Google's Micro-Learning Research Google's Micro-Learning Findings

Dec 9, 2022

Due to the growth of mobile devises there has been more discussion of micro-learning.

It's an exciting time for the elearning industry. Mobile learning is the new paradigm of the elearning model that has been popular in the past fifteen years.

Major companies around the world recognize the significance of micro-learning, including Google.

In actual fact, Google has set-up an entire website on this topic at

The website is dedicated to the research of Google and findings as it relates to how we market or purchase and also learn through technology. The goal of the website is to serve as a source to push the field of marketing to the next level.

Google offers data they are analyzing and also trends that they are tracking in relation to online marketing across different industries of platforms, audiences, and industries. There is the possibility to sign up to their email newsletter, so you are always up-to-date on their latest results.

What is of particular interest for me is the section that is titled "Micro-Moments". The section is focused on consumer behavior and what it means for brands.

While the focus is commercial in nature however, I was able to notice how the analysis on the behavior of consumers is closely tied to the way we gather data (or learn).

When we shop online, we have to solve problems and find answers at any moment, by putting together a variety of micro-moments of content which ultimately determines our actions.

The concept of learning impromptu has become a habit for most people. It is logical to tap into this learning behaviour when creating online course content. The next generation of online courses will need to be easy to access and consume in the moment as "information-on-demand".

Are you interested in learning more? Visit their Google Micro-Moments area on their "Think With Google" website.