Five UI tweaks to boost trust on digital download sales pages

Mar 6, 2024

The sales page for your digital downloads requires users to make a faith fall in your company. Help them fall more easily for both of you with these five proven strategies.

Have you ever had the trust slip?

I am not a fan of them.

And so do your customers.

Because when your only interactions with a business are online, the situation is even more difficult. The person you're asking to make an unintentional fall with blindfolds on, not having looked at the ground in front of them or knowing how fast they'll be caught.

The customer will need to place their trust in the following facts:

Digital downloads are well worth the cost.

The product you purchased delivers the value it promises.

Their sensitive data is safe with you.

What are the qualities that make a website or business trustworthy?

Consider an online company that you can trust.

How did you come to believe in them? Can you point to any one aspect that was able to tip the scales for you or was it a mix of events and features that made you decide to cooperate with them?

It might not be about them at all. Maybe it was someone else who told you they were trustworthy and that was good enough for you.

88% of respondents believe that word of mouth builds confidence, and you won't be alone.

Now change directions and think about a company you do not trust.

You can probably narrow down on exactly why you wouldn't do business with the company. Maybe they have inconsistent content chock full of typos More on that later or their design doesn't look professional.

No matter the cause it's the same: they lose the customer's trust in particular if their digital download has an expensive price.

In the end, greater than three-quarters of adults claim that trust is a major factor when they make major purchases.

So what gives? What makes it so simple to narrow in on what makes a business untrustworthy to us, and then explaining why they are so nebulous?

It turns out that humans are a trustworthy species . Additionally, we are naturally irrational species that, by the moment, take decisions out of the heart, not our heads, despite the fact we want to become as similar to Spock as possible.

All of this goes out the window in the event that we're stripped of our human interactions through technology. Humans can't be trusted by anyone- or something -- as long as moral choices are taken on the basis of a cost/benefit analysis , the way robots and (unfortunately) some companies operate.

So if they don't know the business or you on a personal level yet They probably won't as customers are compelled to make decisions with their minds and take a take a look at the various factors that affect trust before deciding if they'll be willing to take the plunge to do business with you.

The details can be quite granular. Check out the motives why people don't want to conduct business with entrepreneurs (aka, a microbusiness).

But this is where it is interesting. It turns out trust is as much as an emotional reaction, as it is a mental one. it is the key to earning or losing trust depends on a hormone called oxytocin .

The more we trust an individual or a thing and trust them, the more Oxytocin levels go (and in reverse), which means the more confidence people place on your website's sales pages, the higher their oxytocin, and the higher their likelihood to convert as a customer.

In a study where participants sent money to people who were not their friends, the participants with higher oxytocin levels offered more money to a stranger than those without elevated Oxytocin.

Simply put In simple terms, they had less suspicion of strangers. However, subsequent studies carried out by the same researchers revealed that high-stress levels inhibited the oxytocin hormone and increased suspicion.

It's a very complicated way to define a reliable website. It is one that is appealing to the emotional, heart-over-head part of humans, connects with the user , and reduces the strain on the user.

Respectfully, don't do this :

Instead, do this.

#1. Make use of social proof as a fulcrum of confidence

Did you remember how we are naturally trusting? It's particularly true for human beings.

It's the heart of why testimonials are so beneficial in sales. A person's trust in an organization is one thing, but the task of convincing them to trust a client is a lot more straightforward.

Reviews on the internet are as much as if friends shared their own experiences.

Requesting feedback for display is worthy of the effort.

Social proof Social proof -- i.e. the validation of other users -- gives your company credibility.

Social proof is another reason what drives us to stand in line for one hour in a packed eatery, as opposed to 10 minutes to get a delectable bistro that no one has ever had the pleasure of hearing about. Humans heed the herd.

So in addition to featuring your customers' words by including the logos of magazines you've been featured in and businesses you've collaborated with gives an indication that you're reliable. Simply adding logos can boost's conversion rate by 400 percent .

It is possible to see this method in action on David Delahunty's Five Ideas a Day membership page...

... and on his complimentary selling digital downloads.

This is that's what Klientboost realized after adding more information on a customer's landing (i.e. sales) page. They saw a increase in conversion of 19.8 percentage .

Worried that doing so will create a sales page that is overly long? The truth is that concision can be a disadvantage when it comes to pages' length either.

#2. Your sales page should be the length it requires to be

In the event that you read about gruelling statistics like the average bounce rate on websites that provide information  and other informational pages, you may consider packing everything you can in as the simplest form possibleHowever, that's the wrong decision.

There's not a strict rule regarding the length of a sales page; rather, it's contextual, depending on your products' type, cost and the target market.

If your product needs clarification or if your brand is unknown to the audience, you require more pages of sales to convince the public .

Make sure the pages that are longer and more extensive optimize your "above the fold" (before the users scroll) page's content.

While research shows that the average user scrolls in a vertical direction more than they used to but the area above the fold remains the best place to grab the attention of users and entice them to stay.

Consider that when you consider stats such as it is only 0.05 seconds for visitors to form an impression of your website and determine if they'll remain on your sales page or head back to the search page, and the necessity of optimizing the above fold page is too important to be ignored.

The redesign of the Moz sales page to six times its original length allowed Conversion Rate Experts to have the space they needed to tell the product's story and generate more sales.

52 More in sales  In fact.

"What we've discovered from many clients' consultations all over the world is that what matters isn't how long your page is more about the degree to which it is engaging it is" is the motto of the highly acclaimed SEO agency that focuses on conversion.

Therefore, if your service needs explanation, your company is not well-known and your target audience uncertain, it's definitely not appropriate to make a long-form sale page to sell your digital downloads, it's essential to gain their trust.

The page of marketing for developers is short and sweet It's a simple product, and doesn't need a lot of detail.

His website for tiny marketing wins , on contrary, requires having more information. The information contained in the book isn't clear from the name or by the files, so he takes the space to explain it.


It takes more than 30 seconds. Hence, should you be able to conquer doubts or concerns and reassure your clients with additional information, create your sales page as long as it needs to be to do this.

And, make sure your content is written with an accent that your readers are able to understand.

#3. Create your copy according to your customer's terms

I know that people like me (marketers) tend to appear like broken records after a while.

"Make your copy action-oriented!"

"Always make sure you have a call to action!"

One of the most important aspects to keep in mind in copywriting is to make sure it's clear, consistent, and accurate.

If they have to take out a dictionary to understand the meaning of your speech, they'll stop around. If they must squint to read through your typos, they won't bother with that, either.

For the best case results, write in your customer's voice like HubSpot.

Better yet, take your copy from user feedback directly, putting actual customer phrases on your site to describe concepts and the products. Doing exactly this in a redesign of your site increased conversions by almost 100% for HubSpot .

However, what be wondering, does everything relate to trust?

This is due to the inherent tendency to trust one other thing.

We trust what's like us more readily than we trust what's unlike us, so when a business reflects our word choice, they're easy to connect with and trust than a business that uses far-reaching words that don't resonate with a customer's intentions.

And, when it comes to ensuring that your content is error-free throughout the process, it is directly related to your credibility. Typographic errors are some of the most damaging knocks that can be hurled at the credibility of your company (and they don't do much for your readability, too).

Though interestingly, the biggest effect on your credibility lies less related to the content and is more influenced by how the way your content is displayed.

#4. Add a human touch to the visuals

Do you want to make your sales page instantly more reliable?

Upload your photo to.

It really is that straightforward. Adding human photos, especially those which include facial characteristics  improves trust and improves a user's first impression of a company and boosts conversion rates.

The video should definitely be a short video. Engagement starts dropping as soon as a person hits play and stays most high in the event that the video runs less than a minute .

It is important to introduce yourself and the product on the sales page. The human touch creates trust and builds your bottom line. It's as simple as that.

#5. Be sure to earn their trust through SSL encryption

So far, we've spoken a lot about how to build trust. However, we haven't mentioned the most important step you can take:

Deserving the trust of its users.

When a customer gives you their financial information you're placing something important to you. If your website's security is compromised, then the customer's security is at risk, too.

It's something Google recognizes, and as of recent Chrome updates  it makes sure that its users are aware of it too.

Websites without SSL encryption are no longer by the eyes of a Chrome users. In the event that a visitor navigates your website but there isn't an encryption, Google lets them know in every page.


Here's a very ironic illustration from the Pew Research Center :

It doesn't matter where you visit their website. Chrome will alert you to sharing personal information wherever you go.

If you take into account Chrome's overwhelming market share among users, the fact that it doesn't have an SSL certificate implies that that the vast majority users will be greeted with that message.

This isn't even getting into the negative impact that having no SSL or an expired certificate has on users.

Did you recall the Equifax breach? Yeah, part of that was due to the expiration of a certificate .

There's also this: a breach of data only has occur once in order for you to eliminate nearly 50% of your customers for the rest of their lives  regardless of which part of the world your customers reside around the world.

If you're using a different hosting platform, you can usually purchase an SSL certificate with your hosting service you can also purchase them as a separate item ( necessary if you're using WordPress to host your downloads).

Making trust one step at a time

Establishing trust with your customers and potential customers isn't that different from building trust in your personal relationships. It requires time, dedication work, and dedication.

This is what you should learn about building trust for the pages of your sales:

Humans are naturally trusting with others -- however, this isn't the case when they're online. In the end, they're communicating with technology and not another human.

The best sales pages don't convince people to purchase from you. They reduce stress, connect with the customer, and appeal to the emotional part of the customer.

If you are looking to increase more digital download sales, your sales page needs to accomplish the same goals and humanize your business.

The most efficient way to achieve that is to, obviously, include humans into the mix to provide social proof for your products. Logos of your brand and testimonials from customers are critical additions to an effective sales page.

If your product isn't straightforward or the company you run isn't popular You may require more than just a short blurb to explain the value. Create your sales pages the length it requires to be to overcome objections and fears.

Utilize your client's voice while creating copy for your sales webpage. They'll feel more confident, understand more and, most importantly, convert more.

Make sure you proofread your copy, too. It's among the primary aspects of creating a brand that is trustworthy.

It is even better to add your image or video featuring you as the main character to your product page. A picture of a human with faces can increase trustworthiness for unknown brands.

Finally, don't just focus on earning customers' trust -- it's just as crucial to earn this trust by protecting their sensitive information with the essential encryption.

When it comes down to it, people would like to believe in you. Help them to trust you with the help of this article that will help you make your digital downloads and your customers -- flourish.