Information Processing Theory and Approach

Oct 29, 2023

Do you understand the complicated neuro-psychological system that controls what your students (or the vast majority of people) think of new ideas and information? This is the question that theory of information processing aims to clarify. It focuses on the complex process of perceiving, recording and processing data within our brains, and then returning it when required.

Discover more information about the concept and how you can implement it into the development of online classes to help your students. First step is to give a short overview of what the inspiration behind this idea was.

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An overview of Information Processing Theory

The 1950s were when scientists realized that computers were crucial to understanding the how human brains function. George Armitage Miller and Edward C. Tolman created the fundamentals of how we make use of short-term memory, and how they acquire new knowledge. Based on this fundamental theory two famous theories of information processing were developed. the Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and the Baddeley and Hitch Model of Working Memory.

The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model discusses the levels of sensory memory, and shorter-term memory (working memory) as well as long-term memory. The emphasis is on the need to pay particular attention to the complex actions that can lead to data being stored in long-term memory. The model is referred to as the Baddeley and Hitch Model of Working Memory is based on these ideas and describes how we deal with the use of words as well as spatial patterns.

Are you overwhelmed by the lingo of psychology? Don't worry! We've brought together the elements of all of these theories to provide you with all the knowledge you need to know about how we as humans handle information. Let's begin understanding that through looking at the ways in which humans handle information in daily circumstances as well as examining each one of these functions more deeply.

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 Concepts that are essential in Information Processing Theory

As a creator educator, I have found it very helpful to be aware of the many aspects of data processing.

Try it out with the examples below.

If you're in an area that is crowded and are confronted with a myriad of sounds, sights and smells. You may encounter people who touch your shoulder, if you're careful enough and find yourself right in the middle of a crowd, which is angry. To avoid the chaos and noise, it is recommended to walk towards a spot that you're certain is quiet and tranquil. Also, keep your eyes on the fact that they serve fantastic coffee as well as delicious croissants in this specific area of town.

It is the basis of data processing that's used in real life. We'll see:

  1. You may be able to feel different stimuli (people who are moving around or rubbing their shoulder, cars racing down the street or in the air, etc. - sensation. The word "stimulus" means any input from outside (or external)
  2. The image appears as if it is crowded (perception is what we do in the information we perceive).
  3. Based on your experience in the past (long memory of a long time) and you're conscious of this as potentially hazardous and uncomfortable (being forced around by a an old connection)
  4. You can then recall the place that once offered your comfort (another chain of memory could lead to you recollecting information concerning the relaxing cafe and its desserts (semantic memory).
  5. The memory activates when you go into in the restaurant (judging/analyzing and then deciding. Walking towards the cafe may represent a memory procedural).

First, you sense your environment

Humans gather information, often described as "stimulus" via five senses: smell, sight as well as touch. Auditory (hearing) as well as tasting. Sixth sense, which is connected to body's posture during balance, motion and posture, is also called vestibular sense, is there.

senses and their related organs

  • Vision Eyes
  • Audio - Ears
  • Touch Skin
  • Taste - Tongue
  • Aroma - Nose
  • The sensation of Vestibular and the ear along with other components of the nervous system.

The sense organs in your body transform real-time data into electrical signals. the brain process them, to transform them into information which you are able to recognize at the conscious level. The way you perceive is affected by the past experiences you have (similar to data that is kept in your brain that you are able to recall and draw connections to).

It is important to note that unless you incorporate VR or AR into your content for lessons then it will be mostly inputs (stimuli) that are related to visual (reading texts or watching videos) and sound (voice as background sounds).

     Perception stems from sensing.

The sense organs respond to various stimuli in the surrounding environment and transform the signals they receive into electrical signals that can be detected by various regions of the brain. Sensory processing takes place within the organs that detect sensory information, which is then processed inside the brain. Persons who have a diverse sense of perception or have a problem with learning could struggle to process the information in a rapid manner.

For authors: If you are planning to make the content of your class accessible to people who are disabled, it's advisable to consider accessibility-friendly design principles. A few examples of accessible design include the necessity to ensure that there is a consistent spacing between words breaking long paragraphs into smaller ones as well as ensuring that there's adequate white space.

When the data being interpreted is transformed (encoded) and stored in memory.

Memory is an umbrella word that covers a variety of areas of cognitive. The process begins by keeping information in memory for a specific period of time (sensory or working memory) before moving the data to long-term storage by condensing (encoding).

Sensory memory lasts between one to three minutes. If you do not pay for it the memory doesn't go into short-term memory. Research has found that the short-term memory can store around seven elements of information in a period between 15 and 30 minutes. With practice, the brain is able to store information, but eventually information gets lost or degrades.

When you practice, your brain executes a process known as encode. This triggers your data to be stored in long-term memory. After it's been transferred to long-term memory you can access the information anytime provided you don't permit it to fade, or expose it to disruption. "Long-term memory" or "long-term memory" could refer to a particular event occurred in the last few minutes, or something that occurred long and dated all the way back to the time of your childhood.

The idea behind rehearsing typically is used to assist in the process of learning by repetition in academic settings. Students have a difficult time mastering things by rote as it is not the best way to master complex concepts and abstract knowledge.

Many kinds of memories that are long-term include:

  1. Explicate memory is the one that you are able to access without conscious. If someone asks you which capital city of Great Britain is, you are able to say it's London. Therefore, explicit memories are classified as declarative memory. Declarative memories can also be divided into
  • Memory that is episodic A memory that is triggered by events that took place during the course of your life for example, such as going to the house of a friend from childhood
  • Memory that is semantic - The ability to remember what you've learnt about the world. For instance dates of declaring of World War 2 (September 1 September 1939).
  1. Implicit memory can be stored in your memory over the long run, but it could also be connected to your performance or movement. Examples include being able to swim, or remembering to operate a car following an extended gap and so further.

Attention helps memory remain longer and improves how you learn.

Our sense organs are able to take in a variety of different information but these aren't stored in our brains except if we pay attention to the information. They are stored in "sensory memory," following perception. They last only a few seconds (between 1 and 3 seconds).

Focusing your attention exclusively on just one thing in the presence of another stimulus. For instance, you go to the cafe that you love and pick the bread you'd love to eat despite there being a variety of products available.

If you have a vision of a busy street, your mind may have noticed that there were lots of people. You may not have paid enough attention to notice the faces of every. At the end of the day, the particulars of the faces of each person have become distorted and is gone forever.

What happens to this? occur in the brain?

When you are an educator and create the content for your students, you can be curious about how the content that you provide to your students are thought through by their brains. Baddeley and the Hitch Model of Working Memory provides a straightforward answer.

The frontal region (a component of brain) is the central processing area in which information is stored and later retrievable. There is a wide variety of memory kept in various areas of the brain. In the Hitch context:

  • Information about audio (information which is presented in the form of sounds commonly called languages, music, or other types of sound) is stored in the sound loop that is also known in the term sound loop known as the phonological.
  • Phonological Loop Phonological Loop is the storage mechanism for phonological sounds that stores information for a short duration, and the process of articulatory training is when the brain rehearses auditory signals to save for a longer time.
  • Visuospatial sketchpad can be described as a part of the brain that stores information that is visual and spatial such as patterns, shapes and pictures.
  • Episodic buffers can enhance the capacity of brains have to store, encode and retrieve data by linking various parts of the brain in order to facilitate the processing of information.

Now is the time to implement the expertise acquired in the area of information processing to create virtual learning environments.

Focus your students on the online content of your class

If you're creating or developing courses, you should look into the procedure using this method. If you don't make your video or slides attractive enough, students aren't going to be interested and will move on to the next. Students glance at your slideshow (sensation happens) however they do not stay in it long enough to keep it in the short-term memory. It is left to practice until they get to the memory phase of long-term storage and then it disappears from their sensorsimotor memory. So, ensuring that they are attentive is of paramount importance.

You must take into account the possibility that your child may be distracted by some sort of daydream, or disinterested in your subject. Each of these things can affect the ability of your student to focus on what needs to be learnt and incorporated into long-term memory. Thus, making sure that you create materials that hold the attention of your students is vital.

This is what you can do:

  • Encourage them to take an interruption every 10 to 15 minutes. The research shows that attention span decreases in fifteen minutes of starting.
  • So, it is important to organize your lessons in chunks that are fifteen minutes or less. You don't need for classes with video or even lecture segments which last for less than 10 minutes. Instead, it is better to give your students smaller tasks such as games or even the opportunity to take a break.
  • Make more educational and stimulating websites for children. The reasons will be discussed at a later date.

Essential information processing techniques for helping your students to improve their education.

In the event that information is stored in short-term memory, the data may be transferred to long-term memory or deleted. Repetition and practice are crucial to store information over long durations in the long-term memory. This is why it's crucial to develop a program of instruction to ensure that students have plenty of time to study and repeat the content that's kept within their working memory. It should happen in only a couple of minutes. So, at the conclusion of each lesson, which should be only 2 minutes in length Encourage your students to practice or repeat lessons or even practice. So that they can learn lessons that are stored in their the long-term memory.

Once something is stored in long-term memory, it is able to be found in the near future when you ask. But, the likelihood in recalling memories is contingent on how much attention an individual has displayed when learning about the topic (were sufficiently attentive, was your course material relevant enough, etc. ).

As you can see from the previous explanation that learning generally is a result of how we perceive data and the manner in which we assess it with the information we already know and the things we have to keep an eye on.

What's the problem?

the limits of Information Processing Theory in online learning

Humans aren't computers. Though drawing comparisons between the brain of an individual and the computer is tempting but the two are distinct. Information Processing Theory doesn't discuss the role of motivational aspects as well as emotions that affect the way we process information or remember things. Both are crucial to recalling as well as retaining the information you've accumulated.

Brains operate in a linear manner -- that information is interpreted, analyzed and then transformed (encoded) before being stored, and then returned. It is commonly referred to as the sequential processing. It is the exact process computers perform.

Our brains can process information simultaneously, meaning they can handle multiple kinds of data. Multitasking ability of our brains doesn't compare to computers' capabilities. accomplish. Therefore, even though the theory of information processing is a good description how we think about the way we organize, process and manage data, it fails to consider emotions and the non-linear nature of our brains. operate.

There are feelings, motivations and desires that are possible to not have in mind when making the contents of your classes. So, it's crucial to recognize that you're training human learners, not machines. One of the most effective strategies to deal with this issue is to create learning online spaces that can be engaging.

Let's take a look at how you can bring emotion, motivation and social interaction in the mix. It is also possible to use the theory of information processing so that you can create an online course that is perfect for your needs.

 Strategies to make the notion of information processing more effective to aid online learning

     Encourage your students to focus on the task at hand.    

What's the reason to learn a skill if you aren't engaged in the subject? You must be able to feel their commitment or desire to attend your class and feel motivated to complete the course.

Motivation drives them to focus on the content of the class which can result in faster processing of information (encoding) and superior capabilities in retrieving data. If your student is not determined to be a learner, even the best class might not register on their minds.

Motivation is an important factor when it comes to processing information too. The brain needs to be stimulated through external stimulation.

  • The job of a teacher is to maintain this program.
  • Keep in mind that motivation is a constant supply of energy that doesn't depend on. Feel valued, receive feedback that is positive and appreciated by your peers for motivation to keep working to make improvements. Are you aware of your classmates cheering you on when you were feeling down or simply needed to do better in something? Similar is true of learning as well.

The factors of motivation and interpersonal are connected. Let's examine how this is played out in the social theories of information processing.

Encourage social interaction during learning

Though one-to-one training is highly effective, we benefit from learning while working in groups. This is the reason the majority of traditional instruction occurs in groups or in groups, as studying together can be more engaging (and effective).

Social Information Processing theorem partially explains how people interact with computers, for instance, through an online platform for studying.

Humans also learn by modeling and observing. This is essentially imitating what other people do. If you are as an instructor, the person who designed the method, you assume the position of instructor, and your students emulate the way you conduct yourself. Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist, believed that learning happens in environments that are social and it is impossible to eliminate all "social" elements that influence the learning process.

When you think about this, it's essential to

  • Create online group activities
  • Engage students in discussions in forums and share their knowledge.
  • Make collaboration and social media involvement essential elements of your plan for curriculum.
  • Utilize social media to exchange ideas, and also to act as the way you practice
  • Offer positive feedback to your classmates (other students) to provide positive reinforcement. To do this, ask students evaluate their work with a positive tone.

     Use specific cognitive strategies for achieving objectives.    

Strategies for cognitive learning usually focus on specific tasks. It is important to ensure that your pupils work on the topic particularly. Cognitive techniques you can employ for online learning include the lack of note-taking, the repetition, as also contextual understanding. Mnemonics. (A Mnemonic is a method which helps you to retain or recall information from your memory)

As an example, VIBGYOR stands for the seven rainbow colors comprising violet, blue indigo as well as yellow, green orange, and red. Apart from acronyms, there are different types of mnemonics, including flashcards that categorize objects into categories, categories, and so on. This can aid students in retaining their knowledge quickly.

     Support for high-level data processing utilizing methods of metacognition    

Researchers have suggested the existence of something referred to as "metacognition," which means "thinking about the world around you." It is important to practice what you learn and try to recall what you've learned, or use strategies to assist others learn or remember (such to help others learn in order to achieve the desired goal.) This is a metacognitive form.

In 1987, A.L. Brown started a discussion about metacognition as a tool for learning. The concept has evolved somewhat.

For online courses, these are the top five efficient metacognitive strategies.

  • The advance organizers should encourage the students to reflect on the lesson by sharing their times of class prior to the start of class. It helps them anticipate the lessons they will be able to anticipate as well as connect their knowledge with the ones they already have.
  • Self-planning: Ask your students plan their assignments and how they'll organize them. This gives them space to "think about the things they're studying" with the use of metacognition.
  • Self-monitoring: Scales for self-reporting by students provide a fantastic method of finding out what areas students require assistance with. Create online forms that permit students to track their progress at the end of every lesson, or week, according to your schedule.
  • It could be done periodically or at the conclusion of the course. Since online classes are mostly filled by people who are self-motivated and therefore, it's essential for students to be aware of the positive results.

Alongside self-evaluation, associations are also a great way to aid students in learning and keep track of what they've learned. To make this approach more effective, it's important to know what the students already learnt. So,

  • Before enrolling someone into the program, you should assess their skills to decide if they're a suitable participant.
  • If not, and you are launching the course as an introduction, make sure you create your materials in a way that the students are able to connect your class with something they are already comfortable with. This means you must aid them in learning the process of coding.

You can implement techniques like chunking images, or elaborate.

  • Break your lesson in smaller chunks using interesting questions, as well as on-line debates. You can also make use of questions and answers as well as assistance for your peers to keep students entertained.
  • Help your students make connections with their learning by explaining information in a way which is easily understood. This can help students use images for learning and retention.
  • It is the final stage that your online class requires participants to take part in the subject matter actively. Elaboration which is also referred to as the process of elaboration is crucial to engage students and to make connections with their prior knowledge to gain the latest knowledge.

Though they are all strategies to improve cognition and metacognition, they're not an alternative for the importance of motivational, emotional and theory of social learning.

     Social interaction is as well as emotional expression into the equation    

The majority of students register to attend the class due to the fact that they are unable to go to class for various reasons. Online learning platforms offer alternative learning options to traditional classrooms as well as a better involvement in various situations. However, it is essential to ensure that the learning experience online is enjoyable and pleasurable. One of the most important aspects is using strategies for social interaction that involve emotional communications and interpersonal communication. Be aware that "affect" means feeling.

Here's how to do it:

  • It is possible to be a wonderful role model for pupils and help them follow the model of. Inspire feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, delight satisfaction, delight and more. It's easy to create the emotions you want to in your students.
  • Gamification may help students be happy and content after they have achieved some standards of achievement.
  • Giving badges, certificates as along with other types of reward can be a great option to generate joy.
  • If you provide an unexpected reduction to a student who is performing well You can combine excitement with some element of delight. It can cause them to be more eager to study.
  • The polling tool can be used to design games and tests each fifteen minutes to make sure that students remain engaged and are able to engage in discussion forums.
  • As children become more comfortable with social media sites and apps, it's logical to incorporate social media into education as well.

Humanize theory of information processing in order to provide online courses

The idea of processing information helps to comprehend how we keep and acquire information in our brains. This is done using our sense organs as well as the brain. While this theory may be applicable to how sensation and perception function however, it is not able to explain social learning or the importance of motivation along with emotions.

The brain of a human is extremely complicated, and isn't capable of being reduced to the way computers operate. As the creator of education, it's vital to keep the learners their needs and emotions at the forefront. If you can create an unforgettable online learning environment and considering human limitations, you are in a position to create an online learning experience that makes an impression that lasts on learners.

It provides you with a range of tools to create course content that's engaging and social. It assists you in creating education materials designed around data processing concepts However, it acknowledges the fact that students are human beings who are looking to engage with each other while learning. It has powerful social interaction features that allow you to design classes for small groups, and encourage lively discussions with your students.

Humanizing online education allows you to engage your students in an enjoyable and engaging manner. To learn more about how we can assist you in designing classes based on the principles of psychology research, call us right now.

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