
Aug 4, 2022
What is the best email marketing platform?

Mailchimp Vs. Mailerlite vs. SendinBlue the best marketing tool for emails

In the midst of numerous marketing channels-- including social media sites, in-person meetings and webinars, phone calls, forums online and chat rooms email is still a popular means of communicating with clients. It's inexpensive and permits users to build a quick relationship with your customers.

However, which one is the easiest to use as well as the most affordable? Which marketing tool for email helps reduce bounces or helps you build stunning emails or offers the highest-quality data management?

Here's an in-depth look at the most successful and popular companies in email marketing.

Are you looking to evaluate platforms like Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo, Drip and ConvertKit? Be sure to keep an eye on it! We will be diving into the most popular CRM ecosystems is coming soon!

Chart of comparators in one glance

MailChimp Mailerlite SendinBlue
Brand positioning Increase your reach and revenues. Recognize new or returning customers via automated emails or messages from an online marketing platform with professional advice. Make an email with marketing that your customers will enjoy.
Digital marketing tools can help you grow your audience more quickly and increase revenue smarter.
Get ready for takeoff. Sendinblue provides the best effective and simple platform for businesses that are growing.
We can help you thrive digitally through guiding your business with the right marketing & sales tools.
The most important Features Email
Site / Landing Page
Setup/comments It is arguably the most well-established platform. It now offers a website builder as well as E-commerce services. A simple and inexpensive mail marketing is effective and efficient. The registration forms as well as a paid Newsletter subscription model are also available. Easy and inexpensive email marketing is affordable and simple. Chat Marketing via SMS, Chat Inbox platforms.
( Featured) Integrations Shopify, Canva, Quickbooks, Zapier, Google Business Profile, Google Analytics, Yotpo, Instagram, Facebook, WooCommerce,
Squarespace, Stripe, BigCommerce, Magento, ShipStation, Wordpress,
Salesforce, Typeform,
Eventbrite, MailMunch
Facebook Audiences, MailerCheck,
Make, Shopify, Stripe, Typeform, WooCommerce, WordPress
ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, HubSpot, Intercom,
Mailchimp, Mailjet, Mixpanel, Pipedrive, SurveyMonkey, Typeform,
Price Free: Monthly limit of email of 10,000 sends.
Premium $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Free 1 - 1,000
Monthly, 12,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails. month.
Premium: Unlimited emails per month at $9/month.
Free: Up 300 emails per day, to unlimited number of contacts
Premium: from $25 per month with up to 20,000 emails per month.

Mailchimp -a land of opportunities

Prices and Features

The company promises to help you "grow your reach and revenues", Mailchimp is an eCommerce platform for sending emails, automated procedures customer segmentation, along with guidance and education.

Mailchimp gives you a continuous free program that allows you to send out 12,000 emails to as many as 2000 subscribers. Although, under this program it's mandatory to display their brand in your email to your customers, it's an attractive offering for up-and-coming companies. Plans that are paid start at just $10 per month and can accommodate up to 500 customers and also provide premium services such as an sophisticated segmentation of your customer base as well as live support chat.

What is the process?

Upon logging in, you'll see the statistics for your most recent campaign's success. The statistics will include:

  • recipients
  • opening rate, number of clicks, and open per unique open
  • A number of deliveries that have been successful
  • total opens and total clicks
  • Number of orders
  • The average revenue of an order and the total amount of revenue.


It is the place where you can build, manage and import your subscriber list which is also referred to as contacts. The ability to add manually to your list of subscribers, each one by entering their email address as well as the details of their profile into a page or you can automatically transfer data from your customers through bulk import via an alternative site. You can download a CSV file, or simply copy and paste your contact's details for the new subscribers.


Once you have imported and/or created subscribers, it's easy to segment these people by the previous purchases they made or their location of residence, or personal preferences. You can manually add Tags to customers' accounts, allowing you to send targeted messages to customers who share similar traits, and groups allow you to segment your customers according to certain traits or behaviors.

The same section can also be the place where you create registration or sign-up forms that enable users to sign up to your emails. The process can be completed using HTML forms, a pop-up that is embedded on any site and an email form that can transmit messages to your email mailbox, or any number of connection options with your existing software for messaging.

Campaigns Campaigns

It is the place where you create and build your emails. They are known as campaigns. They can be crafted using several templates for emails to choose depending on whether you're pushing new products or making an announcement, however, you are also able to create fresh themes and designs using Content Studio. Content Studio.



The ability to tailor the amount of work, also known as Customer Journeys. There are numerous ways to promote your company or your product to your current customers -- for example, sending out a promotion message to customers who have abandoned their carts and also to acquire new subscribers, for example with Facebook Ads campaign (optionally tied to Zapier).



Incorporating the idea of e-commerce at a higher level, MailChimp provides the ability to build websites which "tell your story about your business, communicate to customers and grow your business".


It is possible to be functional with only one thing after you've invested about 15 minutes setting up payment options using Stripe (which allows you to accept all major credit cards) and 5 minutes to personalize your store and start selling. Mailchimp is a program that creates automatically order confirmation, shipping notification and emails for abandoned carts for your online store.

Mailerlite keeps simple

Price and Specifications

It is marketed as a tool to "create web-based marketing campaigns and emails that your clients are sure to enjoy", Mailerlite offers digital marketing tools to boost your readership faster and drive revenue smarter. The MailerLite team is committed to "provide easy solutions for complex tasks" with clean and practical designs and an award-winning customer support.

The service is free for 12,000 monthly emails as well as up to 1,000 users. Growing Business costs $9/month. Growing Business costs $9/month ($108 for a yearly billing) to send unlimited emails per month as well as up to 1,000 users . The Advanced plan costs $19 a month ($228 for a year-long billing) for unlimited email messages every month. You can also add as many as 1,000 subscribers, with many add-ons, such as priority support or secure pages. For more subscribers, you can incrementally pay more; there's a sliding scale at to see how the pricing changes.

What is the process?

After logging into MailerLite, MailerLite gives you details on the success of your most recent mailing campaigns. It provides statistics like all subscribers who are active and the amount of new subscribers the day, and the month ahead the number of emails that were sent along with clicks, opens and CTOR (click to open) as well as the number of customers that haven't been opting out of your mailing list and any spam complaints when they've received any.


Email newsletters are also known as Campaigns and can be divided into different blocks that can be moved and then dropped into the editing. Blocks to use to illustrate the concept include Logo + Content article with background image, Highlight videos, lists of RSS with 1 item aligned left and the footer.


After you're pleased with your design After you're satisfied with the design, you'll be able to choose which subscribers will receive this mailing, either with the basic targeting method, or using advanced segmentation , such as "Signup source is API" or 'Signup Date is prior to July'.

Subscribers Subscribers

There are four options to sign up new subscribers. It is possible to import data in a CSV or TXT format, Paste and copy data from Excel and then add one subscriber. You can also import the data via Mailchimp. The Mailerlite platform is able to automatically delete duplicate instances of emails after the transfer.


After you've been able to import or add subscribers, it is possible to segregate them for targeted and more precise targeting. dynamic records of your subscribers according to their attributes and behaviors and Groups let you organize your subscribers according to interest, actions as well as other. In addition, you are able to add your personal Fields to save any additional details.

In the same area is the Stats tab, where you can look into the average click rate per campaign, the average click-through rate per campaign, the average rate of subscribe per month and the average unsubscribe rate per month.

Formulas and Websites

The form editor in MailerLite allows you to design and schedule pop-up subscription forms to grab the attention of readers the best way possible. There are various types of pop-ups, including floating bars as well as sliding boxes. You can also select a timing or scrolling duration prior to pop-up displays.


In addition, you could create landing pages to collect enrollments or encourage older emails that encourage users to sign up and create surveys that get customers to participate.


These workflows will automatically send emails to subscribers based on their habits or preferences, for example, the date of their initial signing-up, birthday or. It's possible to identify customers based on their on-site behavior and then use the tags to create new segments and groups to target specific customers as well as send marketing emails to customers who have abandoned carts.

SendinBlue -- dig deeper into the information

Price and features

SendinBlue claims to help in assisting you in assisting you to "Be present where your clients are, and manage all of the digital communication in the same place" by combining email campaigns -- including the ability to optimize sending times marketing automation CRM , as well as live chat.

The free plan is priced at only $300 per month, for 300 messages each day, with unlimited contacts. The Lite plan is priced at 25 dollars per month, with access to 20,000 email messages per month, with unlimited contacts, as well as A/B testing support for emails as well as support. Premium plans are $65 per month for 20,000 emails sent to unlimited contacts, including all the options of Lite plus automations, Facebook ads websites, landing pages along with a helpline for telephone calls.

How do they work?

When you log into your account, you'll get a quick overview of information about the emails you have previously sent. It will show the name of the email, the number of people who made the conversion, as well as the people who opened the emails, the recipients, clickers as well as those who have not subscribed.


SendinBlue offers the percentage of open that can be tracked along with the total number of open that can be tracked (the people who did not enable a Privacy Protection option in their email client) according to the amount of emails.

Emails (within Campaigns tab)

SendinBlue gives you a selection of layouts to your email newsletter, depending upon the type of message you want to deliver for example, an announcement regarding the launch of an upcoming product, an event for advertising or pushing blog posts.


Templates can be built from the gallery -- this can be found in the templates section. It is also possible to drag and drop templates to create your own templates, or make your own custom code completely from the ground up.

Automation and Transactual

It lets you create automated workflows that are based on various variables. Every automation comprises the following elements: a starting point such as making a purchase from the site which triggers the workflow; and the next step to take like sending an SMS or email and a condition for example, 'Is it the first time they have purchased? '.


These factors are combined to create workflows that can help with various tasks, such as inducting new customers into the system using appropriate information, offering discounts to customers who are not active to encourage them to re-engage, or offering suggestions and upsells for customers already in the business.


Two options are available in order to move contacts into SendinBlue. Either transfer your .csv, .xlsx or .txt file to your personal computer or copy and paste contact information from the .xls file. But you can also access by using this Forms and Landing page functions on this page to create custom web pages to encourage users to sign up. Additionally, you can provide a single contact with their personal information.


The Lists section, conjunction with contact attributes, lets you segment your list of subscribers in order to send targeted messages. For even more effective open rates higher, you can also modify your personal settings for sending like From Name, Reply-to , and Header/Footer per list.


MailChimp, MailerLite, and SendinBlue each is targeted to distinct user groups in the field of email marketing: MailChimp has a breadth of choices; MailerLite is lightweight and affordable; SendinBlue is data-driven.

Each choice serves a different function, and it's your task to decide which one will best suit your needs and the audience you're writing for. Happy writing!

Research methods

For our analysis We looked at the top 4 indicators that a good email provider should offer. When the metrics were identified and analyzed, we gave each one of them a rating between one to 5, in order to calculate a score which would allow us to assess their significance. With the score, we were able to assess and draw a conclusion about which platform is the most effective and merit more study.

The measures The four measures with explanations of what we believe a great email marketing company should be able to provide:

HTML1 The speed and ease of getting started

  1. Did it take you a while to set up and create an account? Like setting up an account, and then the first email you sent?
  2. Did the instructions for completing a the more complex task for example, like creating an online web site clearly laid out?
  3. Is there a logical and clear method to move across the many services on the platform?

Integration is simple and easy, and also the degree of intuitiveness

  1. What is the easiest method to link the platform to the third-party software?
  2. If there aren't any integrations in place, are they effortless? Are APIs easily accessible?
  3. Do you have features that appear unfinished? Is it easy to create an email that looks and feels like what you had in mind?

Positioning of the brand

  1. How can the business promote its products and services? What can the company do to use words and images to entice clients?
  2. Which kind of customer do they want to draw?


  1. What fees does the software must charge? Are there additional processing charges (due due to Stripe or similar)?
  2. Is there a free tier or trial? If yes, does it provide a full user experience, or are there some features reserved for paying customers?

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