How To Market Your Course on Black Friday Without Discounting

Dec 1, 2022

Black Friday is close to the mark! The time of year is an opportunity for creators of courses to boost sales and revenue, as well as create new courses online and recruit new students. The high level of excitement around this time of year, coupled with the possibility of attracting large volumes of traffic from the public make Black Friday hard to ignore.

Although it has obvious benefits, Black Friday can present several difficult options for course designers who don't believe in the importance of these seasonal sales. Various concerns have been raised concerning the danger of undervaluing your course through discounts as well as teaching your students that they shouldn't wait around to buy.

I never do anything for Black Friday. I'd never discount my courses even if it devalues them in your potential customer's perceptions.     an active member of the Facebook Community.

These are fairs points however, would we tell you that you can be a part of Black Friday and other seasonal events without devaluing the content you offer, or training your customers that they can wait for discounts?

The hopeful stats

At our site, we've noticed that every year, like clockwork, the internet is filled with people searching to find Black Friday online Courses en masse! Don't believe us? Go to Google Trends!

Each year, searches of online deals for courses on the week of Black Friday are high on Google in November during the holiday season (see the above). Not only this, In more recent times, the adoption of Black Friday has become more prevalent globally. Today, between 50 and 60% of countries around the world celebrate Black Friday in some form or other.

Furthermore, the consumer psychology associated with Black Friday can be used to course creators' advantage with various strategies and marketing strategies.

Aaron Morin, a Customer Education Lead at  The company, shares the following information:

Black Friday can be a significant incentive for those who are price sensitive to ease customers into a decision that might change their lives for the better. It should not be used in a general way of selling a course. If used with care it will definitely aid in helping businesses grow more quickly and help more people achieve their goals of transformation.     Aaron Morin, Customer Education Lead at

Let's look at some methods that course designers are looking ahead to Black Friday and other seasonal sales.

Solutions to discounting

Tien Chu, who is the creator of Warp and Weave, launched her course that was extremely successful on Black Friday last year. It's feasible to promote your holiday promotions without undermining the quality of the value of your course.

"What I usually do is run a Black Friday special where I not offer discounts but I offer bonus points," explains Chu. In the past, she made the deal with a shop selling yarn which offered a 10 discount at the store for students from her class as an offer for a Black Friday special. Then she sent an email to all the students in her class who'd purchased before and said"We've made this offer as a Black Friday bonus and we're offering it to all of you too.'

Therefore, when I make my classes less expensive, but I give bonuses. That means that I don't train my students to hold off until they get the discounts. It's an incentive tool and not selling the products I'm already offering.     Tien Chu Warp and Weave

In marketing and promoting this bonus, Chu was able to successfully create the Black Friday special without devaluing her business, but she added an element of exclusivity when she partnered with businesses from other sector.

Value-added bundles

Linda Reed-Enever is the creator of the Enever Group Business Academy, offers similar advice for course designers.

It's crucial to create worth to a bundle other than just a discount. You can do this through making a bundle of classes and incorporating a live session, adding additional resources such as ebooks, or partnering with other businesses in order to make a group bundle.     Linda Reed-Enever, Enever Group Business Academy

"We need to be doing the right thing in our company. If you don't like it, and you don't like it, then stop it. However, if you'd like to give it a go that you are able to use without devaluing or discounting your program," explains Reed-Enever.

For this Black Friday, Reed-Enever is planning on trialing the HTML0 bundle launch with three of their most popular courses for $197, which is the price of one course.

"Our plan is to email a blast to students that do not have a place in our programs and incorporate an offer along with the Black Friday round-up live which is popular, and also promote certain Facebook posts to groups that might be keen."

"We believe that people are eager to purchase on Black Friday and they are searching for bargains, this is the reason we're testing a bundle launch. Based on our experiences, people are eager to pick up an offer during this season and often we are able to save to buy the tech they need in a Black Friday sale or Cyber Monday promotion ."

When it comes to providing Black Friday advice to fellow course creators Chu and Reed-Enever, both Chu and Reed-Enever suggest that you plan ahead.

All the best!