The 3 best lead magnets to launch your email marketing list with a blast

Aug 1, 2023

Lead magnets can be a key ingredient that your list-building strategy hasn't got. Here's why and how to begin using them right now.

After a few minutes watching these small business and marketers executives discuss the benefits of their email list begins to remind me of that scene and the accompanying soundtrack from The Lion King.

It's too good to be true. 3800% average ROI ? There is no way. Eighty-nine percent of the professionals claim email is their preferred channel to generate leads? That's a bit much.

There's a good reason behind it. Email marketing isn't just a one-sided affair between businesses and their customers. Like The Lion King, email is adored by everyone in the commerce kingdom.

In reality, 73% of people rate email as the preferred method to get emails and other communications.

This isn't the issue you're having trouble with.

No, your problem is simpler in the sense that you know you'll need an email address however, how do you create it from scratch?

Furthermore, how can make a list in a hurry without compromising on quality?

Your answer is easy:

You need an effective lead magnet.

This is the topic we'll tackle today. First, we'll explain why, then show you the steps, before topping it all with our ready-to-use lead magnet that will get your lead generation with just ten minutes.

Let's get started.

What exactly is an effective lead magnet?

The key differentiator that separates lead magnets from any other type of content marketing - further details on the subject in a momentit is the fact that lead magnets come with a specific reward dependent on users taking the desired step (e.g. signing up to your mailing list).

This box for subscriptions on the homepage of Backlinko is not a lead magnet. Although the tricks and tips might be unique only to Brian Dean, they are not offered as a specific resource to the person joining.

Conversely, this case study on the bottom of the same page is an excellent lead source since the information is locked behind an email address box. Only after the users take the desired action and sign up to be subscribers they are able to access the study.

Both of the buttons will take users to the same location -- Brian's email list however it's the second that incentives new subscribers to sign up with an event-based reward.

A general rule, the easiest way to determine what qualifies as a lead magnet, and which ones aren't is to use the "if you want to, then" formula.

If the user takes the action they want to take, the user will receive the xyz as a reward.
If a user fails to take the desired action, the user will not get xyz as a gift.

However, that's enough to get you started on the right path. In addition to the definition above what exactly (and how and why) can lead magnets be effective?

The process behind lead magnets generally looks something like:

The process can be differentthe user may begin on the landing page of the lead magnet However, the relation between action and reward is otherwise constant.

That brings us back to the "why" of lead magnets.

They offer your users the reason right then and then, to hand over their details and turn into leads in a matter of minutes. (The are really excellent lead magnets, anyway. More on this in a second, too.)

These lead magnets solve the top marketing challenge experienced by more than 61% of professional around the world by creating the necessary traffic as well as prospects in one one swoop.

Another way to look at it is like the difference in messaging someone via the dating site and getting them excited with clever one-liners or asking that similar person to dine with you when you're both in the same dining establishment.

If you do it correctly, you'll be able to have an email subscription within a less time than is required to complete the formal plan for content. If you do it incorrectly, users will flounce, rightfully that is, and will not return.

This isn't a supposition It's true, in fact.

A minimum of 70 percent of users who abandon your website on the first visit never make their way back again.

So getting the lead magnet right isn't just about generating more leads, it's about creating the most powerful first impression when people do convert into leads.

The answer is simple: using the appropriate touch points at the appropriate time to those who are in the right place at the right time.

To find out the answer to this question for the long answer, continue reading.

Lead magnets that work are well-targeted and address problems

If you're about to fall into a hopeless hole of despair, trying to determine the best time the best time, place, and method you'll create an effective lead magnet that will entice customers, keep your eyes on the prize.

Lead magnets that are highly effective share isn't the length of time it took to create them, the budgets behind them, or even the skill of the creator It's all in the way they are targeted.

Simply put it's that the more compatible and relevant the lead's content is for the people you're trying reach, the better your lead magnet will perform for both your company and the customers you serve.

Keep in mind that the goal of all types of contentbe it an ad, blog post or webinar -- must not be to appeal to the mass of people.

The best rule should always be to appeal to your particular audience.

After all, 71.7 percent of people who reported information as being irrelevant identified it as too general in nature.

On the other hand, only 2.9% of the same user group said that content wasn't relevant because it was too advanced or detailed.

So if you take nothing more from this piece today, let it be the following:

Whatever product you choose to sell including lead magnets which aims to please all may be admired by a small number of people, but lost to many.

Now, with that soapbox gone What can you do to ensure that your lead magnet is relevant to your target audience? Beyond nailing your customer research down, it's beneficial to evaluate your users' pain points.

Pain points, even if you've not heard the phrase before, refer specifically to the issues that your customers are experiencing and relevant to the business you run. These are not the solutions to those problems.

This comic from Ceralytics clearly illustrates the differences between pain points and solutions .

Your users' potential problems could be

I'm trying to reduce the size of my files, without loss of quality.

I need to create a memorable logo for my business.

I'm trying to cut back on my time between pitching and deliverable.

But they wouldn't but they could have to be:

I want to save my files to .PNG format.

I'm looking for a color scheme for my customer.

I require an automated workflow.

Why? Because the first half are problems that don't yet have solutions, and the later half will provide (possible) possible solutions.

However, while they can be a useful approach to narrow the scope of your lead magnet, it is not always the case that pain points are the best for well-performing content.

There's an array of problems that users can experience throughout the day, and if they're not ones that people are passionate about finding solutions to -- i.e., actively seeking solutions to -- then even if they are important to your target market, it's unlikely that you will achieve the results you're looking to achieve.

A good lead magnet must be both passion-fueled and profitable.

If it's a problem area that people would love to address -it's a pain point that people are passionate about addressing - i.e. it's possible to see Reddit threads seeking help, and there's already a demand for similar premium products, it can be positioned in the upper right corner and can result in an engaging and relevant lead attraction.

If you're on the other side the issue is one which users aren't yet eager to solve or willing to be willing to pay for it to disappear, then it will fall on the left-hand side of the matrix. It probably shouldn't be your next lead magnet.

For instance, this is how I'd deal with my readers' problems with regard to the content strategy

In other words, here's what comes down to:

Lead magnets that work have relevance to the intended audience and address specific pain points.

(Coincidence? Most likely (Probably not.)

So if you prefer to make things easier and quickly, then I suggest opening the downloader in a brand new tab and navigating. Whatever way you decide to put your lead magnet together use these guidelines and techniques to help it be different from other lead magnets.

Three simple lead magnets you can develop and the best way to get them to pop

We'll be focusing on three different formats todaythe three formats we consider our top choices for lead magnets and those that have been most successful for us. But if you're interested in exploring different types, Blogging Wizard has an extensive guide to lead magnets I would highly suggest.

Otherwise, these are the formats we'll be tackling for the rest of the piece:

Sound good? Then without further ado we'll dive right in.

#1. Include visual elements in your checklists to leave a lasting impression

The checklists should be simple to comprehend and comprise items that can be used by checking off items, using a computer, or by using the pen. They're usually less visual-heavy than other types of formats.

Be aware that I say less visual-heavy and not visual-free. On the whole, marketers working within content marketing prefer materials that incorporates aesthetic appeal  This includes checklists.

Why? There are a few reasons that checklists should incorporate visuals, but the most noticeable is the effect it has on brand awareness. Within three days after exposure individuals are able to keep up to 65% of the information they have seen if it was paired with an image.

If you want to put it in some more pragmatic terms, including visuals to your checklists makes them distinguishable and memorable that helps keep your company top of mind while users put your checklist in action.

However, you don't need to be a master of visual design to be able to create an impact with a checklist. Even just small visual touches are a great way to make a difference.

For instance, take an look at this (abbreviated) blog writing checklist by CoSchedule.

If you look at it objectively, it's not an exceptionally sophisticated image however, it does incorporate colors, iconography, as well as visual hierarchy, to create the information itself - such as the 21-item list is distinct to competitors and increase the perception of the value of the offering.

The same approach can be seen in this Content Checklist for Editors from Vertical Measures.

What is the real purpose of this checklist viable and useful to the readers? Absolutely. But would someone remember that it was from Vertical Measures or look them up as a reliable source for blog posts if the content didn't have branded colors or an image?

Possibly, but not likely to be the case, and it's not easy.

Simple, no matter the type of marketing that you're doing, is always the aim.

Final word:

Checklists need to incorporate colors as well as your logo for branding for them to be memorable and increase their appeal overall. The main contents could be written in content, but a great steak benefits by a properly-positioned accessory.

#2. Provide your numbered lists with broad margins with line spacing and line spacing

Sequential lists, whether they're indented or numbered with bullets, are subject to similar requirements to checklists, but there's one thing they must have above all other things:

Blank empty space.

Also referred to as negative or white space. Adding plenty of margins and space between items in your list enhances reading  understanding, comprehension and clarifies the relationships between objects.

The distinction between a list that has spacing and one with no might seem insignificant, but the impact on user engagement -- as well as overall usability is not subtle.

Here's an example of what I'm referring to:

In the case of a list that is 4 items in length, like this example, thin margins and the tight composition might be acceptable however, imagine the same spacing in the case of a list with 20 items.

Better yet, take a look at it for yourself.

The only difference between these two lists is the 0.20 increment in line spacing, but the capability to scan and digest the information can make a huge differences.

If your list of numbers can guide people through an action that isn't a big difference, that you should be able to ignore.

Actually, I mean "afford" to refer to it in the literal sense, by the way.

A greater amount of white space can uplift conversions during the checkout process by as much as 33%  like it did for Xerox, while fostering more user-friendly experience and general engagement levels for users.

This enhancement in conversions and understanding has been proven repeatedly by various research teams and there isn't a single element in your digital presence or product- that won't be benefited from using well-applied white space , including the use of numbered lists.

Here's the essence of it:

The lists with numbers need to have a visual balance between their components in order to keep their utility to users. If your user has to strain to look through your lead magnet, you're not going to create an enjoyable user experience and prove the importance of your brand.

Which makes for a lead magnet that attracts traffic and then it loses them all in one breath. Ouch.

#3. Make sure lead magnet ebooks are 2,000 words or less

If the above header seems oddly specific to you, there's a reason for that: this advice only is applicable when creating ebooks as a form of an lead magnet.

An ebook designed to function as a lead magnet -- whether it's a case-study, an essay, or a chapter snippet in a bigger bookthe goal is to keep it to around 7 minutes of reading time, or 2,000 characters.

The number is derived from a study conducted by the blog platform Medium regarding the optimal length of long-form posts.

The vertical Axis (the bar that runs from the top to the bottom) is the amount of time that users spent reading the post; the horizontal axis (the bar from right to left) represents how long the article would take to read at a normal pace.

It is evident that viewership peaks around the 7-minute mark before it begins to decrease as the time goes on. With the caveat that this data applies to blog content and not lead magnets specifically, the connection is easy to draw, and even more, the takeaway is clear:

People don't want to invest long hours with a tool or even an excellent one.

For a business the same isn't good for your customers to devote hours to it regardless of whether your 50,000-word guide can be the most comprehensive guide about how to crochet adorable sea animals, it isn't easily digestible and your customers will not be able to read the book in one go and then peruse your other products anytime soon.

After all the pleasure of reading is at the all-time lows within the US .

This is likely to be due to the reality that Americans are more so than other population anywhere in the world, spend their weekends working.

This leads us to the most important issue: we aren't able to afford a lot of free time.

When the goal of an prospector is to entice users to join your email list in order that you can encourage them to purchase, an ebook that takes them a week to work through (assuming they can get there) will not do your company or the customer the world any favors.

Keep it brief and direct. It's a win-win for everyone.

How to make lead magnets grow up big and strong

Think of lead magnets as multivitamins. They're not going fix your email list woes overnight, but they will provide you with -- as well as the individuals who join your list -- the growth spurt you need to achieve where you wish to go more quickly.

And in that same spirit of shortness, here's a short summary of what we've discussed today:

Lead magnets are deals, usually as downloadable resources, that give users an incentive to sign up for your mailing newsletter.

The most effective lead magnets are designed to their intended recipients. The more broad the lead magnet you choose to use less specific, the lower the response will be.

Lead magnets can take any format, but the most straightforward to start with are checklists, numbered checklists, or ebooks.

If you're creating your list of tasks, ensure you've included a few small elements of visual. Without them, your brand -- even if the list is amazing -- is forgettable.

Numbered lists benefit from visuals and also have visuals, but they must have space between items in order to function. A crowded list does not increase its value or more readable.

Ebooks that have been packaged as lead magnets are required to follow the same guidelines for long-form content Keep it brief and to the point. A minimum of 2,000 words or seven-minute reading time is the best.

Perhaps you're into line spacing and character count. Don't worry, I'm not judging.