Establishing A Brand Without a Doubt Tosin Ajibade

Oct 5, 2023

The content was adapted using a prior year's Think in Color. You can sign up to receive the replays on demand here!

Hello and welcome for the Think in Color Summit presented by XayLi Barclay! In this series, we'll discuss how you can grow your business by utilizing online classes and create lasting impressions that will allow you to thrive in any space you occupy! Check out all the interviews available here.

Oluwatosin "OloriSuperGal" Ajibade is the Founder of leading online entertainment and lifestyle website Being one of the pioneers of the Nigerian social media market She also established Media Exposure, a digital marketing unit that is part of Olori SuperGal Limited. Through OSG, the OSG name, Tosin recently championed the New Media Conference (NMC) An annual gathering of the key players to improve marketing and advertising standards in the Nigerian online/digital media sector.

We caught up to Tosin to get more information about the process she used to establish her OloriSuperGal brand, and how she grew her following in the course of the years.

  We'd love for you to share a bit about What was the story behind this? is a site for entertainment and lifestyle that was founded by Oluwatosin Ajibade. It was launched in the year 2010.

  How did the journey of developing your business online and becoming an entrepreneur start? Have you ever thought you wanted to work for you?

My journey started in 2008, when I signed up to Facebook and I began my journey from there. I never thought about being an entrepreneur back then because I had a 9 to 5 job. Social media marketing was simple because I was aware of the dynamics of it and what users would like to hear. I eventually grew to understand how to use every platform, and began growing my following. The beginning of my online venture was me on my phone and working before it ever grew to become a real company with an entire team working with me. So far, the journey was great!

  Can you tell us about the toughest times you've had on your journey and how you came to get through that challenging time?  

I've definitely faced difficult times within this field. What I do know with certainty is that problems usually occur when you're not prepared. When you face these challenges, a lot of things will be tested. How you respond to them will determine the outcome. One instance I remember was when our Instagram account was compromised in the year 2017. There was work from clients that we had to complete and we lost our account due to hackers. I was in panic mode for a while and wasn't sure how to proceed until I called Facebook for help and the issue was fixed within just 48 hours. Also, we've had some challenges with our website, Twitter page, and Facebook pages, however the problems will eventually be solved. Being in business for some time, moving over it's all about experiences in knowing what to do about them, not the preparation for these things.

  Do you have a thing you regret that you didn't perform sooner or better in your career? Are you able to offer any tips for the woman from a different race who may be experiencing the same situation?

One thing I regret that I didn't have a system since I did not realize I was going to do this over the course of years. It started as a passion for me. It was a different thing when I started, and now its serious business that I earn a profit from. The one thing I wanted to know in the beginning was how to establish a structure for the business, which is one thing which we are lacking now.

For any woman from a different race who wants to be an entrepreneur it is essential to have determination to succeed, a focus, passion that will result in a profit. You shouldn't do this simply because everyone else is doing it. What separates you from other individual is the value you can bring to the table - your worth, the ability to solve problems and commitment to your goal of making money.

  What's your experience in the business world taken you as a female from color? Did you encounter any challenges which you'd like to discuss? Do you have any golden motivational/inspirational nuggets that you would share to your younger self?

So far, the business experience has been a bittersweet experience. One of the things I'd recommend is to believe that you are a good person. Many of us feel like we're not enough or not qualified for specific positions, and for the list goes on. If you are confident that you are a good person, then you can overcome barriers. One thing that has kept me going for years is believing in myself that this is possible and it can be done. I've had a lot of down times and people saying"NO" to me. What I'm left with are me and my vision. Once you are confident with your unique gift all you need is the stage, so show them the best you have to offer!

  When did you realize that Social Media was an integral part of your brand/business?  

It was apparent that social media is an a vital component of my brand/business in 2012. I chose to tackle the issue serious by creating my own branding and my business's. It required a lot of effort, time and dedication to be able to build these branding brands. There is no easy way to build a brand, like sustaining a business through social media in the present.

  Can you share two things that have helped you get out of the habit of charging companies for influencer-related services on the internet? Was the experience in the beginning? Did you feel nervous about charging?

The things that have I learned from working on behalf of brands with influencers' services on the internet are: create trust, have integrity and understand the brand's goal and mission. Brands love it when you know them well and will deliver exactly what they need and desire. Beginning the process was tough because I was not sure of the kind of work I was getting myself into. I was employed and this was a side hustle for me. I was skeptical about it until it became clear for me that this was what I am called to do.

  Your book is amazing! Why did you choose to publish an entire book? Are there any tips for anyone who is considering writing a book as well?

I published my first book titled Olorisupergal A Journey from Social Misfit into Social Media Hero. I wrote the book in order to motivate entrepreneurs such as myself who want to make profits by sharing their love of. The social media world today has changed. My book was written to tell the world my personal story, and the way I began my professional career in 2008, and the way I built it to what it has become today. This book aims to tell my journey to the world. You can purchase it through Amazon kindle!

  What do you think when you share your enthusiasm and personal experiences to your business on Social media?  

I am elated doing it since it is exactly what I do, and I'm extremely obsessed with it.

  Could you explain how someone can go about narrowing down? Would you have any tips to help someone be noticed within the websphere?

There are ways where people can carve their own niche via social media. It is well-known that Influencer marketing can be the method to go when it comes to digital campaigns.

A growing number of brands worldwide and locally are taking advantage of Influencer Marketing by collaborating with influential people to promote their brands. If you've thought about becoming an Influencer, this is the ideal opportunity to begin!

Here are a few suggestions to create a niche and then take action

  1. Build a personal brand  
      If you've been focused more on your business, and producing content that aids the sales of your business, now's time to think about how you can make content that provides an additional benefit to your viewers and build your brand at the at the same time.
  2. Retell authentic stories  
      Social media is built on telling stories and the best marketing content is based on stories. If you want to build an audience that you can profit from easily, it is essential to create authentic content.
  3. Create compelling content  
      One way to ensure that those who follow you already as an entrepreneur and those you're going to attract will listen to you is by making content that is compelling.
  4. Grow your influence using videos  
      Before you start engaging companies, it is important to ensure that you have an influence on your followers. Go live once a week or utilize your IGTV to tell longer stories. YouTube is an amazing platform.

Influence is simply about getting your followers to take action with your suggestions or ideas.
 If you want to grow your following, then you'll need to start giving them ideas or things to do within your niche and watch how your audience responds to your ideas.

It takes time to build high engagement with your audience and convince them to make a change. But this is a journey you need to undergo if you are looking to be an influential person in your area of expertise. It takes time to get this right and start profiting from Influencing, but you can speed up your learning curve by having access to the correct expertise and guidance.

  Can you share how you managed to lead a team of amazing people at your business, Olorisupergal? When did you realize that it was time to hire assistance?

I started having people work for me back in 2012 after I was the only one doing all the work. Management of people hasn't been the easiest thing which is why I contracted an HR company who handles this for us. It's not an easy task to manage the people you manage, so seek assistance if you require help!

Take a look at the show replay the Think In Color Live! You'll learn the steps to turn the knowledge you've gained from Think in Color into action through your own online classes. There's also an exclusive deal to give you the opportunity to start and become one of the 36,000+ instructors with a combined income of more than 220 million and instructed more than 16 million students.

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Want to connect with Tosin? She is available at: and

Twitter: @TheTosinAjibade

Instagram: @thetosinajibade