Here's What You'll Need to know about the Conference app for 2024. (+ 8 Choices) |

Sep 5, 2024

A few members of the Mighty Team went to Craft and Commerce ConvertKit's annual Conference held at Boise, Idaho. It was a great experience using the application to attend events!

The event apps market has been growing rapidly, with 72% of event planners agreeing the app was crucial in the successful run at the conference that was recently held. The research conducted by G2 G2 discovered that the majority of event organizers intend to make use of a conference software for check-ins, check-outs and registration by using AI such as QR codes, even VR experiences.

In this article we'll draw on our experience and our research results to identify some of the most effective apps for conference. We'll cover:

  • What is the most effective software for conferences.
  • How can I optimally select a mobile conference app.
  • Ten of the most popular applications for conferences.


What is the purpose of an app that is designed to facilitate conferences?

Apps for conferences provide an immersive experience similar to conferences that are live or hybrid. The first versions of conference apps included calendars for conferences which were mobile. Thanks to the advances in technology, the application for conferences has been redesigned with more features that assist members, including managing the member's ticket, tickets and more interactivity with scheduling.

A modern conference software goes far beyond simple calendars. Technology is able to enhance the experience of conferences. More enjoyable. Effective.

A conference program could be used to refer to software


  • assists guests in finding those who are the most suitable for making.
  • Empowers attendees to create innovative content. Then, they can incorporate it into the overall experience.
  • Takes care of the payment process, registrations, as well as tickets.
  • This conference is delivered through the app you own with your logo.

The information we learned through a conversation through our app

Boise, Idaho was baking in the summer heat. As the event got going there was a sense of excitement. It was a great event featuring incredible presenters, such as Ali Abdaal and Cody Sanchez and a talk of establishing a multi-million dollar community, from our CEO, Gina Bianchini.

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The excitement was fueled by a fantastic lineup of speakers, a stunning venue, and most importantly 300 amazing creators who came together to create the event. It's true. Every conference needs to include.

As the camera rolled, there was another thing happening:


  • The chat in the conference app was overflowing in "strategic selfies" (speaker John Meese suggested that we take these")
  • Participants organized, posted and organized their own gatherings for activities like white-water rafting and racing as well as hiking to the canyon in the early morning (for those who are able to accept the alarm clock early at 5:00 AM).
  • Creators were sharing what they'd worked on asking for help and the conference app on mobile phones was overflowing with responses!
  • When you walk around Boise areas, you'll be likely to spot the new acquaintances having lunch in some of Boise's most popular dining establishments (and most likely, this was accompanied by potatoes in one form or another).

HTML0 This application enabled it!

The conference apps were not only a way of scheduling and managing tickets. It was an active virtual conference which ran in conjunction with the actual one. It was clear that the software was filled with information on the conference, which proved extremely useful!

People who were there created the conference app to bring to life stories, pictures of needing help and motivation for all kinds of business concepts, including gluten-free dining options within Boise.

It's the reason why it was able work as it does. What you want to search to find in an application which allows you to host conference.

What are the main elements to consider in conference apps


  • The schedule of conferences (obviously) However, you can also access sessions and RSVPs inside the app.
  • Excellent tools to communicate with emails and messages to participants. Furthermore they are able to handle help or inquiries.
  • Apps to help attendees connect with others: like high-quality accounts, profiles on social media networks Chat and message. The actual magic for people in the conference app is the ability of participants to make virtual connections that spill onto reality.
  • It has functions that let the creative side of attendees. Participants can develop content, share photos, write long or short-form content, post videos and even ask questions. The moment the participants engage with the app without your involvement, it will increase the effectiveness of your event. It also keeps the momentum to keep it going till the next one.
  • Payments, registration as well as the payment. If your app is backed by a backend which supports your event, be sure you have the ability to collect both the payments and member list and join the list after.
  • Simple building hosting, managing hosting and maintenance it shouldn't require lengthy for your entire team to build an application that could be used for hosting meetings that are running effortlessly.

We were thrilled with the features that were compatible with the app

Natalie Paramenter

We can think of how we made our mobile-based conference app successful Here's our personal favorite feature of the application:


  • Naturally, attendees posted their notes throughout the sessions via chat feeds specifically designed for them.
  • Live icebreakers have led to users making use of the app to make connections with people in real life (ie. "Find people who are exactly the same height and take pictures ).
  • Local Boiseans (is it not?) organizes meet-ups at the most prestigious restaurants in the region and also excursions. (The music contests proved to be hugely successful. )
  • Conversations that occur during the days prior to and during the conference the conference, and even after is continuing to offer. As an example, Natalie Parmenter (the creator of Primary Focus) Primary Focus), gave the above shout-out when fellow attendees helped in making her debut successful!
  • ConvertKit created recording studios and rooms for customers to walk into the studio to record videos or other content. (If you've ever been to Boise it is possible to make an appointment for a visit to use them at absolutely no charge! )

CK Studios

One of the most effective mobile conference apps that is available

1. Mighty Pro

It is the best application to provide the most effective app for conference participation. Application

Mighty Pro builds conference apps which are built upon G2's highest rated community management system. Mighty is home to more than one million worth of community members than other, and has an incredible gathering communities.

Mighty Pro has been building customized apps since its launch in 2017. The portfolio of apps includes more than 400 branded apps designed by creators and brands including Tony Robbins, TED, Mel Robbins, Marie Forleo, Jim Kwik, and Matthew Hussey.

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What are you able to accomplish using Mighty Pro.

Interactive scheduling

Mighty permits you to create an interactive agenda with which participants can engage with. You can make landing pages for each session. Attendees are able to RSVP and also communicate with or chat in throughout the event. Participants can check out who attends the conference, and connect with others.

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Also it is feasible to create livestreams direct to the session, or after session videos that can be uploaded to the appropriate spaces.

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Membership Engagement Like No Other

Mighty is among the best community management software on G2 throughout the years and this is not because of "features."

It's a good option for a convention or event for a chance to connect with people around you, wouldn't you? Mighty provides you with the means to make this feasible! Each attendee will be asked to write a biography, and they can utilize AI to write one in the case that they're not able to.

The software creates active member lists which are categorized by interest and activities or geography. The profiles of fly-outs from members will help you concentrate on individuals who you are interested in as the AI engine will detect that you share things in common and help you begin a conversation.

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After the conference, there is a gathering for the community.

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Mighty offers you more information alternatives than conference essentials But. It's a great method to keep a sense of community in addition to the actual conference.

Spaces are created through customizing using eight fundamental options. These include activity feeds chat members Tables of Content (for all of the course) or even pages, events only one time or hashtags. These are some of the ways in which currently Mighty Hosts use the features in the aftermath of a conference:


  • Supermembers hold regional meetings.
  • Re-cutting materials used in the conference to create an online class, or another type of learning.
  • Every day you create blog posts that cover topics you and your company are passionate about.
  • An announcement of topics such as tickets, locations and more. that will be utilized at the next conference and inducing anticipation.
  • The livestreaming or virtual event will take place during the conference calls.

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Mighty performs a fantastic job to keep the excitement and debate going on well past the event, if you're keen on that.

The conference is currently running

In terms of managing the occasion, Mighty can handle payments in 135 different currencies. It is able to offer different packages and tiers and also control the users who are able to use which features of the app.

And Mighty offers data that isn't available in any other place. They provide the details necessary to understand what strategies were most effective and which did not, as well as to figure out what aspects participants put the most time and effort in addition to analyzing conference revenues.

Mighty Insights Web

Apps for conference apps with the brands

If you want the conference application you have created to be featured in the App Store or Google Play Store under your corporate name This is the route to do it.

Here are some highlights from Mighty Pro:


  • The capability to allow the branding of splash and logo screens as well as notifications branding, as well as the most effective practices in app development
  • Applications and updates are always active.
  • Integrates with ConvertKit's pro applications (up to 10,000 users).
  • Community strategists can assist the event organizer to ensure it is successful in relation to attendance and revenue and the best way to grow the number of attendees at your event. They will also manage your event.

Based on the most up-to-date research from over 400 businesses that have 6- or 7-figure earnings, we'll help that you do not just know how you will achieve your goals, but, you can also exceed your targets.

     It is possible to find more details on Mighty Pro here.

and, even if you're yet ready to sign up for a top-of-the-line conference software or, if you're not yet ready for a brand-name conference application, it to start at free.

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2. Accelerated events

Conference management apps that are brand-named


Accelevents' conference app provides options to sign up and sign up for the conference and also having access to the conference's program as well as establishing your own schedule. The application is loaded with smart features such as live streaming and an online exhibition hall. It can use it to manage conferences that are live or hybrid.

Accelevents offers features to manage participants, including bios and profiles that aid users in creating connections as well as locating each other. The day before the event, it's possible to set up check-ins, and print badges as well as challenge and vote within the app.

The one drawback is that Accelevents users have noted challenges in organizing break-out rooms. Accelevents is great for managing conference events. However, it's not as efficient in connecting attendees.

Accelevents offers a range of deals


  • Application with branding, which manages the registration procedure for the conference, which includes badge printing, registration as well as the schedule of your conference.
  • Some connections and networks include livestreaming, QR scans, and online sponsorship tables tables for polls and tables

3. Swapcard

Excellent conference management app

Swapcard -

Swapcard is an ideal idea to conference software that offers various choices. Like Accelevents, Swapcard is good in managing agendas of conferences. Participants can print badges and create QR codes, and later create a best schedule using RSVPs.

It is a great chance for sponsors to display their own content, as well as providing places to promote sponsorship chats, content and the administration of gatherings.

The best aspects of Swapcard can be used for social networking. Through attendance profiles, as well as a network-friendly UX for locating and contacting potential contacts or leads (plus integration with Social media accounts), Swapcard is great for introducing you to potential clients.

Swapcard Benefits


  • App for conferences (with the option of branding) for organising registrations, badges as well as access management
  • Livestreaming of discussion and event information and personalised session, suggestions and livestreaming
  • Tools for networking communication: AI matchmaking, profiles and messages

4. Stova


Stova (formerly Aventri & Meetingplay) is a conference planning and management platform which is great for organizing events. It's important to know that Stove is not a brand which offers apps (you can organize your conference by using the Stova application).

Stova was created to facilitate live events and has distinctive characteristics for conferences. Its most notable features include break-out rooms for conferences along with livestreaming, breakout and chat rooms. In addition, it has an online scheduling tool for networking it is a helpful tool.

Stova has a wide range of options that can be useful in planning and organizing events. These include using email marketing to organize conferences as well as budgeting.

Stova comprises


  • Excellent virtual-first conference software including Livestreaming, breakouts as well as networking rooms. It also includes the virtual lobby.
  • The planning of conferences and marketing events instruments, including budgeting as well as email.

5. Bevy

Bevy screenshot

Bevy started out as an app that was designed for use in managing events both virtual and in-person occasions, but it is now focusing on community-based events. It makes it simple to run a conference by providing the ability to check in, register, tickets and managing the lists. It is also a great tool to hold meetings online and for facilitating chats or virtual meetings along with recording and webinars. Additionally, it offers an option for discussion. Bevy has a drag and drop program to build websites for events as also landing pages.

Bevy is an excellent online platform that has a lot of features however, the community-based features aren't that great. It is essentially, Bevy hosts forums and offers chat and messages. However, these functions are actually quite simple. They're not designed to provide the kind of connections real communities provide users.

Bevy features


  • Incorporates community events, by co-ordinating events as well as the hosting of virtual events
  • Live engagement features like chat and message forum webcasts meetups as well as webinars
  • Drag-and-drop conference page builder

6. CVent


CVent is a different app specifically designed to manage conferences that was created to manage virtual events as and managing events. Like other applications that are mentioned, CVent is able to create conferences websites that sell tickets, and also host events. The toolkit for event management is able to be integrated into live events (things like venues and hotel choices) as well as an online webinar option that is similar to webinars used for event. In reality, it's among the top tools used to organize the events.

But, CVent does not have an choice for chat or community. CVent wasn't designed to link attendees with one another.

CVent has features


  • Software to manage an event. This can include planning, advertising and "day-of" control options.

7. ON24

ON 24

ON24 is a basic web-based conference application that could serve as a virtual meeting software. It allows polls as well as chat functions to go with the webcast. In addition, they recently added some new options like breakout sessions as well as video chats.

Form-Builder and registration as well as the ability to design conference rooms by using different colours, fonts and symbols, it's a good basic app for virtual meetings.

ON24 offers


  • Webinar is a platform for connecting users via built-in functions

8. VFairs


VFairs is a digital and live event management software, which concentrates on tools for coordinating events. It includes registration forms, printing badges, venues maps, QR check-in, and agenda creation, it's an ideal app designed for participants, making it easier for attendees to navigate around the conference.

VFairs has mobile conference apps that are brand-named and provide assistance during live events. It can connect to your CRM as well. VFairs provides valuable event data for monitoring what's happening at your conference.

VFairs features


  • Printing registration and ticket tickets as well as badge printing, and extra day-of-management tools.
  • Platform to host virtual events which incorporates networking, gamification and other functions for presentations.


Events that are memorable allow participants to grow, develop and form bonds that will be remembered for the rest of their life. A conference is a fantastic method to increase the visibility of your business and increase awareness, as well as boosting profits.

A great conference software can make all these things take place!

If you're in search of information on the process to get an exclusive conference that has your personal branding and community-based apps, you'll need to visit Mighty Pro. .

The article was published on here

Article was first seen on here