An easy guide on how to earn

Jun 23, 2023

Get a step-by-step guide to create and sell printables online. Look up examples of successful printables and a strategy to create the launch and sale of printables of your own.

The internet has given us many bounties, including endless cat gifs on Amazon, and the ability to order tacos from 1 am without speaking to anyone.

It's also brought us the possibility of printables. We're talking about templates and planners, patterns, and even stickers, among others -- to download, print out, and decorate our daily routines in a stylish manner.

These aren't just a fantastic addition to the lives of consumers. Their creators are earning some substantial passive earnings.

You don't have to be an artist or a printer expert to join those creators. The addition of printables to your online courses, memberships as well as digital downloads is only five easy, straightforward steps and a few tools of the trade.

We'll show you the steps step-by-step. But like always, let's begin with talking about the reasons why selling printables on the internet should be on your list of things to do immediately.

Design and market your first printable with . It's free!

How can you earn money selling printables online?

The easiest way to sell digital printables is to sell them in the form of standalone or bundle digital products.

Some of the most well-known printables comprise:

Worksheets and budget planners

Cards and invitations

Coloring books

Making patterns, stencils and designs

Meal planners and shopping lists


Weekly/monthly/annual planners


However, as you've probably seen, there are a lot of printables for free -- how could you ever make money from them?

The answer is surprisingly straightforward.

How can you sell free printables when there's so many printables for free on the internet?

A simple method to persuade people to pay for your printables by making them more valuable in comparison to the free ones to the targeted audience.

Imagine your customers are on Instagram which is home to the world's prettiest photography. While they're showing off their organizational skills Do you think they'll choose a boring plain spread or something that has colorful, attractive designs?

Chances are it's going to be the former or like I Heart Planners' products. With a lot of color and character Their planners are a perfect fit for those who are looking for more whimsy and a little more color in their grocery lists, chore charts, and more.

In addition to providing a customized design that is more appealing to the clients, you may also offer additional information, or even more sophisticated template designs.

Consider, for instance, that you're creating a financial plan for those who wish to get out of debt during the year ahead. Alongside the printable planner, maybe you'll provide them with weekly information on finances and inspirational stories as a complement to the contents of your printable planner.

Like What The Postman's Knock did to her printable calligraphy, you could also include videos in your printed product.

They don't have to be limited to art and craft type printables, though.

If you're creating your own meal plan, you could give people access to a series of restricted YouTube videos that will help you plan meals during the holiday season, how to cook on a tight budget, and many more.

You could also give access to one of the videos per week for the next calendar month, or even use email newsletters, webinars masterminds, and webinars to increase the value of your printable.


To profit from printables, it's not necessary to possess an extraordinary artistic ability or truly unique concept -- but you should know what your audience is looking for and cater your printable to their preferences.

For how you can do it, we've boiled it down to just five easy steps.

5 steps to make cash selling printables on the internet

Step 1. Come up with your printable idea

In order to create a print-friendly design that sells well, learn what the customers you want to reach are looking for.

The easiest way to do this is by contacting the email recipients and asking them to take surveys or interviewing them.

An email list provides you with access to an easily accessible group of people who you can communicate with while testing out ideas for printables.

Additionally, because people have joined your email list to learn more about your brand and products are the ideal people for you to advertise your brand to as well.

Consider, for instance the fact that Ramit Sethi of "I Will Teach You to Be Rich was able to earn about 80 percent of the income from his very first online course from only 4% of his email subscribers -- and Ramit's is only one example of the many examples of email marketing's success.

If you don't yet have an agenda, visit Pinterest and choose some printable pins from creators you admire.

See who follows their blog posts and also take a look at their boardsWhat kind of print-friendly items do they pin? What are their hobbies?

For example, from my Pinterest board, you can find that I'm looking for easy and affordable vegan recipes and meals planners that feature floral themes.

From that information it is possible to create an agenda for your meals with a floral design and promote the idea to those who are similar to me.

When you have a look at what customers are looking for, look at your rivals and other designers to find out where their printables excel and aren't as good.

If all those tactics still don't turn up too many printable ideas? Have a look.

Research has found that creativity is increased by 60percent during a walk and walking, so be sure to give yourself a little time to take an easy stroll, and let your creativity flow freely.

When you've got all these data and ideas, you'll probably be bursting at the edges with thoughts.

For a beginner creator should concentrate on a couple of specific printable types, such as meal planners for those following allergen-free diets or geography worksheets for homeschooled elementary school children.

Niching helps you direct your creative energies into creating a product that will be loved by a tiny but committed crowd of customers will appreciate and possibly purchase.

Furthermore, it's easier to keep a few of people satisfied and turn profits than to reach out to a large and diverse group of people.

As an example, Michelle Cehn and Toni Okamoto's " Plant-Based on a Budget Meal Plan " Printable caters to people who want to adhere to a balanced vegan diet with a $25 for a week budget.

However, if you wish to diversify into different distinct niches that are not closely related you should create separate product pages for them, like Trina Of Oh She Makes has done for her digital products.

Then, once you've got your idea down, it's time to head into the workshop.

Step 2: Make your own printable

There's no need to not require any design expertise to create a Pinterest-worthy printable however, you will require an internet connection as well as an eagerness to tap into your artistic aspect.

There are many free online software tools that for you to make templates, such as canva , Venngage  and Visme .

Be aware that whichever design tool you use it's likely that you'll have to pay copyright or licensing fees so it can be used on paid items.

Canva is possibly the best to get started with since they offer a generous Free plan with which creators are able to explore.

Let's take a quick walkthrough Canva to discover how easy it is to create a printable.

In our case, let's assume I'm creating a printable birthday invitation.

First, go to your Canva dashboard and go to the dashboard and click "Create the design".

Next, browse through the drop-down menus, then pick "Invitation".

You will be taken to a blank canvas.

Now, you need to figure out the colors and patterns that will work for your design. Tropical themes are appropriate for this season, so go to the "Background" button to set your color scheme.

A dash of iconography to spice things up wouldn't be amiss.

Fortunately, you don't have to think up your own iconography if your topic is wide enough. (If there's no need, you can find great iconography at Flaticon .)

Birthdays are very popular (everyone is one of them I've heard), so let's check out what premade elements Canva has. For this, go on to "Elements" and enter your search term"happy birthday "happy birthday" in the search bar.

Browse through the gallery until you come across the image that you like, then simply move it to the canvas. Repeat this procedure for any images you want to incorporate into your invitation.

If you want to add additional details, such as a place to indicate the date and time -- you're going to have to add the text in a group. Select the "Text" choice to insert the body and header text.

There is no drag-and-drop required to complete this task. All you need to do is press the word type, and it will appear on the canvas.

If you double click your text, you will be able to alter the font's type, spacing, color of the font, and much more.

Then, once your invitation is complete, click the downward-facing arrow at the top of the right-hand corner to download your printable.

And there you have it You can see how simple it was to create a gorgeous graphic in just a few minutes?

But creating a beautiful printable isn't the only challenge You'll need an amount that is equal to the amount of time and work that went into it.

Step 3: Package and set the price for your package.

Printables have earned a handsome earnings for several creators.

Printing is the majority in Emily Burton's income, which allows her family members to enjoy in a life of travel.

Creator Sarah Titus made $52,060 during the first week of selling printed materials after running a successful blog.

Utilizing the price-based method, you add the price of amount of time you spent on the creation process and the supplies you required for its creation, tax costs as well as the amount you want to earn after all of those expenses to arrive at the price of your product.

Pricing based on value  is, however, involves a lot less computation of numbers since it's founded on what value customers consider the product has.

You can also assess the worth of your printed price with that of rivals, and alter your prices based on the quality of your products and the length of time you've been running your business, et cetera.

If you think you won't be able to price your printed materials as high as you'd like, think about the possibility of bundling them or selling them with one or several other things -- instead.

The research has proven that bundling encourages consumers to purchase items earlier -- but there's a caveat.

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Another option is the possibility of combining your printed materials into a monthly membership program as Pink Ink Club did. Pink Ink Club did for their membership plan.

Each month the members of The Pink Ink Club receive access to new planners, digital stickers, digital notebooks and notebook covers, courses, and many more.

Okay, no matter what method (or methods) you use, once you've got your price settled the next thing to do is to make preparations to launch your business.

Step 4: Make preparations for your printable's launch

A sales page can be described as an extended conversation with your visitors to answer queries about the product they purchased, share testimonials, and maybe offer a sneak preview, among other things.

If you're using a marketplace, you'll probably need a separate solution to build your sales page. This is that people are able to visit for more information the product they want to purchase.

It's not just that it costs more to have a separate sales page designer however, it could be an issue to verify that your marketplace, payment processor as well as your sales page connect.

If you use a website builder, you will be able to build your sales page with the same program, thus saving you both time and money.

In order to promote your sales site, make sure to notify your followers -- but reduce overt advertisements to a minimal.

As an example, Remodelaholic casually mentioned in a blog post that she was working on her new website's launch.

The process of preparing your print-ready template can be boiled down into two parts: making your website and notifying your subscribers.

Both of them are fairly simple However, the second can take a lot of time, so you should set aside at least some time to complete both.

Limit it to a few weeks, though -- your sales page will never be perfect. There is no perfect page for anyone. The benefit of taking things slowly, but there's risk as well, because you need to reach the end of the road earlier rather than later if you want to profit.

It is essential to introduce your product.

Step #5: Start your PDF

Preparing to launch and actually launch is a lot like. After you put your printable up for sale, you need to keep generating excitement around it.

See? I told you that it's similar to preparing to launch. The only difference is the ability you utilize referral and affiliate programmes to get your earliest customers to spread the word about your products.

It's a significant positive, but not a prevailing, benefit of the post-launch stage for printing printables. After all, 8percent of Americans give recommendations to their friends and family everyday.

Consider this as well: the average rate of new customers was 45.28 percent for affiliate marketing programmes in the fourth quarter of 2017. That's not too shabby considering they were customers that the company didn't need to actively recruit.

So to summarize:

The last step to sell the product is to launch the product and create buzz. Facebook and emails are proven methods to market your item, but don't forget the high-impact options like affiliate marketing or referrals as well.

One question is - where can you sell your print-friendly designs if you're looking for a site builder that is user-friendly and friendly to creators?

Give a free try -discover how easy it is to sell on in our final section.

How do you sell your printables

Making a website is very simple.

Then, sign in into your account dashboard.

Navigate to the top navigation menu and choose "Products".

Once you're on your products page, click "New Product".

A pop-up button will appear that lets you select what sort of item you wish to make. Pick "Digital download" to offer a printable download.

Then, you must name the project, and then hit "Create and proceed".

After that, you just have to upload the document -- as well as everything else you'd like to add, such as PDFs or videos to the product you've just created.

Once my documents are all uploaded, I can access my "Pricing" tab and pick an appropriate price for my product, or even create an arrangement for payment if I'm selling an expensive printable.

Ready to set your price? You can go into the "Pricing" tab, and type in your price. You also have the option to use the payment plan (wise if you're selling at an expensive price).

If you go to the bottom of the identical page, you may as well make special coupons or offer to upsell for your printable product to drive more sales.

Use then the editor to build your sales page, and voila -- your printable is ready for sale.

Sell printables in 5 simple steps

There's no need to worry about whether you're an artist or simply someone who has an interest in printables- you have it in your to make profitable printables.

From a printed ideas to selling products in just five steps comprising:

You can come up with your design idea by conducting customer research and browsing Pinterest while looking at your competition

Designing your printable with an intuitive graphic design tool such as Canva or Venngage

Then, you can price your template and decide on whether you want to offer it on its own or as a part of an entire kit

Preparing for your product launch by establishing a sales page informing your followers as well as customers

Promoting your product and creating excitement for it via the use of social media, emails, and affiliate marketing and refer-to-meeting marketing

You could easily bring your first print-friendly design to life in just a month.

So what are you waiting for? With a creative bone like yours and so many helpful tools only a couple of clicks away, nothing is hindering you from making an awesome collection of printables.