Ten Ideas for Engagement in the Community to

Sep 29, 2022

If you've had the pleasure of running an online community or actually in the real world, you've learned something. The idea of inviting people to join an organization is amazing. Making them feel engaged and eager to attend is more effective.

It can also be a challenge. It's often difficult for people to convince them to get into the action and become involved. Certain people prefer to lurk in the background for lengthy periods. If you're not able to convince members to get involved, there's a chance that they'll be pushed out completely from your organization.

It's enough to be scared of aspects. The good news is, you don't need to be really hard to get participants to be part of your community.

With the right tools and strategies and techniques, you can increase the engagement of your members over the course of next week.

And you know what's the most thrilling part? Engagement is like an frozen iceberg. As more people are engaged when they are engaged, the more engaged participants help to encourage others to join in. That means your efforts in engaging the members of your company involved can have an impact over time that is beyond anything you ever imagined.

If you're eager to get started this will assist. Here are the best 10 strategies for community engagement you could employ this week!

If you'd like to receive more assistance to help build your community online Join our Mighty Community for free as you get to meet new and established community owners! We'd love to get know you. Join us at absolutely no cost!

The part...

     1. Facilitate new members to tailor their experience

     2. Go live... a lot!

     3. Changes to emails

     4. Take a turn playing with Include

     5. Find your ideal member with a Big Purpose

     6. Moderate that one thing

     7. Establish rituals

     8. Ask questions

     9. Go on quests

     10. Unscripted

     11. Empower your best people

     Ready to start?

1. Personalize your new member's experience

Now, let's talk about the most significant point of the journey of a new participant: the first minutes, hours, or days of the group.

The most frightening aspect to having a new companion. It's like being the only student at school. Everyone knows everyone else and knows what's going on but it can be daunting to join in.

Then you'll need - drum roll please - to provide a memorable first-time-member experience. Make sure each person who is a part of your group knows the best way to begin and where to begin. Your goal is to bring participants involved in discussions, make them feel welcome, show them where things are and the ways they could be to do, and make them aware that you're here to assist them.

With a social networking site online it's possible to do this through creating an incredible user experience online for all new members.

For the case of Mighty Network, we created an initial checklist for new members that is adaptable and is able to be modified into to be your own. Everyone who joins the network is aware of this and will guide them through the steps of creating a profile and making it public, welcoming them to the forums and asking their first question, and RSVPing to their first live events.

The way you choose to use your own unique experience is up to you. The one thing you can be sure of is that the most enjoyable new member experience will not leave anyone hanging. They'll jump in and start playing.

Magical new member experience

We offer a no-cost training on creating a fantastic new member experience in Our Mighty Community! *

2. Go live... a lot!

We love live streaming. It doesn't matter if it's an event planned or an unexpected surprise, live streaming adds authenticity to your network.

Live streaming may have an occasion of an "um" but don't get too concerned about this. Even in spite of all the well developed social media channels, there is a certain amount of humanity that should be welcomed.


To increase members' engagement, consider going live on a regular basis. Discuss the lessons you've learned. Chat with members of your community, or an outside guest, or perhaps have an answer-and-question meeting or A-Meeting.

Also, before you ask your question, the anxiety that you feel when begin your live streaming will be there for you to feel are normal. This can be stressful to live stream when you've not done it before. If you remove the bandage and attempt it, you'll be shocked at what you'll see. It's more engaging.

Your presentation abilities are going to improve over experience. Also, those butterflies will go away. Do it!

     Take Free Trial Free Trial There is no credit card needed.

3. Changes to emails

As you contemplate your method to community engagement take an interest in the role that email can play.

The best thing is to a fantastic community platform is that it has an app that's stunning and has a built-in feature, is that the users aren't bombarded with emails on everything. They should be getting messages from their community platform (and a good platform should provide them with options to modify the notifications). ).

It gives you the chance to consider your strategy when making use of email. There is no need for constant emailing clients each all day. But, you can provide information, or allow them to be aware of events. If users have been absent on your site for a long time, it could be a good method to bring them back to the platform.

When life becomes hectic, as it will every week, an update on what's happening in your community can keep people connected and prepare to get back into the action.

4. Incorporate play

Communities are supposed to be enjoyable. There are times when we show an urge to become too serious, especially when people are paid for their dues. It is possible that you are feeling the pressure to conduct an event that appears... "professional. "

There's a time and a place for that. This isn't to say that it's wrong to be professional.

Being "professional" doesn't always require you to take things very seriously at all times. The most successful community has an element of fun. If you are able to get your group of members to laugh together through engaging in a game and enjoying themselves, you are creating great moments for members.

Think about incorporating something exciting. An online game show. Karaoke. Events that take your group from the serious, and encourage participation through entertainment. If you're looking for methods to help make your virtual events more enjoyable We have many suggestions below.

5. Find the perfect member for you with an important purpose

It's something we suggest conducting during the planning phase of your community during the procedure of Community Design(tm). But even if you skipped this stage when you were planning it's not too late to start these activities now.

Each community requires two essential elements. In the first place, it must have a perfect member. It is essential to understand what your community's purpose is. As specific as you can about the members you have; learn about their traits, their desires and goals and the things they're passionate about.

If you are able to identify a particular ideal member which will enhance the involvement of your community. Instead of throwing things onto the ground and observing what sticks, you are able to concentrate on helping other people.
    Ideal Member to resolve their problem. Ideal Member is a way to get people who are interested and take part.

A different aspect is the creation of what we call an Big Purpose. Your Big Purpose is to establish what you're doing in your local community, and what you'll help them do. It looks like this.

Big Purpose- New Image

We offer a free guide about how you can find the perfect members and your Big Purpose to be a part of our powerful community.

     Get Started with a Free trial. There isn't a requirement for credit cards.

6. Moderate this one thing

Being an excellent citizen of your neighborhood isn't solely about the local area. Most important is understanding what things you shouldn't have.

This is that a thought-out community moderation approach comes into play.

Members should feel comfortable in the neighborhood. They should be confident that they'll never be bullied, or abused. They should be assured that they will not get exposed to content that are racial, sexist, or homophobic or different form of discrimination.

So if you want to create a community where residents feel secure, it's crucial to establish an effective moderation plan. Make sure your residents know the expectations they have and refer back to them often. Do not be afraid to utilize the tools for moderators available on your community platform to block or flag offending material. You should consider securing your most active, loyal users to assist in the process of moderating.

Moderation isn't very exciting from the start. Nothing is more exciting than sitting down and writing down the rules.

Trust us when we say that the safety and psychological security of the members of your community is well worth the risk. And when people feel safe within their environment are more inclined to participate.

7. Create rituals

Imagine stepping all back into settlements of humans that came into existence many hundreds of years in the past. Our forefathers would gather around fires at camp. What is it that made those communities stick in their connections?

The main reason for bonding with friends was the importance of rituals. Rituals served to signify that you were part of the group. They were utilized for significant change in one's life, for example, the rituals that marked the transition between becoming a young person and an adult. Also, they were utilized to mark the passage of times. This included weeks, months as well as the years.

The community you belong to can reap the benefits of rituals, too. While you're navigating the daily routines of your group, you should keep track of events which need to be rehearsed. Maybe it's something you've tried at first for the new members of your group that you'd want to do for everyone in the group - like the first experience of new members as that was mentioned earlier. Maybe once a year you plan a particular community event, something is sought-after by people. It could be an annual event for the community.


In creating these experiences through naming them and making them unique, you are creating rituals. This is something that humans have practiced for millennia and makes them powerful tools for engaging communities.

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8. Ask questions

Through our studies on communities, we've discovered something that keeps popping up that gives us a feeling of being engaged. This isn't a secret.

The key is...questions!

Questions bring people together. The questions ask them to think about something. The answers are based on their own knowledge and experience and is something everyone is eager to do. It could be the most important secret to member engagement.

We are passionate about answering questions. A while ago we created this amazing checklist of 1000 discussions questions that you can utilize to spark discussion in your group. Download it for free here.

1000 questions guide

9. Go on quests

Another thing we've incorporated into our game that we're excited about. Quests. As knights in the past. Quests provide a means to lead your team on a quest. There is a comprehensive and no-cost training for creating quests to Our Mighty Community too!

10. Unscripted

A different way to grasp the potential of engagement in the public. Are you prepared?


Community managers are in a position where it's tempting to control all aspects. Cleaning everything. So that everything looks perfect. However, ask anyone who has lived in a group  to tell you that the most memorable moments are often the ones nobody is expecting. They're the ones that aren't planned.

It could be a live stream during which the guest can't come on and then the discussion is concluded with more power than what the discussion could have. This could be the time when a member breaks down with tears while the other members join to help and cheer on each other.

There's simply no way to prepare for unexpected moments. This would be a blunder.

However, do allow spaces and times for working on a team with a way that doesn't appear to be completely scripted. And be willing to let the magic unfold.

11. Empower your best people

Community, as the word suggests, shouldn't be managed by one person. Leadership of a group shouldn't be performed alone either.

One of the most important elements of a good community is to be able to attract members without trying to turn into just a single-person-show. This could mean hiring an administrator for the community. But, most of the time it's just that you empower those who work working in your community.

This can be done through programs like the Ambassador Program. Members can earn rewards when they welcome new members. It is also possible to encourage the best of your members to join as co-hosts, or moderators. It could be for unpaid or jobs that are paid. You could also be surprised to find those who are involved in the community are thrilled by being able to step into the role of a leader and dig more deeply.

Ready to start?

These suggestions should make you enthusiastic about adding a fresh dimension to your community. Be aware that the presence of thousands of people will not make much difference when they're not involved. Using these tips will assist to get the members you have in your community and keeping their loyalty. It has been proven repeatedly that members join communities for the benefits or the programs, but they remain for a long time because of the bonds they build there.


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Don't believe our word for it; you can test it completely absolutely free in as little as 14 days!

Do you wish to establish your community?

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