Page Landings for Courses How to Get Better Conversions

Apr 13, 2024

Online classes are a huge business. The ease of access and convenience offered by remote learning means that many students are using it as a way to enhance their knowledge. It doesn't matter if it's a corporate learning course or a person trying to learn a new technique, these classes have become hugely popular.

What ever the reason and whatever the course the landing pages for courses have to be in good shape. We'll look at what an effective landing page ought to be doing, and the best ways to integrate into it for the greatest result. Okay, let's begin learning.

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What does the landing page's purpose?

The landing pages for courses are something like shop windows. What exactly does a storefront must include. It must first be attractive visually. A pleasing color palette and thoughtful placement of items so that they are evenly distributed is a significant impact on the eyes of the client.

Thirdly, a feeling of storytelling, providing some context to the product displayed, or use of teasers that hint at the glories of what's inside. This can all be very effective.

So that's shop windows. But that's, of course also landing pages. Their job is basically similar. Anyone who is just clicking in is much more likely to see the attention of the landing page that uses methods similar to these.

There's one significant difference in brick-and-mortar shoppers who pass by stores and online users.

How will the customer access your website at all? Probably, because of your SEO strategy to draw them in. Maybe you even went through the hassle to use an attractive domain extension (like purchasing the .ai domain for the landing pages of a course using artificial intelligence).

So, unlike the passer-by in the street Your site's visitor will already be somewhat inclined to find out more information about what your site has to offer. Once they've been within the area, your landing pages have one overall job: to get those already intrigued people to go on the next stage.

In the case of course landing pages, that next step is to sign to an online course. The landing page has to propel the customer towards this action. By breaking down those three strategies we've been talking about into smaller but crucial elements, we can achieve this.

Fantastic headline

There should be a hero area and headlines that have dramatic content, in addition to being descriptive enough to give an idea of the essence of what it is you are selling. It also needs to use language that will resonate with your target audience (this factor has to continue throughout the entire design process: it is essential to design a landing page that will chime with your chosen customer).

Here's an amazing illustration.

Screenshot from

It's huge, it's bold, and it's descriptive. It emphasizes the keyword passion. This will greatly impact those who are visiting the site when they ought to be working at their uninspiring work and contemplating alternative and more fulfilling methods of earning a living.

The headline is effective since it focuses on the result. It's like a wormhole taking you from one part of an environment where everything is somewhat less than exciting to a completely different place where thrills and joy are guaranteed.

How do we get there? That's where the subtitle is in.

Subtitling helpful

So, the headline's focussed on the effects. This is the part that provides more an explanation of the class that you're providing. In the example above the description reads: "It's an easy step-by-step guide to finding and doing the work that you enjoy, 100% guaranteed'. The site doesn't need to be a plethora of details. It just needs to clarify the headlines a little so the visitor can be sure of about what the site's content is.

Here's another example that works as it gives the viewer an idea of what the business of the site is, but without providing excessive detail. (Although the truth is, this sentence could be less rambling. )

Screenshot from

Incidentally, this kind of subtitling is vital in all aspects, not only for landing pages. This is what makes product pages work. There must be a bridge between the headline to the meat of the product copy, whatever the site is offering, from a manual for predictions to a predictive dialer. Subtitling is the way to do this.

Description in detail

This means that the user is interested to learn more. It's the time to go deep regarding what your program is about. It's important to note that we're referring to"level of detail". The amount of detail you require will be determined a great amount by the demographic you are targeting.

If you're looking to talk with professionals seeking quick answers to whatever difficulty they might face, it is essential to be swift about telling them the information you provide. Make use of bullet points and simple words to explain exactly what you do with no effort on anyone's time.

Or, if your demographic will likely to spend a bit more time to devote to reading, you could be a bit more specific. However, even for the most leisure-rich demographic Don't get too detailed and you'll be able to turn off people when you overwhelm them with information. Keep in mind that you are able to place the details on subsequent pages. The landing page is all about the broad strokes.

For example, say you've developed a great online  cooking for Beginners' course. In your description for the course, you'll obviously naturally want to talk about the way your program provides amazing instructional tips and tutorials, but you'll want to also highlight what someone will gain by taking the course, like being able to prepare 7 simple, inexpensive dishes, as well as basic food preparation and storage techniques.

It is advantageous in not just demonstrating what the instructor is skilled at, but also detailing the subjects of the curriculum. This is like demonstrating how the product can improve lives without overly revealing details about construction and provenance, and so on.

Design elements

We've been mostly concentrating on the text. As important as the wording is the look and feel of the webpage. Like the design elements of a shop's window it is essential to include something aesthetic to the site to achieve maximum result. Let's look at this in more detail.


Clearness and distinctness are the watchwords for this. The font could have a striking impact, but it is difficult to read.

Think carefully about the image you're trying to project. Is it sober authority? A simple font such as Helvetica or similar will be one of the areas you'll want to look at. For financial purposes, for instance, such as an opportunity to improve the skills of your lead generation for insurance and you'll want the most reliable font free of arty flourishes.

However in the event that your class is more about craft and arts, a font that simulates needlepoint might be a good selection.

It is not a bad idea to consider selecting a word or phrase in another typeface to make it more noticeable.

Screenshot from

This is a great splash of bold handwriting red. It's an official color and has echoes in the logo, CTA boxes, as well as Ms Garst's glasses as well as her top. For a moment, you might think to yourself, this is a financial website. So should it not be about the weighty, authoritative font?

It's well-spotted. The site may be a bit different in that the creator is thinking of the people who might want to dabble in money-making online but who do not necessarily fit into the big league. For these people, fun and accessibility are key characteristics of the course to market. Therefore, it is how important it is to know how to speak to your audience when you are creating your website's landing page.


We've already hit on the power a striking usage of red could have. Color is undoubtedly massively important when it comes to catching the eyes and making a statement. There's an array of qualities that each color is meant to symbolize in marketing but we don't have space to go into all this on this page.

It's enough to say that colors is potent. However, be careful not to overdo it. The color of your choice is based on context. The red above would not look nearly so appealing against a brown backdrop like, for example. That's why we're going to talk about another factor. Make sure you have enough white space. It's the canvas that lets to make the image stand out.


Image from

But (and it's true for all the design of landing pages) don't sacrifice clarity for cute. If you've come up with a turn of phrase which makes you want to give yourself a rose for breathtaking wit but which many people find difficult to grasp and comprehend, you're better off keeping it for your own journal. This is true no matter what area your course landing page covers, from mastering macrame to modernizing the mainframe.

Landing page lift-off

The world of site design is truly a massive area to get your head over as landing pages are essential that they make up a huge portion of. Hopefully, we've given you enough of an idea to get started on designing your course's landing pages as effective as they could be.

If you're not sure, keep your eyes on two C's: clout and clarity. Your page has to make an impression, but it also needs to be crystal clear. If you are able to blend both of these and your landing pages for courses are sure to be popular.

  Make your course's site more attractive with ! Find out more about it here.