
Jul 15, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

The photo was taken by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Publishing platforms and newsletters permit writers to make money from their writing in a planned method. Instead of establishing affiliate programs or flooding their websites with adverts, writers are focused on what they love doing, and write about it.

It's an exchange that is mutually beneficial between authors and their members. Authors are paid for their work, and readers get the chance to peruse the information they love and receive the most enjoyable ad-free experience. If you're a journalist, writer journalist, or a student who studies writing this review will help you to decide on which platforms will meet your needs.


Substack's primary objective is to help creators by providing the tools needed to meet their needs. It offers numerous solutions that can satisfy the needs of authors of content who work independently. From audience monetization, to the ownership of monetization Substack allows writers to have complete control over their process of producing work and build a career that is ongoing.

Prices and Features

It is advertised as "a platform for writers to write themselves and publish their content" Substack offers writers an opportunity to build an online magazine that can build communities as well as generate revenue through subscriptions. They say that there is no tech knowledge is needed, and plan to "take control of everything, except for the most difficult part (the writing part of the course)." The company claims to provide "true freedom" that means the writer retains the copyright on the entirety of their work.

It's quite simple. Writers can import posts they've created on different platforms like Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, and create custom websites. You can also build a new website totally from nothing in a matter of minutes. When the site goes live and the creator selects content that are completely free and those which are restricted by Substack's paywall. Substack is able to make 10% profit from author when making money from their website, however up to that time Substack is completely gratis. Substack claims to offer a free service. Substack team says it's feasible to "start by registering with Substack during breakfast and start earning money by lunchtime." This is how you can achieve it.


The Dashboard page will show your previous published content that you've written, as well being a few basic information regarding the piece you're currently writing. The information includes the total number of views the number of emails received and the number of emails that have been opened.

In addition, there are several buttons that will aid you in starting to work on the next project. The buttons allow you to make an episode or post or a new thread. This section lets you check Subscribers' statistics settings, Subscribers' information and Settings.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

When it comes to Substack newsletters they're classified in the category of "posts" and they're published on the writer's Substack Account page. After an account is set up, Substack automatically creates a initial draft of the article. It sends an automated message that encourages users to sign up to become members of the author's newsletter, and also post the information on social networks. It is possible to modify or delete this initial blog post that is pre-populated. Also, you can start writing your next blog piece.

Editing or writing is initiated with the introduction of the title, subtitle and the author's name. -You can even request writers to write for guests. After that you'll have the ability to make use of an advanced text editor which lets you add the paragraph's text or images, headings and photos along with buttons that are bold or italicized quotations as well as bullet points.

If you hit the Settings button you'll have the choice of changing the manner in which your blog's articles appear. The blog is open to public and private. Also, you have the choice of deciding whether you wish to permit comments. This section allows you to modify the date of publication for your blog as well as the URL. There is additionally, an informal "draft URL" should you want to share your blog's content with the members of your circle of friends or family (even once the blog post is already published). You can send an initial test email or change the preview to social media sites to ensure that your images are in order before sending it out to your fans.

After you've published and scheduled your post You'll have the ability to revisit the Posts page to check how many people have been able to read your post.


The dashboard for subscribers shows the entire number of subscribers in addition to customers who are paying in full, along with the annualized gross revenues and the total amount of subscribers in the last 30 to 90 days and the entire time. The dashboard also shows the address of each subscriber as well as the kind the subscription (free or paid) and the date that they registered, along with the earnings they generate per user.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

In order to add additional subscribers, it's possible to manually add them via the email addresses of your subscribers or export the subscriber list using MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon or any other similar platform. Export it to a CSV file. Upload the file on Substack. Substack Uploader Tool Substack uploader tool will load any email address it discovers, so you must only upload addresses that have been added to your email list.


The Stats page, you will be provided with data on the number of visitors who have visited your website in addition to the number of emails you've sent out in 30 or 90 days as well as since the date the newsletter went live.

The Traffic tab displays the current month's total amount of users on the web as well as the site which brought them there. This could be on the initial post, or on your profile on Substack or other social media platforms like Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tabs offer specific information regarding each blog entry that includes the post's title, publication date, along with the intended audience (public or private) and also statistics about delivery, including the rate of open, how many openings are there as well as subscriptions that are paid or free within 1 day, as well as engagement (likes as well as comments).


In this area it is possible to alter the name of your publication along with the title of your publication. In addition, you are in a position to change discoverability options (such tags) and you can also alter the appearance of your About page. The About page will give information on the benefits of your publication and becoming an ad-subscriber.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

In addition, you can choose from several options to customize the style and look. The blog will be given distinctive appearance. The logo appears as well as your cover photo or email banner and also the welcome message (which sends to new readers in a matter of minutes after being signed in). Edit your settings for email sending, which include your email sender's name, as well as whether you wish to receive email messages with replies to your blog posts, and also your email address to RSS feeds, such as email protected [email]] [email securedemail protected [email protectedemail protected [email] [email secured]. It is also possible to turn off your social media accounts with Stripe to process payments.

Integrity and compatibility

One of the most significant benefits offered by Substack's products is the capability to import of content on various platforms. This can save you time because there is no need to duplicate content across each platform that you are using. Substack offers import options for these platforms, including mailchimp WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr RSS feeds for Web as well as RSS streams to support podcasts, Stripe among others.

But, the majority of Substack's attention to integrations is around tracking and data which permits you to include these: Facebook Pixel ID, Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID, Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID Google Site Verification, and Facebook Verification of your site.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. As an example when you include your Facebook Pixel ID (found on the Facebook business Page) in Substack Substack, Facebook can track your audience and display advertisements that relate to their interests.


Medium, on the other hand it is a creator of publishing and content platforms that houses various pieces written by a range of authors. It is a community-driven search engine. This means that authors to connect with a massive crowd and connect with people who read their content or other works online with the same means of communication. Medium's interface is easy to use and offers it has a range of social features and a unified distribution platform.

Prices and Features

Medium.com has a wide range of features and functions for authors and readers. Medium.com is now an indispensable site for business and for individuals who want to express their opinions, stories and thoughts as well as news to people in general.

It lets you write and format articles by using a simple and user-friendly editor. Medium is a subtle editing tool that has all the essential formatting options that includes headings, lists, pictures, embedding multimedia content. When you've completed your task and are now ready to share it on Medium it is possible to make it to everyone or limit your audience to a particular set of individuals.

The cost for unlimited access to the internet is $5 USD/month if you pay per month, or $50 USD when a year's subscription is paid in the advance.


Like social media platforms, Medium offers an extensive number of readers and followers who always seek relevant articles. Due to the algorithm and curation mechanism including an editor's choice' newsletter, content is recognized and receive the attention of a large number of people. This can assist writers and authors reach across to the general public, create an audience, and enhance the reach they can make in their field.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

The readership of Medium is large, offering authors with the possibility of interacting with a larger readership and get more recognition for their work. With its vast coverage, your content can be read by people that are interested in your topic.

The curatorship sections on Medium will help expose your material to people who are interested, increasing your chances of getting involved and increasing the visibility of your content. By using these tools for discovery and discovery, you can profit from the distribution channels of Medium and boost the exposure of your content.

Post editor

Medium is a suite of tools to create media. This includes advanced formatting options and embedding of media which can be supported by images and videos, and it is possible to incorporate specific codes. It allows authors to create visually appealing multimedia content that includes high-quality media components, which makes it suitable for people writing articles with digital media and would like to create content that is more visually appealing.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

Through Medium's editor with its flexible editor, users can alter the style and appearance of their content to be in line with their personal picture. Media integration is made possible by the platform, which lets seamless integration of videos as well as images, and also other interactivity components. If you're seeking to showcase your talents as a photographer, or to share details by using pictures, Media allows you to produce stunning video.

Network effect

Medium builds a sense of community with features such as comments, highlights and suggestions which allow writers to interact with their readers. The tools for engagement facilitate conversations that are engaging and offer the necessary conditions for writers to interact and interact with the readers.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The effect of networks on Medium has a significant role in bringing more people to writers' work. If readers respond to articles through clapping, sharing and sharing and comments, the algorithms utilized by Medium look into the discussion and display the articles to a wider readership. The platform allows writers to get to get the attention of their current fans and also attract new followers attracted to the topics they are covering.

Earn money through Medium's Partner Program?

Medium is based on an exclusive monetization method that is known as the Medium Partner Program. Authors are able to sign in to the program and generate revenue based on the amount of the content is viewed by its users, which can be measured by applauds (Medium's equivalent to likings) and time spent reading. (While it's possible to make money on Medium, the earnings are less certain compared to Substack's subscription model.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

Medium's Partner Program enables authors to create engaging and informative articles that are a favorite among readers. Through rewarding content on the feedback from the readers as well as interactions with the content Medium helps to create quality content that is engaging and excites readers. It's a fantastic chance to earn money through an extremely affordable and flexible publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack allows independent authors to earn profits from their writing as well as claiming an audience, and a straightforward but targeted publishing process. However, Medium offers a vast audience, with the tools for discovering that provide the users the feeling of belonging.

By providing valuable and unique content to your viewers, you may earn some money the long run by sustaining your art. Each choice has a specific goal, and it's up your decision to choose the best option to attract readers. Be passionate about your writing!

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