Notifications via email - CreativeMindClass
E-mail notifications
Students and creators of courses get notified via email by CreativeMindClass regarding sign-ups and purchase.
SKIPP Ahead To
1. Email notifications for learners
1. Welcome email
2. Email confirmation after purchase
2. Notifications sent to the creator of the course by email
Notifications sent to the student through email
The pupil will receive these emails:
- Welcome email: at the time a student is enrolled in your class
- Confirmation email after the purchase when a pupil can afford to afford your program
Welcome email
CreativeMindClass will email your new student with a welcome message that includes confirmation of your email address.
Confirmation email will be sent out following an purchase
CreativeMindClass will send your learner an email confirmation with payment details along with a link to your class.
2. Notifications to the course creator via email
The email you receive is about:
- Sign-up for a new student: the moment a new student joins your class
A new purchase is made: When a student buys the course
More resources that can assist you in learning CreativeMindClass
Once you've learned the basics Then you can expand on the foundations. The CreativeMindClass team will also. We have all different kinds of information to help you get up and running so that everybody can discover what they would want to.
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