Featured Client: Maria Killam -

Oct 21, 2022

This month's guests is Maria Killam: a decorator as well as a designer, speaker, as well as a color expert who is acknowledged all over the globe.

When she was 30 years old, Maria took the decision to leave her present work and begin a design business. Maria says her strength is the ability to understand the power of color and how it can create changes. After her encounter with massive colors at the Benjamin Moore Paint Store, she started to see an interesting design of neutral shades. This led to her now famous Killam Colour System.

When the 2020 pandemic came to pass, Maria found herself limited when it came to decorating and furniture. Recognizing that this was something other shoppers shopping for home decor could run into so she set out to give the rules and guidelines for buying online.

Through the help of a WordPress site that included a Featured Course , Maria was able to create her own program, called Shop Online in Colour Confidence!

Take a look at this stunning customized WordPress website, and get attracted by Maria Killam's distinctive use of .

An engaging and slick homepage with multiple calls-to-action

If you check out the website's home page, it's an exquisitely designed website that offers a myriad of opportunities to be involved or get a lesson from Maria. You can sign up for email located at the top of the page, along with a number of locations to look through her work and explore her classes.

Maria Killam website home page

Offers Courses and Other Products that are available for sale with a shopping Cart

Maria welcomes customers to browse her store using a "save me a place" and "join in the class" Call to Action button. The website is an excellent demo of the WooCommerce extension. If you visit the payment page, Maria will explain everything you'll learn in her classeseither in person or on the internet for students who may attend to ensure they are assured about their purchases.

Since Maria sells multiple products like ebooks , virtual events and even online courses, the WooCommerce integration is the ideal solution. With the help of WooCommerce, Maria can create an online shopping cart which allows users to purchase courses and other items in one shopping experience.

Make Money from Your Expertise

Maria Killam uses to help monetize her skills, which also you have the opportunity to do! There's a myriad of ways to take advantage of your website. Which strategies can help you achieve your educational goals to your employees, business or the product? You are looking to offer the test an actual experience? You are able to test the course from a learner or the course's creator's viewpoint in our trial version, which is free.

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