Recommendations to WordPress plugins to create membership websites

Jun 17, 2023

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The plugins feature is one of the best features of the WordPress blogs program. With just couple of mouse clicks, you are able to incorporate additional features which allow you to promote products, redesign your website, keep your content protected and secure, along with a variety of other options.

There are a myriad of plugins to pick from Which one is the most effective? Check out our list of highly recommended WordPress plugins that are suitable for membership sites and come out full of new ways to improve the amount of traffic and engagement.

Let's roll!

Most of the most of the plugins we have recommended on this list are completely cost-free. These plugins are equally effective for normal WordPress websites just like they would be used on websites designed used for subscriptions.

Website Backup Plugin


If you install just one plugin following this guide, it must absolutely be one that is a WordPress back-up plugin.

The plugins can create an archive of your site, which allows you retrieve deleted data with only a few steps.

If you're uncertain if you'll need one consider thinking about what your response would be in the event that your site was deleted today and then disappeared forever.

WordPress Security Plugin

Once you've got backups sorted now is the time to secure your website.

This is crucial especially if you operate a website with a long-standing number of customers. It will guarantee your customers are happy and have the privacy of their personal information.

Though a backup feature will help you recover from an attack or similar event, a good WordPress security tool can lower the chance of something occurring at all.

Web Caching Plugin

WP Super Cache

Utilizing a tool for caching that is reliable can help your website perform more effectively. Also, speedy websites have been found to improve the rate of conversion. This means you'll get more visitors!

This is logical. The truth is that websites that load quickly make it much easier to navigate and build trust in your company and the value of the content you publish.

With its repute and popularity, ease of use and wealth of features, WP Super Cache is our recommended free software for caching.

Image Optimization Plugin

Optimizing the images on your site is another way to boost the efficiency of your site's membership.

A good plugin will take the responsibility off of your hands and provide amazing results terms of decreasing dimensions of your files as well as increasing speed of your websites.

The best plug-ins that support such a feature automatically improve existing images for your site and any other new files you upload.

Contact Form Contact Form Contact Formula Contact Form Plugin

Contact form plugins provide the most efficient method of receiving messages from visitors to your website with no needing to share your email addresses.

Lead Generation Plugin


Contact forms are perfect for people who wish to make contact, however, other visitors might need some encouragement.

This Lead Generator plugin can be downloaded. It's possible to advertise particular activities on your website like, for instance adding your email address on your list of subscribers, making use of vouchers for discounts or even registering for a trial.

Broken Link Checker

Along with slow loading times broken links are an easy way to upset members and guests alike.

It is good to know that it is possible to download applications that check your site for URLs no longer leading to the proper site. This can include webpages on your site, pages on other sites or various documents and other sources you may be linking to.

The software recommended from this category not only notifies the user about any broken links found and provides users with the possibility to restore the link without having to visit the site the link was published on.

With its functions that are helpful and proactive when it comes to checking broken links, Broken Link Checker is the most efficient tool to accomplish this task.

The Website Audience Analytics Plugin

Monster Insights

We've previously discussed advantages of using Google Analytics on your site to benefit members in the recent past.

When you're utilizing this feature to find out more details about the visitors to your site and what they're involved in on your site It's the perfect time.

It's possible to download our recommended Google Analytics WordPress plugin to get access to the Google Analytics data right from the WordPress dashboard.

SEO plugin to help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) This plugin is for Search Engine Optimization


The optimization of your website's member area and contents to be indexed by search engines is vital to increasing the number of visitors who visit your site.

While there is a myriad of effective SEO methods to employ on membership websites to increase your audience, the first procedure is setting up the best WordPress SEO plug-in.

Drag-and Drop Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder

The free WordPress option also opens the door to greater possibilities for creativity by using WordPress. Design pages that are custom-designed, include widgets for your site, work using a range of styles and much more!

If you're considering upgrading your WordPress ability to modify the information on your website Two fantastic choices to consider.

The ultimate thought

This listing of 10 highly recommended plugins to use on WordPress membership sites should assist in enhancing the overall quality of your website while also keeping costs down.

     Which of our suggested WordPress membership plugins would you be advised to install? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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