
Jul 13, 2023
Substack vs. Medium - a compasion of publishing platforms

Photo taken by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Newsletters and publishing platforms give writers the possibility of monetizing their writing in a meaningful method. Instead of establishing affiliate programs or filling the platforms with ads the writers are able to spend their time doing what they love -- writing.

The exchange is mutually beneficial between creators and members. The writers are compensated for the creation of content, and readers have the option to access the content they enjoy, all with a completely free of ads. No matter if you're a writer, journalist or student of writing, this comparison will assist you in making an informed decision about which platforms best suits your requirements.


Substack's main goal is on empowering writers and provide them with the tools they need to achieve their goals. Substack offers many options that meet the demands of self-employed content creators. From monetization opportunities to audience ownership Substack lets writers take charge of their creative process and create a long-lasting career.

Features and pricing

Marketed as "a space for writing that is independent," Substack offers writers an opportunity to create the business of a newsletter that is paid for, build community, and earn money through subscriptions. The company claims that no technical expertise is needed and aim to "take all the responsibility, excluding the hard portion (the creating itself)." They promise "true independence" where the writer keeps the copyright on all their content.

The process is straightforward. Writers are able to import posts they've written on different platforms such as Mailchimp, WordPress, Tinyletter, Medium, Tumblr, and even some custom-built sites and build a new site by starting from scratch within a couple of minutes. After the site is live, the author decides what content is free and which are gated behind the Substack paywall. Substack will take 10% of the revenue when a creator starts monetizing, but until that point, it's completely accessible for free. The Substack team claims it is possible to "start the process of establishing your Substack at breakfast; start making money before lunch time." Learn how to achieve that.


The Dashboard page displays any content you have already posted, as well as basic statistics of your most recent article. The stats you see include the number of views total, emails received, as well as the open rate.

You'll also find various buttons that you can click that allow you to create your new work of art. These buttons let you Create a brand new blog post or podcast episode or create a brand new thread. From this main dashboard, you can also get access to Subscribers, Stats and settings.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack posts homepage

Within Substack, newsletters are called 'posts' and each post is posted on the author's Substack profile page. When an account becomes active, Substack automatically creates a first draft post. The auto-message encourages people to sign-up for Substack's newsletter for paid subscribers and then share the news through social networks. You are able to edit or delete this first pre-populated post, or write the following article.

Substack's posts on the homepage

The process begins by adding the title, subtitle and author -- you could even invite writers to guest contributeThen you'll have a sophisticated text editor that gives you the possibility of adding paragraph copy, headings images, buttons, code, bold and italic text quotations, as well as bullet points.

When you hit the Settings button you're given an opportunity to alter the visibility of your post. You can make the page private or public and choose whether to accept comments or not. In this section, you can edit your post's publication date as well as the URL as well as the hidden "draft link" if you want to distribute the content to your family or friends (even before it's published). It is possible to send a trial email or modify the social media preview to ensure that the images are perfect before you send it to your followers.

When you've scheduled and published the post, return on the Posts page to see how many people have read each of your posts.


The dashboard for subscribers displays the number of your subscribers and paid customers, as well as the gross annualized revenues, as well as number of subscribers over the past thirty days and 90 days, and throughout the day. The dashboard shows the email address of every subscriber and the type of subscription they have (free or paid) and the date on which the sign-up date, and the amount of revenue they earn per user.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack add subscribers

In order to add additional subscribers, you can manually add them by the email address they provide or export your existing mailing list using MailChimp, TinyLetter, Patreon as well as similar platforms to a CSV file. Then, upload it. Substack's upload tool Substack upload tool will import any email address it finds and only allow those that have signed up to your list.


On the Stats page you can learn about the amount of traffic that was driven towards your website, as well as the amount of emails that you've sent out over a 30 interval, 90 days or after you've launched your newsletter.

The Traffic tab shows the most recent month's web customers, along with the site from which they came. This could be from the original post as well as your personal profile page on Substack, or social media channels including Twitter.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack stats

The Email tabs provide you with the full details of each article, including titles, date of publication and public or private audience (public and private) in addition to statistics on delivery, such as the openings, opens rate, free/paid subscriptions after 1 day, and engagement (likes and comments).


This is where you can alter your title of publication and the description. Also, you can modify discoverability options (such tags) as well as personalize the About page to describe the advantages of reading the publication as well as signing up to become subscribers.

Substack vs. Medium - Substack settings

There are a variety of options to customize the tone and style of your magazine, which includes your logo, cover image as well as your email banner and welcome email text (which will be sent out to subscribers right after they sign up). You can edit email sending options, such as the sender's name, the date you wish to receive email replies to your articles, and also the your email address to RSS feeds like [email protected[email protected]. There is also the option to connect and disconnect your social media accounts and Stripe for processing payments.

Integrations and compatibility

One of the most important features of Substack's service is the chance to import content from many other platforms. It saves time as it's not necessary to copy and paste content on every platform you frequent. Substack offers import capabilities for your favorite platforms like mailchimp service, WordPress, TinyLetter, Tumblr web RSS feed Podcast RSS feed Stripe and more.

That said, much of Substack's focus on integrations is on data and tracking, so you can add a Facebook Pixel ID, Twitter Pixel ID, Parse.ly Pixel ID Google Analytics Pixel ID, Google Tag Manager ID, Google Site Verification, and Facebook Site Verification.

These pixels allow for monitoring your readership/engagement levels and some create an integration with advertising platforms. As an example, if you include the Facebook Pixel ID (found on your Facebook Business Page) to your Substack, Facebook can track the audience for ads that are relevant to them.


Medium On the other hand it is a content-creation and publishing platform that hosts various articles by different writers. Medium is a social-based discovery platform, where writers have the opportunity to connect with a broad readership and interact with other readers and online publications with the same preferences. Medium provides a straightforward interface, extensive social functions as well as a built-in distribution network.

Pricing and features

Medium.com has a broad range of functions and features for writers and readers. Medium.com has evolved into a preferred platform for individuals and organizations to share ideas, stories, and knowledge to a worldwide audience.

It is easy to create and edit your articles with a simple and intuitive editor. Medium is a free writing space with all the necessary formatting choices like headings, lists, images, and embedding multimedia information. Once you have written an article, you are able to publish it to be accessible to everyone or limit the publication to a specific audience.

Unlimited access costs $5 USD/month if you pay each month or $50 USD/year if an entire year's cost is paid up front.


Like other social media platforms, Medium offers an extensive network of readers and followers who are constantly looking for interesting information. Thanks to the algorithm and curation system including an 'editor's selection' magazine, content can gain exposure and reach an extensive audience. It can assist creators as well as writers reach out to readers, build an audience, and expand the influence they have in their fields.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium home page

Medium boasts a vast user base, providing writers the chance to connect with an even larger audience and get publicity for their works. The platform's extensive reach ensures that your content has potential for being read by those who have an interest in your topics.

The platform's curate sections assist present your content to readers who are interested which increases the likelihood of exposure and interaction. Through these discovery tools it is possible to tap into Medium's distribution system and increase the visibility of your content.

Post editor

Medium offers a broad array of tools for creating content which include advanced formatting tools as well as embedded media support that includes images and video, and the possibility of adding customized code fragments. The platform enables writers to create visually appealing content with rich media components which makes it ideal to digital writers who want a more visually engaging approach.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's post editor

With Medium's flexible post editor editors can alter the appearance and style of their articles to align with their personal brand. Media integration is supported by the platform, allowing for the seamless addition of photos as well as videos and other interactive elements. It doesn't matter if you'd like to display your photographic skills or share information through visuals, Medium allows you to make stunning media.

Network effect

Medium encourages the sense of community with features such as comments, highlights, and guidelines, that allow writers to interact with users. Engaging tools help facilitate meaningful discussions and create a supportive environment for writers to connect with their audience.

Substack vs. Medium - Medium's network effect

The network effect of Medium plays a crucial role in amplifying the visibility of writer's content. When readers interact with content through claps, comments, and sharing, the algorithm of Medium take note of the interactions and surface the content for a wider public. The network effect allows writers to reach out beyond the existing followers and attract new readers who are interested in their particular field.

How to make money: Medium's Partner Program

Medium is based on a distinct monetization model called Medium Partner Program. Medium Partner Program. Writers can join this program and earn money based on the engagement their articles receive which includes claps (Medium's equivalent to likes) and reading time. (While there is a chance to earn exists on Medium, it's possible that the earnings is less certain in comparison to Substack's subscription system.)

Substack vs. Medium - Medium Partner Program

The Medium Partner Program encourages authors to write engaging and thought-provoking articles that are a hit with people who read it. Through rewarding content based on the reader's feedback and interactions, Medium promotes the development of quality content that is captivating and has the ability to inspire its viewers. The model offers the chance for you to earn income while maintaining a free and open publishing platform.

Conclusion: Medium vs Substack

Substack and Medium offer different things to cater to different creators -- the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your newsletter/publishing platform. Substack helps independent writers through monetization possibilities along with audience-owned content, as well as an intuitive and focused experience for writing. In contrast, Medium offers a vast reader base, discoverability features as well as a sense of belonging.

If you provide valuable and unique content to your subscribers You can earn money and sustain your creative endeavors. Each option serves a distinct goal, so it's your choice to determine which option is right for your readers and you. Enjoy writing!