The TCommerce-Powered Tongue-Tied Academie to help raise funds for charities

Jul 4, 2024

located in Birmingham, Alabama, pediatric dentist Richard Baxter, DMD, MS is able to assist dentists in treating and detecting lips and tongue tie.

The process was initiated when twins were born in 2014. This led to the formation of Tongue-Tied Academy. A platform that aims to solve a problem that is often ignored and is not acknowledged.

Since launching the course in 2020, it has seen more than 1,500 learners enroll and the school has donated all the profits to charities both local and international..

The writer explains how the course was created by his online company and how TCommerce was instrumental in boosting the company's success.

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He found his niche

As his daughters were infants in the infant stage and he noticed they were tied to their tongues. This could be affecting their capacity for nursing. He found a dentist that was able to perform laser treatments to their tongues, they were able to have a more peaceful nap. "The dentist told me to watch for tongue ties in the infants as they are higher than what we're accustomed to. About one in four children have one" Baxter tells .

Then, people started asking what his thoughts were about the lips and tongue tie. For further details and more, he sifted through the various books and courses on the topic but realized that there weren't many options available. After that it was possible to apply the tongue tie using lasers. After serving patients and responding to the mom's questions and the decision was made to create blog posts on the topic. Over the next few years many patients approached him for advice, and finally he decided to create and launch a book, Tongue Tied, in 2018. "People had read the book and were interested in learning more," Baxter says. Baxter.

He was of the opinion that his next project was to create an online school on . When the dental clinic was shut down due to the outbreak, the dentist had written the plan, which comprised over 200 pages. He then enlisted a film crew to film the most famous course that lasted for 25 hours in the time when his office was closed.

He signed up

One of the primary factors that has contributed to the success for Tongue-Tied Academie is the partnership it enjoys in providing an integrated platform to deliver classes.

"What's remarkable is the ability to arrange the course into units or lessons." Baxter shares.

The teacher could teach his information in smaller chunks, and also incorporate tests in the final stages of every lesson. In addition, he could incorporate chapters from his book to the program. "I find it beneficial to incorporate different information to the classes and not only videos" the writer explains.

He's a frequent user of the feature which allows him to create the automatic recognition of students. "I can't really do much within a day, besides responding to questions during discussions since everything is completely automatic," he says.

The process of completing an online purchase was simplified by TCommerce

The switch to TCommerce instead of Stripe has proven to be a significant aid in improving the experience of shopping for students attending Tongue-Tied Academy. Baxter believes that the use of TCommerce has led to him loss of sales. Since he stepped away from Stripe integration to streamline the process the checkout process has become easier as per Baxter.

Assistance for all kinds of payment options, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, Baxter says that TCommerce lets transactions be smooth that allows access and convenience for users across the globe.

"You have the ability to simply press an icon, and then make use of your ID face to buy a course" Baxter says. Baxter. "It's much simpler than having to input all of your information in a ."

Moreover, 's automated calculations of sales taxes reduces the burden of administration and assures that compliance with the requirements of state regulators. Baxter adds that money he earns from his classes can be transferred faster as compared to the prior business of payments.

"I am not even thinking about it as it's so straightforward," he says. " Payments takes care of everything. and then the cash shows up in the account of the bank at the institution. ."

With the intention of launching an upgraded version of his popular course this spring, Baxter plans on using the possibility of an order bump, which allows buyers to buy more courses at a discounted cost without affecting the purchase course purchase.

The man made a difference through the charity

After the funds have been transferred to his bank account, the banker will donate all profit to charity.

In addition to supporting clean water initiatives across Africa and Asia in addition to assisting rehabilitation and preventing human trafficking Baxter's dedication to the wellbeing of the community is a good example of the academy's main goal in providing social assistance. "I have no need of more items," he says. "We have our own house and we own cars and we're good ."

"If I am able to help those babies who aren't able to feed prior to, or struggles to eating or having a tough time feeding, that makes an effort worthwhile," he continues.

He introduced various versions of his class.

Because of the wide range of requirements within his audience, Baxter launched a condensed version of the course specifically designed for professionals like speech therapists, lactation counselors, and speech therapy. The LITE Version course, priced at $495, offers an easy, yet effective exam of the subject that meets the requirements of a greater variety of students.

Every course is an ever-changing format, meaning that students are able to join at any point they'd wish to. "Teaching the course via the web is as simple as it can be," He says.

In addition, the classes include American Dental Association-approved continuing education credits. "We employ an accredited CE provider. They can then apply it to the renewal of their licences," Baxter explains.

The most well-known course but it costs $2600. contents--when combined when paired with CE certification--helps users see the ROI.

He created a straightforward user journey

Despite his success, Baxter says that he hasn't developed any marketing plan.

The usual customer experience initiated after a user reads the book. If they decide to learn more about the subject, the book will guide readers to the Tongue-Tied Academy.

If he's speaking at an event or conferences generally, attendees are more likely to sign up. Once people are on his list of subscribers They're informed via an email sent by MailChimp which directs people to his blog's articles.

He was the one who defined success

Baxter says success is being able to grow in skills. "It's not just me who is doing the job," Baxter states.

"We are amidst 1500 patients who completed the course. If they each see at least one patient every day, that's more than I'll ever manage by myself. ."

Furthermore what defines successful is to educate healthcare providers, helping parents and making sure that patients receive care while utilizing the money to fund charities across the globe.

While making an online course it is recommended that the creators find for their own passions. "It might be something else," the author declares. "And whatever it may be it is, you can design the path you'd like to take with it. ."

"Just be yourself," Baxter encourages. "I'm not an online course guy. I'm a dentist. The course has just gone up to sell, and we were also privileged to being among the top ten courses ."

Before establishing Tongue-Tied Academy, he created two courses on his own. They were each priced at $99 that around 10 people took part. "I have learned so much through this event" an instructor claims. I was able to get higher quality videos and also create an introductory course for Tongue-Tied Academy ."

"You could fail a few times," he adds, "but this is a part of the process of learning. You can't prevent from making a mistake when you don't learn through the mistakes you make. ."

The HTML0 Tongue-Tied School continues to develop, thanks to an unwavering commitment to education and the community. The school's past of giving back and empowerment could provide an motivation for future educators and changemakers alike.

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