New Stripe Feature Can Increase conversions by 77% (+ Videos)

Jul 21, 2022

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Link by Stripe is available, and it's built right in with your existing Stripe Elements integration. There are no extra charges or costs.

If you're a creator located in the U.S., and you're working in USdollars, then you've been granted an account with Link.

This feature is fantastic for lots of reasons. One of them is compelling:

Link customers buy four times more frequently than non-Link users.

In this blog, we'll cover even more exciting stats. We'll also talk about the benefits of is Link By Stripe is. We'll demonstrate how it functions as well as guide you to get startedwith Link on your website.

We'll get started!

observe >> improve sales & conversions on your site with stripe link

Link is a payment option that is available via the Stripe Elements integration.

This gives your members and clients a quick safe, simple and secure method to process 1-click payments on thousands of websites.

If it's your website or another Link-enabled site, the first time that a customer checks out through Link it saves the information for future 1-click payments.

Link is a certified PCI service provider level one so the data of your customers are extremely secure.

Link lets users make completely secure one-click online payments by completing an easy checkout procedure only once.

Below is the breakdown of how this simple process operates...

 Step 1: The customer is able to check out, and then saves the details about their payment

Your customer lands on an online store that is supported by Link (yours or a different one). After they have completed their purchase, they save their payment details as well as their the shipping address.

 Step 2: One-click transactions are enabled

In the event of any subsequent purchases, Link autofills that customer's stored payment information so that they are able to check out in one mouse click.

 Step 3: The customer completes mobile verification moving forward

Now your customer is all prepared. If they click Link to access a brand new website and device, they'll receive an unique code. The code is used to verify their identity and protect their personal information.

Studies show that abandoning carts is a major cost issue.

For example, a study of the Baymard Institute showed that nearly 70% of shoppers abandon carts. The main cause of cart abandonment is frictionin the buying process.

This same study showed that nearly 1 in 5 shoppers abandoning their carts due to a checkout process they said was "too lengthy and complex".

And, not only that, Baymard found that improving the checkout "flow and design" can save businesses around $260 billion in lost orders.

The only method to make these sales is by creating an speedy and easy buyers' journey.

With its 6 second checkout procedure, that's exactly the way Link by Stripe does.

Improved checkout flow and layout

Link helps buyers make their journey up to 9 times more efficient. And studies show that the Link customer experience is far superior than Link users make a purchase at a rate of 4 times higherthan those who are not Link users.

Since its launch, companies using Link have witnessed an rise in conversions of about 7percent. It's an incredible, code-freeway for small-scale online companies to create a full payment page and to share it with their customers.

Do you want to set it up? It's easy!

Watch >> How to provide a STRIPE Link on Your Website (TUTORIAL VIDEO)

If you're creator and you've got access to the Stripe Integration, it's fast and easy to set up Link. Follow these steps.

Getting set up

Then, visit the Stripe Dashboard - settings -> Payment methods. Select your .com platform from the dropdown menu.

Scroll down until you find the Link payment method then click the button to turn on the button.

Then, enable Link in your settings by going to the > Options > Payments tab.

Check your Stripe gateway's settings (see picture below) Check that Stripe Elements is checked.

Then scroll down, check the box that says Allow Link (recommended), and Save your Settings.

It's all good! The next time that a customer pays out, they have the option to pay via Link.


The buyer's journey is a source of friction and is one of the greatest reasons for revenue loss due to cart abandonment. Link by Stripe is a super simple way to reduce that friction and improve the number of sales for your web site.

Simply enable Link in your Stripe dashboard. After that, make sure Link is enabled within your settings. The two steps above can get you on the path to a lot of revenue growth.

Take a look at the Knowledge Base as well as the Link to Stripe FAQs to find out more details and get started.

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Start today!

Get paid to create the content you produce.

Have you implemented Stripe Link to your site Yet? We'd love to know what you think about it. Let us know in the remarks.