Reintroduce humanity to your advertising with a personalized video

Nov 23, 2022

If video is gasoline for increasing sales and marketing personalization is the next step and turbo-charged rocket fuel.

Take it from the 77% of folks who have seen positive results by using video advertising like growth in traffic, leads and brand recognition. With regards to personalized videos, 81% also report that customized videos are increasing their sales.

In fact, people tend to be 13percent more likely to recall the message contained in the form of a video email rather than an email with text.

If you're thinking of using video personalization to skyrocket your bottom line We'll guide you to get there with this article. The guide will also highlight the advantages of creating custom videos and hand off strategies for creating videos that generate ROI.

Top 4 benefits of videos personalization

Marketing that is human-centered

Sending personalized videos is an effective method of standing apart in the crowded world of marketing and sales.

Think of it, really. Does a video thumbnail of a smiling face -- waving hello -- grab your attention more than a dull, text-based email that appears to suggest that the sender mass sent it to everyone who is on their outreach list? If you were paying attention, then the video email, wouldn't you?

Video personalization not only grabs attention but it also allows you to showcase your personal style to gain the trust of potential customers.

The numbers support this, with 70% of sales reps using customized video for outreach report an increase in their responses rates.

Time saving is for everyone

Prepping for meetings, designing engaging presentation slides, and scheduling time for product demos all take a lot of time.

Once you're able to master the art of video prospecting though it is easy to record personalized videos and save your and the viewer's time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, personalized video is amazing for efficiently (and humanly) making new suggestions, prospecting better, and informing new users and customers about your products.

It supports your ABM strategy

Marketing based on accounts targets businesses with personalized content to keep them in the loop and help them move through into the funnel of sales.

The key to nailing your ABM strategy though? Customized content that addresses particular questions that your target customers have.

Luckily, custom video content is the best format for nurturing these uber-important targets.

One, personalization stands out in a sea of written material, and can help you get a customer's attention without consuming a lot of time.

Furthermore, as personalized videos have a range of use cases, you can utilize it in the marketing or sales funnel. You can, for instance, utilize personalized videos to send out introduction messages, respond to customer support questions, and establish relationships with folks at targeted accounts.

It makes work simpler

Additionally, personalized video aids overcome misunderstandings and confusions caused by poorly written or rushed briefs can cause.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to stay connected--we forget that everyone has different styles of working and sharing information.

Plus, you can auto-generate your screen recorded video's transcript to create a paper recording of the video's content. That makes your entire conversation searchable by pressing CTRL-F able as well as easy to reference later.

9 proven tips for making a personalized video

Are you convinced that it is time to begin using personalized videos for making pitches, prospecting, joining together with other people, assigning tasks, and so on? Get started creating. Trust us that recording your own video is simple.

We've got the tips and the video personalization software to help you get startedWe'll begin by introducing these tips:

1. Create an informal script that will help you stay on the right track

It's not necessary to have detailed plans but you don't need a detailed one. Make a listing of everything you need to mention on a notepad and you're set. Reference this list as you create your video to ensure that your message is clear on the right topics and you won't miss something.

2. Keep it short and simple

Long, rambling videos fail quick and often. Short, easy to follow video works better for creating and keeping the viewers' interest. In fact, over 60% of people will continue watching an advertisement until its close if it's less than 60 minutes.

The act of writing your video will remind you to use the simplest language possible and stay with the message you are trying to convey, which in turn, ensures your videos are brief.

A few more useful tips you can apply today are:

  • Speak to your camera as you would to someone! The fact that you're making a prospecting video doesn't necessarily mean that you have to employ elaborate words or phrases to sound professional.
  • Be authentic. You are who you are! Potential employers and coworkers appreciate being yourself in your video. They aren't looking for a highly edited version so it's okay if your perfectly perfect video does have one small errorbecause it's only a human after all.

3. Don't be satisfied with the first shot

If you're making your first attempt using video prospects We suggest starting with some preliminary effort by recording the video a handful of times before deciding on the first take.

The reason? Every time you record, you'll learn new things such as:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and sound

Additionally, you'll come up with ways to showcase your personality and to connect better with your viewers.

4. Include your face

The reason: showing your face is the strongest method to engage with your target audience. It's the first step in making your prospecting videos more personal and a surefire way to earn your targeted accounts' trust.

For marketing video too the presence of your face can be helpful for more than gaining confidence -- it can help create brand awareness. the explainer video for SparkToro which he posts on social networks, for instance, help with the recognition of your brand, on top of the product's education as well as connecting with people who watch them:

5. Sprinkle some pepper into your character

Be yourself, and to speak naturally are the biggest tips to remember in this article. But there are subtle ways to showcase your character also. Examples:

  • Create your own "uniquely-you" video-making space. With no clutter in the background and adding things that define you. Consider adding books for those who are avid readers (they're a great conversation starter also!) as well as antique pieces of art if you love those. Even your wall art can showcase what you enjoy.
  • Introduce a distinct item to your wardrobe. This could be something as simple as a particular-colored scarf to a t-shirt that features your company's logo or wearing a cap for all your videos.

All these tips not only aid in highlighting your personal style and build brand familiarity too.

6. Find out about potential customers to ensure that you can tailor your video for outreach

The concept of personalization typically is limited to taking your prospect's name. However, it is more than this. If you desire to make a lasting impression and drive positive results by using video it is essential to tailor your videos in the correct manner.

So how can you take personalization to the next step?

By researching the pain points of your prospective customer. This helps make a video which addresses the person's particular problem by offering them an answer they really want. This, in turn, ensures positive responses.

7. You should include a concise recap of the event or an overview of the material you'll be covering.

Depending on who the video will be aimed at and the length of your video, adding a text-based slides that outline what you'll be speaking about or what you've talked about can be helpful.

When making internal videos, we recommend making a slide with the information will be covered in the video . include it when you talk about what you'll share within the video.

When you upload videos to external websites, such as sales pitch, add an overview slide or recap explaining how the tool will aid the user. Place it prior to the call-to-action (CTA).

8. Take it to the next level through interactivity

A video that uses these options like hotspots and overlays, time triggers, and branches that encourage viewers to engage with your content.

Check it out:


9. Give the viewer a next step (aka a CTA)

In the end, you must guide your viewers to the next step they must take after watching your personalized video.

When sending out outreach emails, this could include inviting recipients to respond to your message in exchange for a demo of the product. In marketing emails your CTA may be a small-scale conversion for example, like signing up to your newsletter, or inviting readers to test the free version of your tool.

In the case of internal team videos, be sure to make your request clear. For example, tell that the person watching to go through the brief and get back to you for any concerns you might ask them.

Make your very own personal videos now!

To summarize, customized videos:

  • Are easy to make
  • Speed things up and support async remote working
  • Are an effective way to standout in the midst of a crowded world

The most exciting part? You can create them at no cost using Record.