Staff Pick First Toast of Friendship to the Staff

Apr 17, 2024

They are two of the essential aspects of the human experience. It's simple to say they're two of the most essential requirements of human beings. These are the bonds that connect us. They keep us connected however they can increase our vulnerability. They make us fear losing them, exactly like we'd like to have them at the beginning. The role of film makers is to share this experience by showing it in various styles. It's not an easy task and on occasions when filmmakers explore the myriad emotions that make up life in a way which is honest as well as meaningful, a film is a powerful tool for exploring the personal life of each of us. We are now at the forthcoming Staff Pick premiere of Liv Karin Dahlstrom's "Women&Wine," a comedic analysis of pride damaged by self-interest when confronted by the breakup of a relationship. It was awarded with the Grand Jury Prize at the 2017 Seattle International Film Festival (full details here: I was member of the jury), "Women&Wine" is an extremely funny and unsettling film that tells the tale of a woman's struggles to keep her connection with her most beloved friend.

The movie begins by showing Turid (Marit Andreassen) and Signe (Jeanne Bee) both females. They are friends in their final years and plan a grand celebration to celebrate the birthday of their most beloved family member Grete (Turid Gunnes). A fun prank turns into an insulting comment, which can result in Turid being concerned over never getting noticed as an individual among their friends. One's self-confidence may be undermined by trust and funny or even embarrassing behaviour can result. The film provides a genuinely and authentic depiction of the interactions between humans. It explores a broad range of feelings, including humorous, sweet, terrifying and funny. It is based on Dahlstrom who composed the script with Thorkild Schrooff. The incident occurred close proximity to a friends' bachelorette party and led them to think about the "humor of fear and vulnerability that people try to hide to safeguard their self-esteem at difficult social events. How we think and perform is determined by the thoughts of our thoughts and the consequences of our thoughts influence our behavior." For Turid the girl, who is confused because she thinks that Grete doesn't deserve their friendship, the occasion transforms into an opportunity to show their love towards one another. It is then climbed to friendship by falling into the same circle of friends in order to show the bonds that friends have.

The topic of jealousy and friendship is a common theme or could make a wonderful basis for a movie that focuses on people who have unhealthy relationship. Dahlstrom has a firm intention to steer clear of the drama. She utilizes an approach that is natural, and focuses on the intense performances of her characters and their emotions. Inspired by everyday events of the most intimate moments Dahlstrom decided that "the camera needs to be able to monitor the activities of actors, instead of choosing a secondary method." This is why the film is able to effortlessly move through different scenarios. It shows the extent to which we'll go to protect our loved ones in addition to our own self-esteem.

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