The top three issues that creators will face in 2022 (Results from 900+ questionnaires for creators) |

May 19, 2022

The journeys of creators don't look the same. To find out more about the challenges of having to run a creator business in 2022, we carried out surveys of more than 800 creators. This is what we learned.

"Creators have made their first 'online dollar' with the help by millions of individuals, and they're joining one of the fastest-growing ecosystems on the planet that is the economy of creation."

An estimated 50 million people believe they are creators. It's easier now than ever on becoming an unstoppable creator. The word "digital creator" is searched by search engines 2.5K times every month. The phrase "how do I become content creator" is the focus of 1.3K search results.

The term "creator" refers to anyone who is able to create something. Indeed, YouTubers, influencers, bloggers, and podcasters are all creators just like musicians who make musicians, educators, worldbuilders, writers, and all the rest.

This broad range of creative work implies that there are no two creative journeys will be the same.

What kinds of products can creators create and market? What are the most challenging issues? Who do they go to for advice? What channels have the most success?

To learn more about what it's like to run an enterprise that is based on creativity in 2022, we conducted a survey of 900+ creators about their businesses. They were asked about the challenges they face and their advice sources as well as creative outlets, as well as the content they produce.

The results:

All levels of experience aside the biggest hurdle for creators is getting an audience (32.9 percent) as the next stage is finding time to do all things (21.6%) and also understanding how to earn income (14.4%).

For assistance on how to solve issues, they mostly get help from one another. YouTube (22.6 per cent) as well as private mastermind group (22.5 percent) are one of the top sites that creators turn to get help.

Content creators make use of social media platforms to interact with their followers and fans. followers. This is the reason for Instagram is the most liked channel (29.1%) However, this means they have to depend on algorithms to bring their content to the right people.

Keep reading for an in-depth review of the facts.

What will be the biggest creators' challenges in 2022?

We asked "What's your most challenging or difficulty in your current role as a creator?"

32.9% Growing an audience

21.6 Percent Finding time accomplish everything

14.4 Percent. Know How to earn money

8.86 Percent of creation

3.35 percent of users are engaged in social media

2.27 Percent Keeping up with changes and trends

Over all experience levels and kinds, creators have consistently mentioned the same top three challenges that they face in attracting more viewers and finding time to do everything, and knowing how to make money from their works.

Challenge #1: Growing an audience

and Search Engine Marketing.

7.68 percent would use the money to construct or enhance their site by employing

5.66% would hire a graphic designer, while 4.16 percent would pour their money into the development of

Making sure your brand and contents are displayed in front of the correct users could take lots of time, and can be costly, especially if you're new to operating an online company.

"While you're still working to create your collection of email addresses, it's still not enough to send emails to individuals," Jessica explained. "I need to be present and very noticeable via social networks."

As Jessica is becoming more active and established on social media platforms, she's been successfully identifying the top platforms and produce material that aligns with her brand and tells her stories. "If you're trying to build some kind of audience for your brand, then they must be able and willing to visit your site frequently," she shared.

It's crucial to stay constant. It's important, but it doesn't mean that posts must be standard. "You can do your post with images, use Instagram to do Reels and have fun, you can play Reels as well as be professional ... Any way to broaden the way people can find your content."

Social media could be an efficient way of reaching more people, but this is also a requirement for creators depend on algorithmic algorithms used by platforms to allow their posts to appear in the feeds of users. This article will discuss the ways creators want to -as well as ways they may change their algorithms to improve their algorithms in the near future.

Email is another one among the most efficient and effective marketing tools that creators can use. When you send out emails regularly the newsletters you send keep the contact between you and your customers.

If you're an author who would like to expand your list of email subscribers and create your own newsletter, you should take a look at these resources:

Problem 2: Finding timing to complete everything

When we asked the public on their plans to spend $2,022 for helping others, investing in external assistance was the most popular alternative.

We also found out we found that 5.2 percent of creators make use of the funds to cover personal expenses such as rental, electricity, and other expenses, as well as for the earnings of their own business, allowing their focus to remain on the business aspect.

3.42 percent of creators invest the funds in expenses for time management, such as childcare, assistance for the household as well as time off from work full time, or working fewer hours on work-related jobs.

Choosing the right software and tools can aid creators to make the most out from their time.

If you'd like to know how you can be able to create your own profitable creation business, get started for free or join our weekly webinar.

Problem #3: Understanding how to monetize

14.4% of creators say that figuring out how to earn income from their efforts is one of the greatest challenges they're facing. Your content is valuable and you've gained an enthusiastic audienceNow what do you do to convert this into cash?

We've seen thousands of artists make their first dollars online through selling digital items, including electronic downloads and online classes, webinars, and memberships. Digital goods allow creators to earn income without having to rely on advertisers or sponsors.

Take, for instance, entrepreneur, web developer and also the creative director John D. Saunders to give an illustration. When he first announced his online course on , John made $10,000 during the his launch day, and $100,000 in total on his website.

Once you've created your online course The majority task is finished and completed, allowing you to make an ongoing stream of revenue. "While you're in bed, I'm making money. If I'm in playing in the parks with my kids I'm earning sales," John explained.

Learn more about ways to monetize creators in these articles:

With the many options for the monetization options available Many creators turn to one another for ideas and inspiration, as well as assistance in their own process. We'll get to the main takeaways from our research: the places creators look for suggestions.

Where do creators go for advice?

We asked "What's the top place you consult for help to tackle the biggest problem you face?"

22.6 percent on YouTube

22.5 Percent An individual mastermind group

15.4% Google

8.86% Facebook group

7.89 percent of podcasts

5.95 percent of non-Facebook population

4.11 41% Blogs

1.41 percent of the forums are public (ex: Reddit)

Although no two journeys of creators are the same We do know that creators across specialties, products types and experiences level face the same issues.

It is logical, therefore to find solution and suggestions for those issues by asking each the other.

Creators can learn from other creators. Between YouTube videos, mastermind groups, Facebook group forums, communities podcasts, blogs, and forums, 73.3% of creators were surveyed for the purpose of looking up other creators for advice.

Google is the sole advice source that's not included in this category, however, you can rest assured that creators produced a big part of the information found in search results as well.

An incredible 70% of Internet users take part in some form of virtual community. 66% of them claim to join virtual communities in order to interact with other people with similar interests.

Artists, these communities can be a valuable tool. Creatives can be connected in order to learn and develop. We've seen professional artists who have succeeded share their expertise and expertise to assist the new generation of creators.

How do other creators operate their companies? What products do they offer? Which is the source where most of their revenues comes from? What is their strategy to increase their followers?

We are aware that creatives ask many questions, and frequently seek out one another for answers or ideas.

The Creator Community was established by us in order to: Creator Community in order to:

Create a platform for creators and entrepreneurs to have the opportunity to meet and communicate with one another

Help make the journey of creation more pleasurable and less lonely

Make creators feel part of an open community only to them

Create content exclusive to share with community members. It could be tutorials, interviews with creators, and challenges for the community.

Within the first 2 weeks following the opening of our community to creators of all kinds We saw more than 1600 people and hundreds of post with answers to queries, questions and tips.

Experienced creators like Emily Mills contributed to articles that were helpful, such as the following:

Emily's hacks were a great instance of how participants can learn from each other's expertise which is one of the major benefits of being part of an online community for creators.

What kind of content is created by the creators? What are the places where they can share this information?

We were asked "What is your primary type of content that you develop?"

33.6% courses

13.8% of coaching

13.4 percent of social media

16.54 percent video (9.19 percent for short-form and 7.35 percent for long-form)

6.38% blog posts

4.76 per cent of downloaded

4.43% email newsletters

2.81 percent of webinars

A majority of the respondents to the survey made online courses as their main type of content. Following the course videos, video coaching, as well as social media, were among the top forms of media.

Below are some useful tools for creators who want to design and market an online course

It was also discovered that the creators' average of 10.95 products.

And then we asked "What's the most important channel that you use for your company?"

29.1 percent Instagram


17.4 per cent on Facebook

8.97 Percent YouTube

5.41% Blog

5.08% Zoom

2.49 percent TikTok

0.865 0.65  1 % Shopify

0.541% Etsy

Creators are using social media to engage with their fans and followers. Instagram as the most popular social media channel (29.1 percent) closely to Facebook (17.4 percent) as well as YouTube (8.97 percent).

Like we said earlier, social media can be an ideal way for artists to reach a wider audience as well as establish themselves within their communities and niches. There's just one drawback of using social networks: their algorithm.

Social media platforms employ algorithms to identify the information that is displayed on feeds for users.

Creators are in the hands of the algorithms . Content that you have created may show up on your followers feeds but may not. These algorithms are subject to changing without warning and the social media businesses aren't being transparent with regards to how they operate.

In particular, changes on the Facebook algorithm over the past few years have caused an decline on organic traffic which means that fewer users can see the posts of creators on their newsfeeds.

Here are other reasons why creators do not use Facebook:

"I consider that FB can be distracting, and that users either don't see my content or won't stick around."

"FB groups are not trustworthy and unreliable, and users are fleeing from FB in the present as it's difficult to get the kind of engagement you'd like to have on the platform."

"I do not like the idea of directing my family and friends to Facebook or other similar technology companies who collect information that they use to lure users to distract us."

"I must pay for an all-time VA for members to be admitted to the club, accept the members as such and then moderate their participation. We utilize Google Sheets and separate Facebook Messenger software that costs $30 per month and we're also a slave to Facebook's algorithm as well as interruptions. The whole thing is in chaos."

People tend to form communities using social media sites because of the absence of an alternative. Facebook Groups allow users to sign in, however it's also where the value ends.

In contrast this one-stop platform for creators like allows you to control the information you share with your clients and the way you communicate with your customers.

The community members are able to:

Buy your products

You can access your contents

Talk about and post with others.

...all all in one place.

As they're already authorized to buy your goods or consume your content, you don't need to sign them into an additional platform or join Facebook. This will be a much more pleasant experience for you and the members of your group.

In the end it's clear that social media is an effective tool to market creatives, but it must be used as a piece of an overall plan and toolkit. The most successful creatives have control over how and to who they share their work.

Did you take the time to take the time to

For the opportunity to apply to the fellowship, candidates must be active creators and part in the Creator Community. The applicants filled out an application where they described what they were planning to do with the money they won and provide information on their business and products, as well as their issues and goals.

Most of the information contained included in this report originates from questions where the creators were asked to select among a variety of answers. In the case of "If you were awarded the $2,022 grant What would you intend to use to use it?" We included an answer that is open to interpretation. field.

Answering questions regarding their experience level:

30.85 percent of respondents were classified as beginner, with an average of 2.40 years of expertise

8.11 percent of the respondents were classed as novices, and had an average of 2.77 years of working experience

40.98 percent are classified as the mid-level. The figure is based on an average of 4.98 years of work experience

15.80% identified as highly advanced. The average for 7.69 years of expertise

4.27 Percent of them are considered experts having an average of 15.3 years of experience

We wanted to also find out if the creators are full-time as well as part-time creators, or in between:

39.13 Percent of them are identified as full-time creator

18.81 percent of them identified as creator, who also has an unpaid work

18.59 percent of them identified as creator or freelancer

14.70 Percentage identified as part-time creator

8.76 percent were identified as creator who has an additional part-time job

We thank everyone who has applied for the Fellowship. We thank each one of them who gave us the opportunity to learn about their innovative ideas, struggles and adventures.

The most important takeaways

The market for creators is expanding, and no two creator experiences are alike. We surveyed over 900 creators to find more about the challenges in running a business for creators for the next 2022 year.

The most significant conclusions of their research are:

Creators of all niches and degrees face the same three main 9challenges growing their audience (32.9 percentage) while also finding time to get everything done (21.6 percent) in addition to understanding how to generate revenue from the work they do (14.4 percent).

For advice from creators, to help overcome these obstacles and obstacles They seek out advice from other creators. It is essential to have a community as part to the creative process for artists. Professionals with experience have walked the footsteps of young creators' shoes, so they're armed with valuable suggestions to give.

Social media is an increasingly popular way for creators to communicate their works among their followers, it is a popular way to share content with their followers, Instagram as the top platform (29.1 percent). Utilizing social media can mean authors are at algorithm's whims and allow the uncontrollable audience to their work and their fans.

From the more than 900 responses we incorporated into this data, no two could be identical. Each creator's journey is unique We'll be there to guide you along the way.

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