Membership Community Secrets - Grow an e-Commerce that is 6-Figures in size

Jun 6, 2024

The members' community has seen members come and go throughout the past ten years. We've observed the ones that began as nothing but grew to be six, seven, and even eight-figure businesses. There are many inspirational examples of communities that are built on the basis of membership, but here are the top five amazing wins that we've recently seen:

  • The entrepreneurship organization that generated $35,000 in just two and a half weeks, with 5000 members.
  • The health-focused program has just added 100 premium members (and an additional $40,000 of ARR).
  • An author and speaker that brought $30,000 of revenue to their members during a promotional period of four weeks.

We love to celebrate the wins, however there are plenty of other fantastic members' stories from large communities as well as tiny.

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In this article in this post, we'll explain the power of a membership community. This article will show you how to set up an online community that is paid for by members. We'll give you the steps to help you move from the point you're at into a business that can generate six figures.

We can't guarantee that, however the tested and tried methods that have proven to work repeatedly over time.

That's the method we use to create a can help you build an organization with a membership of six figures.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

It's an old fashioned cliche at the moment and we'll do the same thing repeatedly. Opportunities are best in the areas of.

Communities that are too diverse.

As a host who is new to the business, you may be tempted to go out and cast a wide net. Do you want to see the most people possible to live in your region?


Problem is that when you're in a crowd of different people who have a variety of interests, it's difficult to connect everyone in the group. Additionally, it's unlikely to see them be able to interact.

Your community's in its own face.

The niche is what allows it to prosper. Membership communities are built on anything including German dance to anime. From public speaking for professionals in finance, to email newsletters designed for nonprofts.

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Your niche is the key for your success. If you're creating a membership community online, you can reach around the globe to find people who are experts in your field.

Star With an overall notion of an online community and then narrow down to a smaller extent than you think you need to.

Use Our Community Name Generator

The AI engine of our company is ready to assist you in creating an identity for your community that is like magic. You just need to share a few lines about who you want your community to be and we'll start. Enter maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who would you like to unite?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Request Ideas

The names used by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are only examples and do not belong to any other company or in accordance with third-party rights. To learn more, read our Terms.

2. They serve a big purpose

If we instruct Community Design(tm) on Mighty the Web We always begin with a Big Purpose.

The Large Goal can be the reason your membership community exists.

Traditional companies have their own mission declaration. The membership community that is successful have a major purpose.

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We're so enthusiastic about the development of communities with the capacity to fulfill a Big Purpose that we integrated the community engine into our system. Every new community is encouraged to pick a Big Goal.

Do it!

     Start Free Trial Free Trial

3. Are You Looking for Your Ideal Member?

This is related to your specialization, but begin with one Ideal member. That should be one individual you work with, who has just one specific goal or issue.

Are you looking to know more about the most effective activities that you can do to discover the ideal members? Meet them!

If you've got an idea of your niche take the time to talk with those who are the perfect fit. If it's daunting, you'll be happy that you took the initiative.

Ask them questions like:


  • What do you struggle with?
  • What type of support would you like to search for?
  • What price would you be willing to pay for the results you need?

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Talking to these individuals is a step toward creating a vibrant members-only group. It helps get the concept out of your head and into conversations.

Be sure, however, to remain attentive to the ideal members.


  • If everybody is intrigued but no one is willing to buy it, you might be forced to change your mind.
  • If you have identified a problem that is different from the one the ideal group of people are discussing about, it could be necessary to change the focus of your group.

It's market research, and you should adhere to it.

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4. Start by using a little

Membership societies are open to members of thousands. Many stories are about members paying $50,000 monthly. You can read a few at the top of this piece.

If we don't get off, we'd like to know that you're able to get there!

If you're just starting out, you could benefit from starting small.

The smaller communities are less difficult to communication. It is possible to get familiar with everyone, something that would be impossible with more than a few thousand people.

Once you've gotten really good in meeting the demands of those 10-15 people who are in the initial group after which you can grow to thousands.

     However, remember that you don't necessarily need millions of people in order to build a thriving community. The average community on Mighty cost $48 per month. The possibility is a six-figure membership community with more than 174 people. That's not even counting items that most communities sell as upsells like special events, private coaching masterminds and classes. You can reach six figures when you've got 30 or 40 members as when you follow the correct steps.

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5. Offer something for sale

If it's your first encounter with the idea of creating an online membership site  offer something.

Simply breathe and rip off the Band-Aid. Design your own landing pages and then invite your very initial members. It could be a live-course or an open-air event. Sticking up an offer, even pre-selling it, could help validate your membership community idea.

6. Consider the screening

The overall health of your depends on the overall general health of those who live there. And screening is a way to make sure you only get the best quality people.

This seems a little strange. Are you going to turn people away? Making it more difficult for them to join your community? Add more friction?

In some instances, some cases, the "negatives" are overcome by a very positive: the people in your area actually want to be there.

It's difficult to say no to prospective members. Screening can enhance the quality of your organization for members who actually join. And that's worth its weight in gold.

Screening may include:


  • Automating a questionnaire on your checkout process.
  • The process of creating a list of the requirements that members must fulfill to become a part of.
  • Group discussions or live one-on-one meetings with members who are interested in joining.

Sometimes, it's even about telling people no when they're not a good make sense. But once you've built a vibrant community, you'll be grateful for it.

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7. Study the maths

To be able to fully commit in a community that is a member, it is essential to understand what the meaning of numbers.

There's no community where everyone is engaged every day of the week.

None. Zilch.

Every community is the home to"super members and "supers". It is about 5-10% of those who are very active and put all their energy into everything they take on.

A majority of members may be in and out of the club at times. You may not meet at all, but who do pay fees for membership.

The numbers are fairly normal. Don't let it discourage you. Also, don't let it influence the way you live!

If members have joined your community, they will enjoy the benefits. Particularly, if they are paying the cost of membership each month.

Your community may be something they have however they may not be able to commit fully to it now. Your community might be that incentive they need to get started with a small amount every month.

Do not try to sell yourself to anybody. Show up on time and complete your job, and don't stress about details.

     Keep in mind that communities that are designed for busy individuals may show the lowest involvement. In the CEO community, you may experience some itchiness, however it does not render the members of these communities less productive. It is safe to trust them to participate and stay engaged when they can.

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8. Learn the benefits of the fee for membership

It's easy to assess the cost for membership from the perspective of a member. The cash flow comes in the long run.

You must also consider what a membership fee affects your customers in addition. Costs for membership help members be more committed. The members who pay their costs are more involved. As people who pay are aware of their actions, they're up to.

The numbers show that a fee for membership does not affect the members' desire to purchase upsells. Seventy percent of free networks are making upsells to paid products. Yet, 90% of paywalled networks create upsells!

This suggests that customers don't just pay to join, but they also are ready to pay more for value. Be aware of this when pricing your membership site.

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9. Do not miss the trial for free!

People who sell stuff online typically offer free trials. However, it's not always required. There are only 27% of our top 250 income-generating companies offer an opportunity for a no-cost trial.

Trials are completely free and can have a place. They also can alter the character of a community. If your members drop between meetings, engaging but not staying at the same level, it could impact the unity of your community.

In the majority of cases it's better to prepare before time so that you can be sure the ideal candidate is there Do the interview, and be sure that they're ready to give all of their.

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10. Make more deals

In the most lucrative community of members, the most untapped sources of income growth comes coming from members who have already walked through the door.

While it's common to think, "I'm already charging them and don't need to charge them for something beyond that" we've found that people who are active members usually are looking for something more. For instance, it could be an active mastermind, a one-on-one coach, or an incredibly incredible live or online event.

We don't intend to increase the price just in the name of increasing the price.

Do take a close take a look at the existing customers and make sure you're offering them the best possible value, even if that requires a change in your offer!

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11. Verify that all participants are connected

We research successful communities. They share one thing have in common.

The communities that have been successful are those with members who have become friends (that's not a Host). Community members are there for education, information, or other events, but they remain in the community due to of the relationships they have with each other.

This means that one important thing that a host can perform is to create occasions that allow your members to get together and form friendships. This could be done in asynchronous fashion, such as via a conversation prompt or in a blog post. Also, it could be partially synchronous: at offices or during live events or through planned break-out sessions or networking events.

Let them go and let them be connected.

The community you live in will gain by it.

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12. Integrate your "supers" to help

Super members of your group are a powerful resource. Many Hosts are not using all the power available to their members. Active members of your members are seeking ways to make connections. They also participate in ways that go that go beyond the normal membership experience.


  • Request them to assist in discussions
  • The members should be asked to manage the group and the content it contains.
  • Interview them or tell their stories. them
  • Invite for them to connect with us and welcoming new members.      

Every super may not have a consensus, however we've observed that the majority of supers waiting for the opportunity to help even more. Be sure to request for their assistance.

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13. Choose the most suitable platform

The most significant boost to the membership of your community could result from the community platform you select to build your community. When you pick one that allows you to mix any type of course or content along with live and community events with a powerhouse digital marketing engine, you've got the recipe to create a truly community-based business.

In the process of developing our community platform, we took into account everything that you need to run the development of a vibrant members group.

This refers to:


  • It is a way to build whatever type of content you want, including posts, long-form content discussion, polls, and streaming live .
  • Offer memberships, live or pre-recorded classes, virtual masterminds for events, group coaching, or bundle any of them in your own home currency.
  • Connectivity tools you can't find in other chat, discussion tools and messaging AI profiles, text enhancements rich member directories as well as profiles. Conversations are shown everywhere.
  • Create your personal brand identity using Colors, Spaces that you can personalize and make an upgrade into an application that has a name for your brand .
  • Develop your own custom sales engine with automatic landing pages, custom screening questions, as well as additional welcome options.

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Are you prepared to start? Begin building your membership community using Mighty! The top community platform from G2 that includes everything you require to get from 0 to 6 figures. It's available to test it at no cost for 14 days, with no credit card requirement.

Article was first seen on here