How to create A Pricing Table on Your Website (4 Key Tips w/ Exemples)

Apr 6, 2022

One of the best ways to present all of that information is through a pricing chart. Pricing tables are simple yet crucial elements for selling services and memberships online. When designed carefully they are able to help increase the number of members on your website.

In this article we'll explore the reason the reasons why pricing tables are vital. We'll then go through the four most important tips that can help you design better ones for your website's membership site. So let's go!

A Quality Pricing Table is essential. Pricing Table

There's a reason you find pricing tables everywhere on the web. Tables may be the most effective way to present a large amount of data in a manner that enables users to compare different elements quickly:

A good pricing table not just provides all the details you need - it can help you choose which option is best for you. Most sites use pricing tables to market subscriptions or memberships, particularly when different pricing levels are offered.

For your pricing tables to influence the conversion rate, you'll want to include some key aspects. A simple, bare table isn't going to be enough in bringing the new customers you want:

In the following segments, we'll discuss the most important aspects of a pricing table are, and then we'll discuss the best ways to implement these elements.

Four Key Tips to Create Better Pricing Tables

You can adjust The Pricing Page Theme in order to change the design of the price page according to one of our pre-set themes, or select Custom for your own custom CSS.

In this article, we'll concentrate on important points to keep in mind when optimizing the pricing tables for your website using customized CSS.

1. Make the Differences Between Each Level. It's easy to spot the differences between each

It's an excellent idea to provide multiple membership levels on your site, which range between budget and more costly options. With this approach you are able to provide different advantages for every tier, and increase your earnings.

The goal is to make sure the columns on your table are easy to differentiate. Certain tables accomplish this by highlighting elements in specific columns, using different colours for each as well as other ways.

The most effective way to determine the different levels of membership offers is through lists. Make lists that outline the features of each level and it is worthadding distinctive elements at the bottom of each. This way, visitors will be able to quickly identify the difference.

2. Make a list of the plans you want People to Pay Attention To

While you could offer a variety of different membership levels, you'll want visitors to focus on one or two programs in particular. That's why many of the price tables that you'll see showcase certain plans.

The most popular plans or membership levels are the one that gives you the greatest value, and also gives you the highest returns. Highlighting plans can be a wise move, and there are several ways you can do this. Some websites add borders to specific tables or use different call to action (CTA) buttons.

Another trick you could employ is to create a section of your pricing table bigger than the others:

The goal is to draw attention to the membership tier you want them to sign up for. If you've captured your visitors' focus, you must use the benefits you provide to convince them to buy.

3. Add Hover Details for Key Features

A problem with price tables is they are restricted in terms of the area you're able to use. If you've included too much information about each aspect of every membership level it will make your tables difficult to navigate and read.

An elegant solution to the problem is to apply hover effects to key elements within your pricing table. In the following example you will notice that every item on the table has an icon of a question mark right next to it. If you hover your mouse over the icon, you can read more about that particular aspect:

You can easily include hover tooltips to every element of your website , including pricing tables - by making use of CSS. This requires a little tinkering if you're not used to CSS stylesheets, but the result is an increase in signups from users.

4. Make Sure Your Calls to Action are noticed

The one thing that every pricing table has one thing in common: they contain CTAs for each program or item that is offered. That's because once you convince users to sign-up and sign up, you'd like visitors to be able complete the process immediately.

CTAs offer you a lot of opportunities to get creative. In the example above the buttons are easy to identify which button is related to each tier but the appearance is dull and boring. Instead, you could make unique buttons to match each plan:

With this approach you can use more eye-catching colors on the membership levels you'd like to encourage sign-ups. It's also an effective way to differentiate plans visually.

The majority of CTA terminology on tables of pricing tends to be rather direct. There are a lot of variations of phrases like "Get it now," "Sign Today,"" as well as "Register." These simple high-quality phrases and words yield the desired results. Don't get too excited about your language.

A Few Site Pricing Table Examples


Giving different membership levels on your site is an excellent idea. It can maximize the amount of customers you attract and increase your profits. However, it's important to convey what every tier has to offer, which is where the pricing table can help.

If you are looking to design higher-quality pricing tables on your website for membership, keep these four tips in mind:

  1. Make the differences between each level clear.
  2. Highlight the plans you want people to pay attention to.
  3. Add hover details for key features.
  4. Make sure your CTAs stand out.

Are you having any concerns regarding how you can create more effective pricing tables on your site? Let's discuss these in the comment section below!

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