Circle and. Kajabi The Question is Which is the best option for you? |

Oct 10, 2024

Circle was created in 2020 by a small group composed from Teachable employees who understood the importance of having an internet-based community portal that could help improve overall quality and effectiveness of the classes provided by Teachable. As time passed, the group decided to develop an online course platform that was its own. Kajabi was created in the decade prior to 2010. Kenny Rueter wanted an online selling platform that could sell garden sprinklers he constructed during that time. However, over time the company has grown into a very popular program to manage courses.

Both Circle as well as Kajabi both have a major role to play in real estate across the world of the future. So, if you're looking for office space, and are thinking about the best option.

This article is focused on the distinctions in Circle Kajabi as well as Circle Kajabi. There's a lot of similarities in the services that they provide. We'll look at both in relation to:

  • Instruction
  • Members and Communities
  • Business and marketing tools
  • Apps

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Circles and. Kajabi The Chart for Comparison



Asynchronous Course Platform

Live Class

It is possible to combine two platforms

Livestreaming Native

Advanced Marketing Features

Integrated Funnels

Page Building

What is the distinction between the two? What's the difference between a Course and a Community Course?

Support via email

Zapier Only


Apps that can be adapted to any device

Yes! (2 distinct courses, with different applications, as well as a community)

Branded Apps


Branded Apps

Additional Cost

Additional Cost

Pricing From...

$29/mo + $5/course sale


What are some of the aspects you should take into consideration in making your decision?

It's crucial to be conscious of various platforms that were created for different purposes like communities or courses. Each is appropriate to the purpose that they were designed to meet. That means the primary concern is the product you're creating.


  • Circle is a great means to connect people with the larger community.
  • Kajabi is a great alternative to online courses as well as marketing.

If you're somewhere between these two groups, you should take an interest in this post to learn more regarding their ranking for different aspects.

Circle and Kajabi. Kajabi



Kajabi is one of the most popular course building programs alongside the LMS offers a wide range of course options to choose from. Kajabi can be used with many different media formats: audio-video exam and survey, as well as text and even downloading. The Table of Contents format is ideal and allows students to review the lesson before starting. The LMS permits streaming of the material and also helps students to be assessed through various kinds of questions.

Kajabi app

Kajabi operates (sort sort of) as a live streamer of courses. But, there are a few restrictions. There's no native livestreaming function available through the Kajabi platform, which allows you to stream the class. You'll need an alternative program which is comparable to YouTube. However, Kajabi has a unique application called Kajabi 2.0-that provides livestreaming and livestreamed recordings of session (we'll go over in the subsequent section). It's possible to incorporate live streaming into your courses (it is available in the new version of Kajabi's browser) as well as recording videos to be stored to the web page of the course. Since Kajabi sends emails to let users know when a livestream is due to start and the time when they can join.

In the end, Kajabi is the very first to utilize a range of AI techniques for creating material. This software can be used for:


  • Lesson Content
  • The course descriptions
  • Sales Email Copy
  • A exact copy of the Landing Page
  • Social Media Content
  • Sales Video Script

Kajabi AI tools

Additionally, they're not an the only component of ChatGPT. ChatGPT platform. This means they're not publicly and accessible (which is wonderful!) But, they do not give you something that's not possible through ChatGPT. ChatGPT accounts.

One of the most popular aspects of Kajabi are its course pages. It's a feature Circle does not have. You can customize the pages of your courses with drag and drop order to build sections. Also, you can create an whole course with the help of the organization you wish to utilize. Similar to the process of developing webpages for your classes. This is a great method of showcasing the course (Circle uses spaces for course space, rather than). The details of these will be discussed further down.


circle Courses

Within Circle you can give classes. This can be done through the development of a space for courses. The courses are created using tables of contents (an LMS model) which can later be joined with communities. Course platforms can include audio content and videos and downloadable content that can be adapted to different learning styles. Instructors may create materials using asynchronous method and evaluate the content before the material is published.

Additionally, Circle can handle live classes through its livestreaming feature and is also an instrument to help facilitate community (more details on this feature will be available in the near future). Circle gives users a number of methods to communicate with each other synchronously, including live classes or office hours, as well as Q&A sessions and a myriad of additional.

Which is your most favorite?

Course platforms are designed to offer educational content. In classrooms, both Circle and Kajabi both have their benefits as well as disadvantages. Therefore, the best option is determined by what kind of lesson you're preparing to offer.

Kajabi is an excellent option to... Course creators who want to develop and create courses that can be easily (asynchronous) used in conjunction with marketing websites and online designs that can be adapted. Kajabi is not a good choice in live learning and courses activities due to the gap between the abilities of the community and those of the course (which is to be dealt with in the next post). ).

Circle is the best alternative in the case of... instructors who require live teaching through instructor, or in classes that are synchronous as well as live instruction. If you're looking to conduct any live streaming activity with learners, Circle is a superior solution for live capabilities in addition to the identical platform to teach courses that Kajabi could have to offer. If you're searching for an online community for sharing with students from the class you teach, Circle will be more effective.

Be aware that Circle provides more restrictions for storage and extra fees. As courses count towards the above limits You may be extra charges for a higher amount of materials within your course.

Memberships and Community


Kajabi community - Circles

Kajabi is home to communities and their members but it's certainly not the most effective option. The community features made Kajabi the top choice for community members. Forum was one of the features which was accessible on Kajabi platforms for course content. It was an easy way to integrate the forum discussions into the course.

But, Kajabi recently acquired a firm called Vibely which provides vital community services.

Kajabi live rooms



  • Kajabi's latest version Kajabi has a chat function to Kajabi as well as a number of Asynchronous and synchronous tools that allow users to join. The tools include newsfeeds and chat, events, and DM as well as live rooms. Your community's links could be shown on the main page of the online course.
  • Kajabi is a software which makes use of spaces to organize the contents. These are known as circular forms (not to be mistaken for They are specific spaces that are able to store various types of information.
  • Kajabi 2.0 offers an additional directory for members, which are available to members. The users can modify their directories through the creation of profiles which highlight the interests, accomplishments and interests.

The negative


  • It's an individual software (not an integral element included in Kajabi). Kajabi 2.0 needs an additional login, and is also a distinct application. The users will need two applications to access Kajabi 2.0 and the Kajabi course as well as the Kajabi community.


Circle Livestreaming

Circle's communities revolve around elements like Spaces. The possibility of an online course Space in the past. Circle's founders Circle might also consider developing event spaces, and communities, forums to publish content and chat. The community can publish media like audio files and podcasts and also other content on different platforms with Circle's embed feature. All content that is shared by the community is searchable.

Circle Spaces

A bit different from Kajabi is a totally distinct platform. Contrary with Kajabi, Circle has embedded AI writing tools. The platform to aid in communicating and teaching writing. It also enhances communication and writing. Circle has profiles of members that are disabled, or who are. The members lists can be constructed as a complete list or specific to one region.

There's also Circle which also provides the community feed. Circle Community is equipped with customized feeds for home use and weekly digests that provide users with updates on what's happening in the community. Furthermore, Circle has moderation and management tools that can assist in the growth of communities.

Which is the most efficient?

Circle is an ideal way to establish communities. The Circle was designed for community and memberships. Kajabi is currently working to reach the same level. However, the requirement of working with two distinct applications to complete these things Circle is able to complete using only one program is not a viable option to most creators.

Marketing and Business


Kajabi is a fantastic place to promote. It provides a variety of possibilities for hosting courses as well as selling items. The site also offers an online page creator that allows drag-and-drop creation (we discussed in the previous paragraphs) and pages that are able to be used for various reasons including opt-in pages to sell downloads, sales pages download pages, and many more.

Kajabi integrated marketing

Kajabi can incorporate marketing via email as well as to sell classes. Kajabi also created sales funnels. They are linked to an email software that handles the segmentation of audiences. The software automates the management of processes, and handles the subscribers. Kajabi is a website that allows users for selling. Kajabi offers bundles, free trials, subscriptions, and coupons, as well as methods to boost revenue such as selling, reclaiming abandoned carts, and support for a variety of currencies.


Circle offers fewer options in terms of marketing. However, it's also less efficient than Kajabi is. There is the possibility of adding the option of developing a landing page online inside the program. This can be done by making modifications in the layout and text, and a short description of the subject. However, Circle was not designed to function as a full-fledged site, similar to Kajabi.

When a user has signed into the Circle account Circle offers integrated emails and digests that allow users to stay up-to-date on happenings within the circle. The digests are also by white labeling with the top Circle categories. In addition, Circle doesn't have a integrated email program, so it's crucial to link to email applications through Zapier.

Similar to Kajabi Circle can manage the bundles of transactions and payments made using different currencies. It's simple to join groups or courses (end steps) for the purpose of increasing sale.


Kajabi Price


  • $69/mo - Kickstarter (1 product, 1 funnel + 250 contacts)
  • $149/month. It is the basic (3 funnel product, 10,000 clients)
  • $199/mo - Growth (15 products, 15 funnels, + 25,000 contacts)
  • $399/mo - Pro (100 products, 100 funnels + 100,000 contacts)



  • The cost of a monthly subscription is $49 with transaction charges of 4.4 Percent. Basis plan (Community Only)
  • Monthly costs of $99 and an additional 2.2 percent discount for plan Pro Plan. The Pro Plan (add livestreaming classes, livestreaming and with branding)
  • $19/month, and 1 percent of charges. The plans will be progressively enhanced (add workflows, which include custom fields, white labels for emails, and also an AI assistance)
  • 399/month, plus .5 percent for Enterprise (add SSO Analytics, 10 administrators, and 100 mods)

Which one is the most efficient?

Kajabi definitely has more advantages than Kajabi for specific features for marketing for the program. Marketing funnels can be designed and integrated into a number of software. Circle has an electronic emailer that allows users to design and send messages to their customers in ways that cannot be done using Circle. There are also features that let you market your product on the platform to help the designers of the platform to earn profits.

However, there is a disadvantage. Kajabi costs more. If you're planning to purchase Kajabi make sure you've got the choices it provides.



Kajabi offers two main applications. The application for Course is available as well as a community application. However, it requires another instrument to help with the research of communities. There's an array of apps accessible to users that they can choose from

Courses: It's the Kajabi app that is the one with the most recognition that integrates the courses with video, text, and the LMS. Additionally, it is compatible with the earlier Kajabi community services. It is ideal for courses online that are associated with the Kajabi community.

Kajabi main app

Community was originally the initial Vibely app. It was updated over the last couple of years after Kajabi 2.0. It offers community-oriented functions, such as chat, conferencing, and live chat.

Kajabi 2.0 - app screens

Kajabi Creator The program acts as an application that manages the processes of your Kajabi company. It offers statistics and data that provide information about the condition of your enterprise and also the way in which it is managed.

Kajabi Branded Apps This latest offering is provided by Kajabi offering branded apps accessible in the App Store together with Google Play Store. Google Play Store. They also provide push notifications with branded names. It is important to note that these apps may be the only method to access classes as well as community services from one place.


Circle was an independent iOS application that ran for a time. The Android application launched in 2023. It's a great application (4.5 rating on Google Play and 4.9 on the App Store). In addition, it's distinct from Kajabi and Kajabi. It's all Circle in one application (courses and communities ).

Circle App -

Circle is also examining possibilities of developing applications with brand names. That means you'll have the option of purchasing an application that is branded with your company's branding. Circle Plus is a Circle Plus app brings together the entire education system as well as community into one place. Circle Plus comes with branded push notifications. The app is still in its early days and isn't currently available. However, Circle is working on creating an app for Exit Five (a B2B-based network which focuses exclusively in marketing). ).

Which is the most efficient technique?

The apps are equally great. The fact that Kajabi has to utilize multiple applications to accomplish the same results that Circle does with only one app seems to be ignorant. If you're looking for a simple online classes that are user-friendly and are synchronous, Kajabi is the best alternative. Kajabi is a great alternative. If you're in search of classes and social media features, Circle is probably a better alternative. If you're Kajabi customers, then you'll have to download two apps and this could result in issues related to interactions.

If you opt to utilize the program that's branded by the name Circle, Circle gets the one advantage. You will experience a higher level of service in the performance department (Kajabi has just begun). Furthermore, Kajabi makes you pay for the use of an app that has a well-known brand name, to gain access to classes. Kajabi also has an online community called Circle. Circle is currently in the process of being launched.

A verdict

We'll pick up from the place we ended. Which is better, Circle vs. Kajabi? Actually, both platforms provide significant benefits. Each platform has its weaknesses that are significant.


  • Kajabi offers a great online tool to manage your course with the knowledge of marketing. However, it allows users to create live-streamed courses using a different software and software. What you'll receive from your investment is the money you lose by not having interaction. Kajabi's AI capabilities don't have much to brag about. It's ChatGPT that isn't labeled.
  • Circle cannot offer additional marketing courses as Kajabi But, Circle offers a more efficient service to the community. However, Circle has to be capable of facilitating classes for residents of the community in various places (AKA various areas within the organisation). Participants need to use their skills to use their navigation skills to find the most suitable areas.

Do you wish to find something that is superior to other products?

It's the top-rated social media platform on G2's ranking of community-based platforms. There are groups and classes that cater to celebrities and businesses such as Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Jim Kwik, Marie Forleo, Matthew Hussey, TED Nuun, as well as Mindbody.

What can you do to make Mighty distinctive in comparison to Circle Kajabi in addition to Circle. Kajabi.

simple experience

Both Kajabi and Circle each has a distinct UX, both for classes and for users using their services. Kajabi can do this due to the specific character of the classes, which occur on various applications and platforms. and Circle because they're held in different spaces. It is necessary to use an appropriate mouse in order to follow the course.

In Mighty Spaces, they are made to store any kind of information that you'd like keep. You are able to turn off features that aren't needed such as Chat in the Activities Feed, the Activity Feed when used in together to Table of Contents (traditional LMS), People Explorer (Members) Pages to be used for one-time events (an article) and Highlight hashtags.

The design of the object

MN - 2024 - Graphics - Space Templates

One of the last tasks is to organize everything into one place. Events and courses. Chat, events and community.

The app also allows an improved user experience and interaction for users who don't need to search the web for the data they're seeking.

 - Graphics - 2024 - Livestreaming GIF

Software designed to make you feel more engaged

When we last looked and examined the findings, we realized that we were able to tell with 93 percent certainty what communities will succeed, and which won't.

The most important thing to consider is that the outcome was mostly the result of people. Do they have the ability to get together? Do they have the ability to connect with one another?

The link between the participant and host is the primary indicator of the performance of a host, contrast to the physical.

The software was designed for the purpose of facilitating communication between our participants.

This is the way it happens:


  • HTML0 HTML0 can be described as the HTML0 is The People Explorer that helps members discover others with similar interests as well as backgrounds to people living in the same area.
  • The Welcome Checklist and Profile help functions can assist people who are just beginning their journey get the most value from it.
  • This is known in the "Show Similarities" feature. It makes use of AI to highlight the shared characteristics which you share with acquaintances. Furthermore, you're capable of starting conversations in just the click of a button.

MN - Graphics - 2024 - Profiile + similarities

Hosting hosts may be able to assist in creating more durable
    Features for engagement don't need solely be targeted to consumers.

Mighty is a program that helps hosts increase their involvement. It is integrated with...


  • The program is known as an Infinite Question Generator, which creates questions for discussion that release the answer to appropriate forums. Conversation continues to flow even when you're off the internet.
  • "Activity Aide" to show you the users that are not in the system. This allows you to connect users just with a single click.

MN - Graphics - 2024 - Animation Conversation-Starter

The local community is great and there are a range of courses to choose from.


  • It's not difficult to build your own personal social media site. Simply type in a few phrases to Mighty Co-Host(tm) now and you'll have the ability to create an amazing layout for your company, and your first Space. (Try free)
  • Writing prompts and suggestions for improvements by using editing tools such as "make-it-better" editors to edit text.
  • An outline of the course in a short time including suggested hashtags.
  • The native ConvertKit integration allows users to join communities, courses and other sites along with email, as well as hundreds of other embedded websites to which you are able to join.

Apps featuring the top brand names and well-known names.

MN - Graphics - 2024 - Apps

Additionally, you can purchase lessons and subscriptions using custom applications that you purchase under your own name through the App Store in addition to the Google Play Store. Google Play Store. Mighty Pro has built 400plus brand-name applications for prominent companies and authors.

Livestreaming and notifications offer branding, design and help frequently updated by the well-rated application for community involvement that has a branding team. Get more details here .

If you're thinking of starting classes or creating communities You can start this by utilizing Mighty It Try it! an opportunity! You can take advantage of it for free for 14 weeks (no requirement for credit card ).

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This article first appeared on this website

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