
Aug 18, 2022

The year was in its inaugural Australian Make It Awards to support Australian entrepreneurs, creatives, and small-scale companies. The Make It Awards come from their beginnings in 2003. Its President Anthony Casalena founded the company with a loan of $30,000 that was used to purchase its first servers.

With the Make It Awards, we're aiding Australia's Australian businesses by providing three new businesses an award of $30k to help them achieve their goals. Three winners were picked from over 2,500 submissions that were judged by their strategies for business, innovation and the benefits to communities and the branding and design. Meet Reef Design Lab, Lousy Ink, and The Difference Three organizations with a strong mission who are committed to sustainability and engagement with society.

   Reef Design Lab

Reef Design Lab is a multidisciplinary design firm that designs marine habitat structures. They also conduct research into methods to sustain and repair the biodiversity of marine and coastal ecosystems. Reef Design Lab works with the authorities, builders, and architects research institutes, and other institutions as and marine scientists in various areas, including eco-engineering ocean infrastructure, coastal protection and coral farming.

Reef Design Lab plans to utilize the grant to upgrade its internal technology and accelerate the creation of innovative products.

   Lousy Ink

Two artists launched the company. Lousy Ink recycles printer cartridge ink and creates a range of art supplies which are environmentally friendly, like recycled and ink pens. The company works with Australian partner companies to recycling, reuse or reuse old, used cartridges inkjet. Lousy Ink's goal is to transform waste into an opportunity for creativity, and also help the environment as well as the artistic community by encouraging sustainable ways of expressing creativity.

Lousy Ink plans to use its grant grant to design various colored inks which include magenta, cyan black, yellow and.

   The distinction

The Difference is the first app for mobile phones that is made available in Australia which allows users to collect virtual spare cash from transactions , and later donate money to causes that they feel passionate about. The Difference makes use of technology that lets anyone contribute to sustainable global changes with simple everyday actions and microdonations.

The Difference plans to use this to expand its offering in technical topics and assist with The Make Change campaign. Make Change campaign.

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