How do you create an absolutely free ($0.00) item using CreativeMindClass

Apr 29, 2023


How can I configure the free ($0.00) product CreativeMindClass

Discover how to setup an uncost-free ($0) service using CreativeMindClass. You can create a totally free service to offer classes, downloads, material including content, materials, and much more to your students.

Prior to the beginning of your travels, you'll need be armed with these documents:

     Step 1. Design your free product using CreativeMindClass

  1. Within the class, choose the Class page tab.
  2. Click for the cost.
  3. You can select Freeby by clicking the icon .
  4. Select to save.

If you have any questions about this, please reach out to our support staff by email at [email][email secure] .

This post was first published via members of the CreativeMindClass community via CreativeMindClass

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