The History of Training and Development -

Dec 2, 2022

. I to make: I am a sucker for history.

The history classes in my childhood were my absolute favorite at high school, but I've never knew why.

Perhaps it's because we can take lessons from those just like us who have had similar struggles to those we face today.

This being said, it should come as no surprise that the above infographic piqued my interest.

The first is that it has to do with do with history.

But secondly, it is connected to an industry that which I am passionate about.

I'm somewhat skeptical about the date for when the informationgraphic. What do you know the date when development and training began? It seems like humans have been studying, learning and growing for quite a long time .

It's fun to have a look into the past of this field that is constantly growing.

It's not surprising to find that some of the more formal training and development initiatives that are mentioned have a connection to military. It seems that (for whatever reason) combat brings an ingenuity that we don't see within other areas of society.

The image focuses on the 1900s and most likely with good cause. It was an "boom" time for education and growth.

Then, post-2000, eLearning is beginning to greatly influence the training and development business with MOOCs and gamification.

One thing is for sure the industry is here to stay and continuously evolving in line with the technology available.