Consistency unlocks growth. Learn how to become better in it. |

Nov 22, 2022

Consistency is essential to building the reach of your business as a creator. It's important to be consistent. Here's the reason and the four steps to becoming more reliable today.

Building your audience -- as well as your company -- is much easier thought of than accomplished.

We asked over 1000 creators to share their best advice on how to grow their audience. Though you could expect fancy software or complex funnels for marketing to be the key however, the entrepreneurs of all niches and experience levels overwhelmingly reported that their secret was consistently making the right content. Specifically, the content they produced was targeted to the audience they were targeting.

Here's why consistency is essential when growing your online business as well as four methods you can implement to ensure quality, reliable work for years to the end of the road.

Consistency helps you determine the extent to which you're passionate about something to commit for the long haul

Starting your own creative business is quite a feat. There's a good chance that you'll spend hundreds of hours devoted to your work, which is why it should be something you are able to do every day. Continuously creating puts your concept to the test.

RadReads newsletter email capture
"I've been consistently emailing every single week because I finally made it a priority over everything else, and that's significant. Since then, I've used the weekly email as a creative outlet... This is how I strive to be a part of my practice and work on my art."

By making email a non-negotiable, Veronica has given herself the opportunity to indulge in her work and let her imagination run wild.

We have a suggestion?

Being consistent in showing up increases trust.

The pace of the internet is fast and making a lasting impression on potential clients can be a challenge. Continuously sharing information lets your followers know that you're reliable and helps them get to know you better. 46% of customers of the USA will buy more if they trust the brand by spending time with your customers will help build trust with them.

"Every each day I show my face. I display my face all the time so my fans are aware of who I are. My followers hear my voice and get a glimpse of the experience to take any of my classes."

With her consistent posting of quality content, she grew her business Instagram account to reach over 8000 followers. Then, her initial course launch earned her five-figure sum.

Showing up consistently on Instagram

An Em's Instagram Reels

"I found the more I shared and the more I shared, my circle increased, and I met incredible people who would invest in me, collaborate with or teach me something, or simply become my friends."

Building trust over time with your target market also gives you insight into what items you might want to offer. Harp teacher Anne Crosby Gaudet observed:

"My customers feel like they've known me since I've been producing regularly-scheduled weekly content for several years. My business includes composing music with harps as well as creating performance videos that enhance learning. My customers have come to trust me because over time they have seen that my work is creative, thoughtful and helpful. Moving to offering harp-based lesson programs was a natural progression because my customers already knew, liked and valued my skills as a composer and teacher."

With a good reputation earned by performing for free and compositions, Anne was met with excitement as she offered online lessons and harp classes.

Regularly delivering high-value content also helped Rachel Lynes from The Sing Space grow her followers 50-fold within the span of a few months.

"I offered a free daily 30 minute singing class for 8 months on our Facebook group. Many thought I was crazy and I managed to increase our audience from 300-15,000 in 12 weeks and turned the free singing lessons into the first-ever vocal Gym(tm) which is an on-demand streaming platform for singing that relies on subscription."

When Rachel moved from free tools to her now award-winning vocal coaching service, she had an entire audience who recognized the importance of her services.

In the end Sharing your passion builds trust and closer relationships between you and your target audience.

Consistency is an algorithm-friendly

In this case, Instagram content is classified based on dozens of variables, such as how popular a post is (likes and comments) and how often viewers have interacted on your post as well as the time since your content was posted, and your activity in the app. In the same way, YouTube ranks videos according to which ones receive the highest engagement keywords and also the importance of the video's title, description, and content.

If you regularly post content on the channels you choose the audience will discover more about your personality as well as your activities. By adding new content, you give viewers new ways to connect with you as well as your existing followers more reasons to return. Plus, you'll have an enormous library of information to share with your followers. comment on, and to share. This could lead to a greater level of engagement and increase the impact.

"The first thirty days when we started and we noticed an abundance of participation," they explain. "People were like, 'Wow! awesome, you're doing the same thing every single day. I'd like to know the extent to which you can go."We got the YouTube algorithm to work to our advantage since we had been posting lots of videos, which helped us move in the right direction."

"We became an integral part of their routine every day. The kids could get up, have their morning coffee, and watch Tiny Shiny Home."

They now release a shorter video every weekday as well as longer-form documentary-style videos a few times per year. Their channel has grown to over 99K subscribers  with one of their videos having reached 3 million views.

Lissa Prudencio from Wealth for Women of Color noticed an inverse trend as she went all in on TikTok. "I decided to post at least three times per day on TikTok for a month, but then it grew into two or three months. That's when I experienced an increase in my growth."

While social media platforms likely won't be able to reward or penalize them solely for your schedule for posting, the issues they take care about can be improved by consistency.

If you're not getting the kind of growth you'd like Consider increasing your post cadence. If you're one of the Longneckers posting videos every week allowed them to improve their craft and establish a fan base, but daily posting brought their channels up a notch. If it's only for a few minutes regularly posting on an increased frequency could to improve the efficiency of your algorithm. your direction.

There are four ways you can be more consistent in your company

Are you looking for ways to become more consistent in your creative enterprise? Here are a few tips that can help you deliver consistently, time and time again, even when life gets busy.

Content batching

batching is when you are working in similar ways which means you do not have to change tasks frequently. Many creators -- I'm also putting my hands up in this regard -- believe that performing the same kind of task for a chunk duration reduces distractions, and increases concentration.

As an example, analyzing a new YouTube video or writing a script filming, and creating thumbnails require different abilities as well as the ability to switch between different tasks can diminish the efficiency . By using a batching method one could spend a few hours just looking up ideas for video content for various upcoming projects. Next, you would spend the time writing video scripts, and on.

Em Connors uses content batching to reduce overwhelm. She makes use of Canva to make several weeks of Instagram posts upfront, so she's not tasked with coming up with concepts quickly. It also lets Em ensure that her brand has a cohesive appearance and style.

If you want to try the process yourself, start small. You can set aside at least an hour to:

Create social media posts

Outline future blog posts

Search YouTube for YouTube videos

You can get a lot accomplished by keeping to the same goal even for a limited period of time.

Content repurposing

Content repurposing means reusing work that you've published previously on different channels or platforms.

Imagine you've written a hefty blog post. Here are some ideas on how you could repurpose one post:

Create Instagram as well as Facebook post for all of your important areas.

You can use the blog post as a script to use for a podcast episode or youtube video.

Use a portion of the article in an electronic newsletter.

Create reels, shorts and TikTok videos that are based on the main concepts.

ideas for content repurposing

Making use of what you already have can ensure you're providing a consistent message across your various platforms and save you time since you're not starting from zero.

Veronica Green uses blog posts to create videos as well as email blasts, so she doesn't have to come up with a new idea every when she interacts with her readers. One YouTube video could be turned into quotes, images, social media carousels, as well as small clips that can create months of content with no additional effort.

For a chance to test this, start with a larger chunk of content. Blog posts, long newsletters via email, and YouTube videos are great. Take your top clips and quotes to serve as a reference point for future tweets, reels, carousels, and captions.


Dara Sierra from Be Seen Consulting says, "[I wish I knewthe importance of to schedule content in batches. It can be difficult to post daily and, in the end, you might miss posting at the set time. The use of a calendar has helped me in so many ways!"

Scheduling tools permit you to break up your posts into several days so your content is consistent, regardless of what's going on out in real life.

Realistic expectations

For a consistent output, you must give yourself reasonable guidelines. This means setting an appropriate publication time frame that you are able to live with and choosing the medium that you like.

The case for Khe Hy as well as Veronica Green, sending an email newsletter every week was perfect for foraging connection with the audience. For the Longneckers along with EmConnors posting each day proved to be the most effective method.

Your schedule may look different with each of the channels you utilize as well. Therapist for occupational therapy Maria Lindbergh says, "I've picked avenues that bring me happiness such as writing two newsletters or blog entries per month, publishing once a day on Instagram while also posting each week via YouTube."

There are no set-in-stone rules regarding how frequently you publish, however it's recommended to choose a time that works with your life and allows you to commit to the plan for the long haul.

Selecting the right channel or platform is key.

There's no reason to restrict your choices to only digital platforms either.

Paper flower designer Kritchaya TwitchsriGranati shares, "I made a commitment to 'just show up' to one networking event a week for a year and see where it takes me. Little did I know, I met other entrepreneurs, and exchanged ideas with them, as well as some of them became acquaintances and clients. Now, I'm in a better place to make new acquaintances to introduce myself and talk about my business which has opened up a lot of possibilities I'd had no idea existed."

The pressure to join an unpopular platform is a consistency breaker. Instead, lean into your own style that feels comfortable and natural to you.

Try it for yourself

Consistency can help you decide if you're passionate about something and want to dedicate yourself to it. It will increase the engagement of your audience and establish trust with your followers by showing your reliability within their lives online.

For more consistency Try batching and recycling your existing work. Make content plans in advance, so you do not need to be concerned when something comes up, set a realistic publishing frequency and pick an option that will keep you motivated.

Here's a little experiment you could try to observe the effects of consistent behavior for yourself.

Select a channel you'd prefer to develop and establish a goal for posting with a specific time frame. For example:

I'll post on Instagram each day for the next thirty days.

I'll be sending emails to my list each Monday for a period of two months.

I'll upload a new YouTube video each Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks.

Note down your engagement and numbers prior to starting, and recheck them when you are done. What was the outcome? You might be amazed by what you learn.