How Valeria Hernandez developed her mindfulness health coaching business and avoided burnout from creative work

Aug 4, 2022

Find out how Wellness Trainer and Creator Fellowship winner Valeria Hernandez created an online venture that's profitable and has been helping women adopt vegan diets that reflect their heritage.

When Valeria Hernandez was confronted with issues in her body, she realised the value of intuitive eating and the benefits of plant-based diets. As a way to apply these insights into recipes that relied on traditional methods, Valeria started crafting authentic Mexican recipes using vegan ingredients.

Today, Valeria shares those discoveries through VegiVale which is a company which offers a plant-based fitness coach service. They help clients eat healthier fruit and vegetables, savor the cultural foods they enjoy, and lead more energetic lives.

The path that Valeria took as a creator was not always easy.

Through this process, Valeria faced a toxic rush culture that was prevalent in the internet market and was constantly pressured to conform to the masses, even when her own intuition led her to the opposite direction. Valeria also learned to shift her perspective from employee to an entrepreneur who makes decisions and balances her business's growth with her regular 9-5 work hours.

Through tackling these challenges that Valeria was able to sculpt her dream company, design an environment that's suitable for both her job as well as her life, and find her unique way to go.

Here's the way Valeria helps women consume plant-based foods that reflect their traditions while also building an organization for coaching that is rooted in authenticity throughout the process.

Beginning in the field of wellness

The beginning of her life, she lived in a city in which she was without friends. When she graduated from college and settling into full-time work, Valeria was lonely. Physically, she was not great either. Valeria had been following a vegan diet for several years but struggled to find satisfactory and delicious food choices.

"I sort of fumbled that it was a vegan thing. I was eating fries and salad in the dining hall of the college and it was not allowing me to get the full nutrients. It was therefore not surprise that I didn't feel good."

Realizing there was a way to tackle both of these issues all at the same time, Valeria found connections within the vegan community. She hired a health coach that specialized in eating plant-based and helped her determine what she needed in her diet to remain fit, fulfill the nutritional requirements of her body as well as become healthier throughout the day. .

The lessons her coach taught her led to a 180 degree change. Inspired, Valeria become a health coach to help other people achieve their goals.

Valeria started her coaching career through the company that runs the network marketing However, she was not happy with how much the emphasis of the coaching program was diets and weight loss. The program was limiting for her because of the coaching model of one-to-many as well as the constant pressured to acquire many more clients.

Valeria wanted to create a personalized, hands-on experience to clients that will give the client greater freedom. Then, 2020 happened.

In the midst of global chaos, Valeria thought it was time to do things her own way.

First few clients to be located

But, Valeria realized she could draw on connections she had made in the past to gain experience and develop her idea to start a company.

The initial step was to Valeria utilized contacts she'd established through networking marketing. People she spoke to were familiar with Valeria's coaching style and were interested in an intimate, personal experience.

Following that, Valeria reached out to her circle of friends that she has made in school, to her local neighborhood, as well as her family connections and also to people from that circle.

It was initially nerve-racking as she explained her business idea she had thought of to "real-life" acquaintances and beloved acquaintances. But, they turned out to be the biggest supporter of her.

From there, Valeria's company expanded. "I began doing one-on-one coaching and truly, really loved that," Valeria tells us.

"I've switched around a few various ways within my company, but my main goal is to encourage people to eat more plants. It's not my intention to force people to change to a vegan diet. A majority of my clients are not even vegetarian However, my goal is to help them eat healthier plant-based foods as well as listening to their body."

The option of niche-seating

When she first had clients on her list, Valeria had a better grasp of what she wanted her firm to appear like. Her next step was to identify her audience. The thought of narrowing her customer baseas well as the number of clients was daunting at first.

"It's tempting to to create something that pleases everyone to help as many people as you can."

In the present, Valeria believes that serving the requirements of a specific group is the most important thing that distinguishes her business. The decision she made was on catering to women of color as she observed that these customers often had the same problems she experienced in her own experience.

"I discovered that this is an extremely amazing subset of the population that I am able to serve as the Latina I understand what they're suffering. I'm able to address particular concerns they could be having which many people wouldn't."

Valeria designed her program in order to assist women from different backgrounds to incorporate culinary traditions of their cultures in their meals.

"I aid people to reconnect with their ancestral food choices, as it is often assumed that the food choices you choose are not nutritious, however that's rarely the case," Valeria elaborates. "That mindset is built on eating habits as well as white supremacy. So getting rid of this by helping people improve their health and wellness is my goal."

"There seven billion people on the planet. If you want to aid everybody and speak to everyone it's really talking to no one. It's more efficient to focus on a specific segment of people with whom you've built a community... as they understand that you're speaking directly with them."

Using for a streamlined and simplified organization

Following the definition of her business concept and determining the market she wanted to target, Valeria turned to to set up her home on the internet. Her current offerings include health coaching sessions along with the publication of a book online that features plant-based Mexican recipes at her site.

As a consumer, Valeria knew making different accounts for various platforms in order to gain access to one creator's content was frustrating. She was not willing to put her customers through the same experience.

" helps both on the side of the entrepreneur but also on the clients' side. The customers have one login and can use all the products they've purchased through me."

Valeria affirms that you don't have to employ the same tools as six-or seven-figure entrepreneurs as you begin your career. Employing expensive software won't assure you of similar results. Moreover, having to pay for huge bill payments can create unnecessary pressure.

" really helps streamline things. I'm all for simplicity particularly at this point in my business."

Ideas for other entrepreneurs and creators!

If you asked her what advice she has to budding entrepreneurs Valeria stated that the most important thing to listen to your heart to find the perfect equilibrium between life and work take a stand in your decision-making as well as putting the importance on both mental and physical wellbeing.

Pay attention to the voice within your head, and then follow what feels natural

While as the CEO of the VegiVale , Valeria learned that having your own style creates distinct commercial.

"Put your blinders in since it's easy to look at the same thing that everyone else is doing. If you see one hundred people doing the same thing as this, you'll feel compelled to copy them," she remarks. "It's completely normal to make the same comparisons. .... The beauty of being a creative is that you're unique. There's no other person who can achieve your work the way you do it."

"The amazing part of being a writer is that you're unique of a singular one kind. Nobody else can accomplish precisely what you're doing, the way you're doing it."
"Even although there many health professionals on the market, I'm sure what I am saying the message is different with someone else who is saying the same thing. Our words will be heard by various types of people. If you attempt to join those around you, then you end up losing that distinctive voice."

This, Valeria explains, is the special ingredient you have as writing.

Valeria advises entrepreneurs to take a leap of faith and follow the path that makes you feel comfortable, regardless of making your own choices within the area you are working in. "Everyone's making use of TikTok today," she points out, "There are so many health professionals on the platform, and I thought I wasn't being noticed. After I joined the platform, I realized that I was not being heard, and it was not my kind of thing."

For Valeria This format seemed more genuine and enjoyable.

"I cannot say everything that I have to say in between 15 and 60 seconds. But, newsletters have held through the test of time. I'm seeking something classic if I'm putting my efforts into it. If I followed the crowds and did TikTok and ignore the fact that I find it difficult to use to use and that I'm not really a fan of it."

This doesn't mean you shouldn't ignore anychallenge that you face in your work. However, if there's a reason that you're not getting the results you want, it's worth considering alternative choices.

Make sure you have a good balance between your work schedule and personal life.

However, many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of overworking.

Sometimes, the toxic hustle culture is at fault.

In the early days of marketing via networks, Valeria always felt pressured to work hard and gain new customers. Her schedule was full of the evening shift after she had worked a regular job, and the next day she was unable to be with beloved ones.

The frantic rushing at a high speed didn't bring the results she wanted and her mental well-being deteriorated as she didn't get to see her friends and family.

Other times designers are too busy because they're so passionate.

"Creators are at greater danger because we are passionate about the work we do. We often blur the lines between passion and overworking as well as life and the creation of content. If you're really enthusiastic about what you do and your vision is clear, it's hard to let go."

Valeria's advice: Get control of your time and organize your business in order to give you the life/work balance you want.

"I see so many entrepreneurs and creatives who've quit their day jobs just to copy that approach in their business," Valeria says. "Why do you need to make this decision? Why would you choose to take just two days off during the week on Sundays and Saturdays? Wouldn't it be counterproductive?"

Your power is in your hands You can:

Have a day off whenever you need to.

Work fewer hours without feeling shameful.

Select to work with less clients to allow you to have longer periods of time.

Set attainable goals for yourself within a time frame that is reasonable.

Do not follow the old ways simply because you're comfortable with it.

"Don't forget the things that matter," Valeria reminds fellow creators. "You can live a full life that isn't just online."

Make sure you are confident when making important decisions

In the beginning of the business, Valeria had to think about crucial decision-making. Now, she is aware of the significance in listening to her intuition and making a commitment is essential in advancing her business.

"The method you work during your nine-to-five-day job differs from how you conduct business as an entrepreneur," she says.

"In the traditional work environment, there are deadlines, tasks and procedures, however, you have someone guiding you. If you're an entrepreneur all you have to do is your own. The only person who can take decisions is you. making decisions is your responsibility, and it's important to be confident in your decisions."

It's an enormous amount of stress on a brand-new creator. When she's feeling stuck and struggling, Valeria reminds herself that "not taking a decision is an inherently decision." This will help her decide and then follow the plan.

Make sure you are taking charge of your mental and physical health

In the next step, Valeria emphasizes how important it is to take care of your health. On her trips, Valeria noticed that when she was not feeling well physically or mentally, the business suffered a downturn. When she was in good health, the business thrived.

To keep wellness on the forefront of your agenda, Valeria follows the same instructions she gives her clients who she coaches. "How could I tell my clients to rest for eight hours a evening drinking plenty of fluids and eat their vegetables even if I'm not?" she inquires.

"I often ask myself, "If I were my own client What would I advise myself to say in this situation""

What's next for the VegiVale?

Valeria has helped hundreds of women of diverse backgrounds lead more fulfilled lives with her the VegiVale's content , programs and newsletter  as well as her newsletter. We are confident that this is just the start.

"With the assistance from my virtual assistant we're working on an educational program due to go live within the next few months. It's in an early stage at present but I'm not able to complete it without her assistance," Valeria notes.

With her distinctive voice, keeping an appropriate equilibrium between life and work and making difficult decisions as well as putting wellness top of the list, Valeria built a freeing and exciting online venture. With solid foundations with a solid base that is unbreakable, she has no limits. We're excited to see what happens next for the artist!

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