Leading Lead Generation Strategies to be used in 2022 (And how to implement them)

Aug 3, 2022

In the current climate, attracting attention from the people you want to reach is becoming more and more difficult, you need to have an organized and efficient lead generation strategies to succeed.

As you know, customers make up the basis of any company. Without them, nothing else matters. It used to be that people could locate your business online fairly quickly. Today, regardless of the sector you're operating involved in, from online shopping to selling online classes, your target audience is busier than ever -- which is why you need to pursue them on your own.

In this article, we'll cover the best methods for lead generation and explain how to improve your online marketing to get more qualified leads in no time.

What is lead generation?

Jeffrey Josephson, in his book about creating qualified leads for sales in his book on generating qualified sales leads, describes lead generation in his book as "the gap between sales and marketing."

A lead is any person who shows interest in your product or service. It doesn't matter whether you've approached them initially or they've discovered your business in another way.

Lead generation is the method of generating leads and finding potential customers. It's crucial to every business that wants to consistently grow its customer base.

What can you do to begin gaining leads from your customers? Here are some lead generation tactics that anyone can use.

Eight lead generation techniques that work

Both marketing and sales teams usually work in incorporating the best lead-generation tools in their overall marketing strategy.

Some companies separate lead generation from demand generation. The former is often more involved (e.g. making DMs on LinkedIn or calling cold). The latter involves doing the work upfront to attract potential customers later (e.g. blog posts, email marketing).

Below, we'll discuss a mix of lead generation tactics that can either involve your marketing or sales staff.

  1. Marketing content

One of the most durable and efficient lead generation strategies is the constant creation of fresh information. It is available on your website for the next several years. For example, blog posts, ebooks white papers, how-to guides as well as FAQs.

Short-term prospective customers will notice your site is constantly up-to-date. Updates keep them coming back for more information.

In the long term, the content on your site will eventually be found by search engines. This means that you'll begin getting higher rankings in the search results of diverse keywords. This is something you can expect and incorporate keywords pertinent to the audience you target in your content marketing materials.

To get a deeper dive for a deeper dive, take a look at How To Generate Leads Using Content Marketing (6 Easy Steps).

  2. Optimizing websites

Make sure you are able to create a separate landing page dedicated to each group you're trying to attract. These pages are essential because they enable you to share the story of your company. They also allow you to present the benefits your business can provide in a manner that is unique to each customer. This makes it more likely that they will proceed through the next stage of your sales funnel.

Pages on landing are great for ad and social media campaigns, as well as promotional calls or cold calls.

  3. Case studies

Unlike other types of media marketing case studies offer something unique that all prospective customers want reviews.

It's an easy task to learn about a certain product on a website. If your intended customer can be able to hear about the experience of other customers (and discover how they've used the product to resolve an issue) this greatly increases the likelihood of being qualified leads.

  4. Email marketing

However, even those who are very intrigued by your product or service will not remember to visit your website regularly for a long time. In order to keep them interested you must get your email address, and then continue to send valuable information in email form (e.g. newsletters, discounts, individual special offers).

For ensuring that sufficient individuals leave contact details while visiting your website, you can use contact forms. You can do this by providing a trial for free or before they can download the case study (or a whitepaper).

If you want your email marketing to perform, establish a plan to send out your newsletters. Ensure that every one of them has as much value for your potential customers as possible.

  5. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements

While search engine ads are getting more expensive and competitive each year, you can still attract potential customers by targeting the most relevant (and less competitive) terms.

PPC advertisements are an excellent source of leads since you get exposure to people that are looking for a similar product (since they're searching for the keywords you have) but otherwise completely unknown to your.

  6. Social media content

When you have the first customer, some will likely join your social media accounts to get updates about your company and your products.

One of the most important aspects of any social media network (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) is the ability to share posts easily. If your post on social media gets shared fast the post could be a viral hit, putting your brand in the eyes many potential buyers.

Social media also works well to nurture leads and turn them into customers by telling your compelling story in time.

  7. Social media ads

In contrast to PPC ads however, ads on social media are often more about creating brand recognition rather than an impressive percentage of direct responses. You can define your perfect audience and show them the benefits of your product. Those who are intrigued by your product can be sent to a landing page and further down to the sale funnel.

  8. LinkedIn connections

LinkedIn is a professional social network in a variety of fields, with more than 800 million users, LinkedIn gives anyone with unrivalled access to decision makers in their targeted market.

Your sales staff can contact the executives of your companies directly, offering them insights and key marketing materials regarding your product.

For a great understanding of LinkedIn Learn about Online Marketing. LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies. Strategies to use LinkedIn to Generate Leads by Richard Kunzi.

The 4 L'sof Lead generation strategy for marketing

If you're trying to combine diverse lead generation techniques to form a comprehensive plan begin with four Ls: lead acquisition, page landings, lead magnets as well as lead scoring.

  1. Lead capture

The majority of leads who land on your website do not come back. That means you'll only have a short time frame to get their contact information to try to engage them in the coming time. An email address is the most common thing to ask for, but you have to offer some worth before you can agree to share their information with you.

How do you do that? The answer is lead magnets.

  2. Magnets made of lead

A lead magnet is an assurance of value to prospective customers for a piece of their personal data (e.g. an email address or a social media follow).

A few of the most popular lead magnets include:

  • Ebooks
  • Webinars
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Trials for free
  • Demos

Don't go out creating as many lead magnets as is possible. A few high-quality pieces of content can go a long way in helping your newsletters, ads as well as on your website as well as your landing pages.

  3. Landing pages

We've already touched on the landing pages previously, but they're also the perfect place for your lead magnets. Because you can tailor each landing page to target the specific target audience, you can be sure that your visitors will be drawn to a specific lead magnet. This will boost your conversions.

For more information on using lead magnets and landing pages, check out our article to 6-Step Lead Magnet Funnel to Capture and Convert Prospects (+ Templates).

  4. Score scoring in the lead

The last L of your lead generation strategy must be lead scoring or qualifying leads based on their fit with your target audience and how interested they are in your offering.

If you have a good Analytics and CRM solution that you have in place, you could perform lead scoring for high-quality leads in a manual manner, adding points for positive actions or characteristics (e.g. signing up to newsletters) while removing points for actions that are negative (e.g. working in a non-target industry).

In addition, there's a myriad of marketing and sales tools which can evaluate leads for you automatically, using the information in your CRM, the IP address, browsing patterns, etc.

Why your lead generation strategy and the campaigns you run are crucial

As you can see, there are a variety of methods of getting leads. However, you cannot do it at the same time. Based on the type of service you offer or service, your market and even the customers you serve, you should select a few key tactics that will be most effective for you and unite them into an efficient lead generation strategy.

In the case of example, if you own an online learning business or are selling courses online, you can read how to create an efficient online marketing strategy. For more information, refer to The Ultimate Guide To Revenue Generation With the Online Learning Industry.

How to generate leads for your online course

If you're thinking of creating your first online course, the process for generating leads is just the same as with any other business, and you are able to use the same techniques as we've discussed in the past.

You can create your own online course only a couple of hours, without any coding. Select a beautiful template and alter it to meet your specific needs with a simple drag-and-drop editor. Add any type of content including quizzes, videos to presentations.

Start with absolutely no cost! Make a course for your own domain . You can ensure it is a bestseller with the most effective lead generation strategies you now have.