quantity discounts. You can also customize the appearance of your bundles and bundled products.

3. Using custom code

Additionally, you can edit your website's product pages using custom code. This is especially useful for those who are using a standard theme, and don't get access to the Editor for Sites.

Note that tinkering directly with the theme files of your site is a delicate process. If you're not equipped technical expertise, you could cause damage to your website and causing slowdowns.

Then, once you're ready to make your changes live Make sure you utilize the WordPress child theme. So, the customizations won't be lost with any updates to the parent theme.

Now, here are some methods to modify your page's content by using a custom codes.

Utilizing CSS that is custom

If you want to customize the look of your website using code, CSS is your best option. CSS lets you alter things like colors, fonts as well as links.

There are a few methods to accomplish this. Let's take a look at them.

The Site Editor

To include CSS on your product page using the Site Editor, click Appearance - Editor - Styles - Additional CSS.

adding CSS to the Site Editor

The code can be placed in the Additional CSS box.

In the case of example, if you'd like to change the color of a product description, you can do so by using the code that reads like:

h2.-loop-product__title, . div.product .product_title      color: #ffffff;     letter-spacing: 1px;     margin-bottom: 10px !important; 

You'd simply replace "ffffff" with the color you prefer. color code.

If you'd like to change the font size it is possible to do so using this CSS code:

. div.product .product_title  font-size: 25px; 

Just make sure to Publish your modifications.

It's true that these are just a few basic examples, however there are many possibilities. If you're looking to learn more, you can look up the WordPress documentation about CSS.

Within the Customizer

If your theme doesn't support full site editing, you'll need to include your CSS code into the Customizer. To do this visit Appearance - Customize Add Additional CSS.

Advanced product variation extension

CSS works in the same method here as it works when you use the Site Editor.

In the child theme's style.css file

The last location where you are able to include CSS to WordPress is in your theme's style.css file. You'll need to coordinate with the child theme in order in order to ensure that any changes won't be lost during update.

Click on Appearance > Theme File Editor.

editing CSS in theme files

By default, your style.css file should be chosen. If it's not, choose it from the left edge of the screen under the Theme Files menu.

You can then add any CSS to the very bottom on the page. It's just a matter of updating the CSS after you're done.

Using PHP

CSS is great at changing the design of WordPress, but it can't aid in enhancing the functionality of your pages for selling products.

If you want to do this manually using codes, you'll have to utilize PHP. It is possible to add PHP codes to the child theme's functions.php file or using a plugin like Code Snippets.

code snippets plugin

Here are a few options you might want to try if you're an experienced WordPress designer or user:

hooks (actions and filters)

Below is an illustration of useful procedure:

/**  * Allow shortcodes in product excerpts  */ if (!function_exists('_template_single_excerpt'))     function _template_single_excerpt( $post )        global $post;        if ($post->post_excerpt) echo '' . do_shortcode(wpautop(wptexturize($post->post_excerpt))) . '';     
/**  * Display product attribute archive links   */ add_action( '_product_meta_end', 'wc_show_attribute_links' ); // if you'd like to show it on archive page, replace "_product_meta_end" with "_shop_loop_item_title" function wc_show_attribute_links()  global $post; $attribute_names = array( '', '' ); // Add attribute names here and remember to add the pa_ prefix to the attribute name foreach ( $attribute_names as $attribute_name )  $taxonomy = get_taxonomy( $attribute_name ); if ( $taxonomy && ! is_wp_error( $taxonomy ) )  $terms = $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID and $attribute_name ) $terms_array = array(); If ( ! empty( $terms ) ) is_wp_error( $terms ) foreach ( $terms as $term ) the$archive_link = get_term_link( $term->slug attribute_name, $term->slug );$full_line = ''. $term->name . '';       array_push( $terms_array, $full_line );                  echo $taxonomy->labels->name . ': ' . implode( ', ' . $terms_array );                     
/**  * Reorder product data tabs  */ add_filter( '_product_tabs', 'woo_reorder_tabs', 98 ); function woo_reorder_tabs( $tabs )  $tabs['reviews']['priority'] = 5; // Reviews first $tabs['description']['priority'] = 10; // Description second $tabs['additional_information']['priority'] = 15; // Additional information third return $tabs; 

Also, you can create a customized tab

/**  * Add a custom product data tab  */ add_filter( '_product_tabs', 'woo_new_product_tab' ); function woo_new_product_tab( $tabs )  // Adds the new tab $tabs['test_tab'] = array( 'title' => __( 'New Product Tab', '' ), 'priority' => 50, 'callback' => 'woo_new_product_tab_content' ); return $tabs;  function woo_new_product_tab_content()  // The new tab content echo 'New Product Tab'; echo 'Here\'s your new product tab.'; 

For more information on using these features, take a look at this comprehensive list of hooks.

A template for global pages

If you're using PHP code for , another alternative is to create a global custom product page template from the ground up. Keep in mind this isn't applicable to block themes.

To begin, you'll need to name your new file template-custom-product.php and write an opening PHP comment at the top, stating the template's name:

In this situation, you might want to substitute "Example Template" with "Global Personalized Products Page Template" or something like that.

The template is modeled following the default page for products. Then, you can modify it as you wish using web hooks.

Get more sales through a custom product page

The design of your page for products can help you effectively showcase your products. Additionally, it allows you to give customers more options and create a unique user experience that is engaging for your customers. Like we've already seen, there are a myriad of ways to alter the page.

If you are using blocks in your theme, you can utilize the Site Editor tool to change the look of your global template. To enhance the functionality of your site and functionality, install an extension. If you're a seasoned WordPress users, then you could decide to make use of CSS or PHP, but this can be a risky process.