Create a Group Coaching Program in just 3 easy steps

Jul 5, 2024

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If you're a coach online seeking to increase your income The best thing you can do is to make a group-based coaching program through your own website.

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Like the title suggests, group coaching can be described as an atmosphere in which you teach the same thing to multiple individuals. What advantages can it provide for you?

To name a few:

  • Gain a lot of money by training multiple people simultaneously.
  • Build a community of support that clients benefit from one and from each
  • Reduce time spent on repetition

It is impossible to enjoy the benefits mentioned above in the event that you do not know what to do to set up the group coaching program you want in the first place. But, Since you are on this page, you can declare that you're on right path.

In this blog, we'll go over the ways you can easily design and run a group coaching program using WordPress.

But first, let's enlighten the reader on the group coaching programs actually is!

What is a Group Coaching program?

In addition, it's also helpful for customers since they get to be in an environment with like-minded people. The members can provide each other with assistance and advice, but there's also a space for competition and challenges.

Say you're a fitness instructor giving one-on-one coaching for a few hours. You're working 8 hours per day and only manage five clients.

Imagine if you could classify and instruct your customers in the form of a group?

You can group them into the categories of Weight Loss, Muscle Gains as well as Stay Fit. When you group them, you can teach 5 to 10 students all at once.

Previously, you struggled to manage 5 clients a day. With group coaching, you can manage 50 or more people all at once!

In the end, you'll be able to earn more cash at and also create an online community that share a common goal.

Benefits of Group Coaching Program

At this point, we bet you are somewhat aware of how group coaching is beneficial. But in case you think that making more money and reducing time isn't enough to get you involved in the group coaching course, let's go over some additional details in order to comprehend its advantages.

Higher learning possibilities to everyone When you run a group coaching program, the participants will also be able to learn by sharing their experiences. For those who may not feel inspired to learn can often be inspired by others' successes, approaches, and ideas.

Supportive community:When a number of individuals are studying together, they build bonds between them. As they become more familiar with each other, their support one another is a natural process. Even if someone does not understand something from the course, they are able to seek out their classmates for an answer.

Chance to make a bigger impact:As instructor groups of coaches are the most effective way to generate a massive impact in your niche. Instead of doing the exact same thing in every one-on-one meeting, you will be able to present your skills to a larger audience.

Affordable for Clients:As an online instructor, you must be aware of the fees so they don't become unaffordable for clients. If you're doing one-on-one coaching, it's understandable that you cannot lower your charges since you're only doing only a handful of. You can however make more money from group coaching, even though you get less from everybody.

The Best Platform for Running your Group Coaching Programm

An online presence is the primary step to running your coaching group online. There are a variety of methods to create a site and, however, WordPress stands out as the most effective Content Management System (CMS).

Nearly 45.8% of all websites on the Internet use WordPress. There is a chance that you are wondering what's behind all the hype is about.

Well, to say the least, it's an open-source software you can use at no cost.

Furthermore, WordPress offers thousands of free themes for every type of site which makes it simple to select the ideal design to your website. There are also plugins.

WordPress plugins are invaluable tools designed to address virtually any issue or requirement that you may encounter, easing your workflow.

Check out some of WordPress's advantages, making it the perfect platform to run your group coaching program.

  • Friendly interface is easy to use, even for beginners, using a straightforward and easy screen.
  • Capability to Scale: Accommodates the growth of your program without compromising speed.
  • SEO-friendly: Inbuilt features and plug-ins that increase the visibility of your site on Google and other search engines.
  • Community Support The community provides extensive support to the WordPress community via forums, tutorials, as well as documentation.
  • Regular Updates: Frequent updates to enhance security, functionality, and overall performance.
  • Mobile Responsiveness Themes and plug-ins will ensure your site's appearance is great on every device.
  • Cost-Effective There are a variety of free themes and extensions, and premium versions with more capabilities.
  • Capabilities for Integration: Easily integrates with diverse third-party software and services for enhanced functionality.

We'll now discuss the only WordPress plugin that will satisfy all your needs for creating and managing a group-coaching program.

A One-Stop Solution to your Group Coaching Needs

, is a name that's extremely popular with those who run coaching programs on WordPress. This plugin has all of features that you could ask for to run your coaching business efficiently.

One of the many features of this fantastic plugin are the built-in add-ons as well as third-party integrations. This makes this plugin even more useful by allowing it to handle a massive audience.

CoachKit(tm) is one of those helpful add-ons that are most useful for people wanting to develop a group coaching program. Here are a few features:

  • Design and market unlimited coaching programs right on WordPress.
  • The Map Milestones will help keep your students on the right the right track.
  • Set up Habit Tracking to monitor and track progress.
  • Plan Goals that can give your students the feeling of progress and achievement.
  • Assign Due Dates to define what deadlines you would like assignments to complete clearly.
  • Let clients schedule office hours with coaches.
  • Send group and private messages for students in order to assist them to get their work done.
  • Automated Check-ins help you stay in touch without being glued to your smartphone throughout the throughout the day.
  • Create Cohorts that create special and unique experiences to your pupils.
  • Create a client management system to streamline the process.

How to create a Group Coaching Program Using CoachKit(tm) The Step-by-Step Procedure

Once you've figured out what you can use the CoachKit(tm) extension can help streamline your group coaching program It's time to start implementing it to experience the power to you.

We've prepared an easy step-by-step guide to help you create your group coaching system on WordPress with CoachKit(tm).

Step 1. Install and CoachKit(tm)

Once done, go to the dashboard and select Add-ons:

Then, search on the next page for Coachkit TM Add-ons to activate it:

Then, you're ready to take full advantage of turning your website's membership page into a complete coaching system.

Step 2: Set Up Your Coaching Program

After activating and setting up your CoachKit(tm) plugin, you should start developing your coaching programs.

To add a program to your website, visit Dashboard> CoachKit(tm)> Programs and click to add a new program.:

Press the Publish button to make your program.

Step 3: Enroll Customers via Membership

After you've set up your classes, now it's time to show your audience what's in store for them. How do you do that? By creating a membership community for them to join.

Navigate to Dashboard > Memberships and then choose the membership that you want to include your program(s).

Then click on Edit to launch the membership editor. In the Membership Options section choose the CoachKit tab. Choose the program you want to assign the membership.

Finally, click on the second box and choose the features you want to make available for your members in that membership list:

There you are! When the new member joins the program, they'll be assigned to the membership program.

Clients are randomly assigned any of the cohorts available for each program after you sign up a new member. CoachKit(tm) is able to fill the cohorts of new customers beginning in the cohort that has the highest number of seats.

This is only the beginning. It's possible to do much more using this extension.

Increase the size of your Group Coaching Program by recruiting multiple coaches

The growth in an organization-based coaching program could be rapid and put the coach in a sweet spot.

On one hand increasing numbers of users sign up for the service, which means your revenue is skyrocketing. However it's taking up more and less time to do whatever you like.

It's impossible to enjoy your earnings or devote the time you need for your self. This is where the idea of recruiting several coaches is crucial.

You're a fitness coach operating group fitness programs for some time.

Your user base is increasing however you're not able to keep up with it. Due to the increasing popularity of your coaching you'll be able to keep gaining more customers.

How would you like to recruit instructors to train via your platform?

If you've earned yourself a considerable reputation, your users won't mind trusting the instructors you have in your system. This means that you can hire new coaches and multiply your user base within months.

Coachkit Coachkit it is possible to do precisely this, without having the hassle that you're anticipating!

The tool lets you create a group coaching platform that coaches sign-up. You'll always have complete control over the assignment of tutors/coaches specific cohorts, programs, etc.

Make sure to promote your Group Coaching program

You might encounter a situation that your product or service is excellent, yet you're not getting the response that you'd like.

The most important reason is the absence of effective marketing. If you create the top group training program, nobody will engage unless and until they have heard about the program.

Focus on marketing your own business. Here are some ideas that you can explore:

  • Share engaging content about your coaching programs on social media.
  • Email newsletters, promotional emails and other messages to your list of mailing lists.
  • Offer introductory sessions through online webinars that are free in order to attract new customers.
  • Share success stories of past clients with testimonials.
  • Give incentives to current clients to introduce to you new customers.
  • Utilize relevant keywords to boost search engine rankings.
  • Create blog posts that are related to the group coaching aspect of content marketing.
  • Improve your site's local searches, especially if you are offering in-person session.
  • Be featured on credible websites and blogs to build backlinks.
  • You can add your coaching programme to online directories.
  • Increase visibility with Google and social media advertising.
  • Make compelling landing pages featuring clearly defined calls to actions.

Create a Group Coaching Program today

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Take Action Now!

Begin to earn money for the content you create.

Beginning a group coaching program can help you make much more money as well as organize your schedule as well as provide your clients an opportunity to meet other people who share the same goals can meet.

As both WordPress have features packed and feature-rich, there will be no difficulty setting up or running your group coaching program.

We hope our blog was helpful enough to enlighten you about what you need to take care of. In addition to your effort it will be possible to get the help of its CoachKitTM Add-on to increase your capabilities. It will be easy to register members, monitor their progress, and even talk to members.

Be sure to get in touch with us via the comments section if you need help understanding anything. If you are a believer in automating and making a difference Make sure you test the CoachKit(tm) add-on.

S Showrabh       From writing short stories, to the writing of technical articles on WordPress and running a membership site, plenty of things have changed for Showrabh. But what hasn't changed is his love to write and spending time. He loves music, football as well as cricket. He can be found looking at his cell phone, or will put his headphones on and write for hours. If he's not engaged in one of those things frequently, he's able to explain why someone could love cricket and football equally at simultaneously.