Additional Pricing Strategies for SaaS to combat Stagflation

May 27, 2023

     The presentation was created previously regarding SaaS costs pricing and packaging so that it could stop the rate of inflation in 2022. This article, however, is based on the presentation which was updated during the month of march 2023 and was presented in the year 2023 by David Vogelpohl. For more information about the presentation or go through the earlier presentation, take a check out the information in the last section of this blog article.

The cost of pricing your application as an software as a service (SaaS) isn't an easy task, even when you're in good period of. Determining an appropriate price for more revenue when times are slow can be a bit difficult.

This article gives guidelines on how you can make the best value out of the pricing and packaging of your SaaS products, even in economic downturn:

What exactly is Stagflation?

Simply said, stagflation is an issue for the economic world which is affected by three primary elements:

  • A low rate of growth.
  • Inflation rates are quite high.
  • The rate of unemployment is incredibly high.

There is more pressure like never before for:

  • Potential customers' wallets are people you'd like to catch your eye.
  • It would be nice to look at customer wallets you would like to see change.

This is why taking to account pricing structure of SaaS cost structure essential for ensuring that you will be able to build your company in a the market of finance.

Using Your SaaS Pricing Model to Fight Stagflation

It's the easiest way to adding more cost until you understand it's normal to do this.

More than a third of SaaS digital and software customers have seen increases in their rates over the last 12 months.

Graphs showing that over a third of  companies raised prices recently.

It's amazing how SaaS firms tend to boost cost in excess of inflation.

The impact of this lever -- that's not surprising -- typically helps increase profits, but it's the most straightforward option at the midst of consumers getting less for their spending in a depressed economic situation.

However, rethinking price and packages is only one of the many alternatives that do not work in SaaS.

What is the reason for raising costs? Is there a legitimate reason to not to try something new?

There are numerous other possibilities you can pull to make additional money, even in periods of slow market activity or to raise expenses.

Increased acquisition, boost the rate of conversion, and cutting down on turnover are only a handful options.

Each of these options takes some time and effort to put them into practice.

Be aware of the cost and time involved in improving acquisition as well as reducing churn through strategies such as PLG or Product-led Growth (PLG) or better strategies to enhance the customer experience, this could be a difficult and overwhelming procedure, such as with the bigger and medium sized shirts:

Table with headers Strategy, Acquisition, and Churn, then rows labeled PLG, Customer Success, and Pricing and Packaging. Each cell includes a t-shirt of Small, Medium, or Large.

Large or medium-sized T-shirts symbolize time, energy and the money. The procedure requires the design of PLG and strategies for client satisfaction in order to increase the retention of customers and decrease the rate of churn.

Changes to pricing of products take just some minutes to be completed quickly, as signified by the t-shirt, which features a tiny measurement larger.

As Patrick McKenzie points out, it can be as simple to change a number by a greater one:

A screenshot of a tweet quoting Patrick McKenzie.

Once you're finished with the day, changing pricing could be the most simple, easy change to implement when you are trying to increase your revenue quickly.

Optimizing Your SaaS Pricing strategies to reach the new MRR, as opposed to. Net Revenue Retention A: The Needle of Growth

If you're contemplating using different pricing strategies one thing you should be thinking about is whether you'd prefer to boost your efficiency for the all-new MRR and net income retention -- or both.

And then there's"the "growth mustache."

A graphic of a sideways bracket with Growth at the top and New MRR and NRR at the bottom.

The mustache that grows can be described in terms of a"bracket" that is slanting, and a former CFO I used to be with was frequently mentioned to. (I added"mustache" to my "mustache" description as it looks as if it's a mustache.)

Growth is driven by growth in monthly recurring revenues (MRR) in addition to new customers joining the business and net retention ratio (NRR) which is a number of percent of existing customers who are ARR or the MRR you're retaining or growing.

When your net worth is greater than 100% It will become the foundation of a multiplier which will be added to the value of your earnings. But, it will enhance the worth of your investments.

It is common to create an advantage for your business by altering pricing or packaging. It's also important to realize that you're operating in a place in which people aren't going to your store, and aren't spending as much. Whatever you decide to do to increase the price of your product can impact the capability of your company to draw new customers. Additionally, it can affect your company's ability to retain and increase the number of current customers so you need to consider this before making any changes.

Test a Different pricing Model for SaaS which is based in Creative Combinations that increase the possibility to earn revenue

If you've determined that changing your pricing plans could be the option there are a number of choices to try. Pricing per feature, pay-as-you-go plans and even cost-free pricing plans. Prices at a fixed rate or use-based pricing as well as per-user pricing. Which is the best option for your SaaS firm?

There's a wide range of possibilities as a starting point:

  • SKUs:
  • Platform tiered plans
  • Product(s) tiered plans
  • Persona tiered plans
  • One-time add-ons
  • Bundles of accessories
  • Entitlements:
  • Features
  • Usage
  • Are you in need of help?
  • Pricing:
  • Price
  • Recurrence
  • Geography
  • Methods of payment
  • Discounts
  • Free trials for trial

Look within those options for ways to improve the leverage of your operation.

In some situations, the formula may need you to determine the price of the purchase using the user's profile, which is somewhat higher than average of the revenues for each user (ARPU).

In addition, it's adding new features which allows it to raise the price.

Other options include switching into a flat rate price or one that is based on user utilization to an advanced model that is dependent on particular attributes or on the use.

Be aware of the impact of any changes to your SaaS Pricing Strategy

This is also true for the case of a client's base. It's not reduced drastically when there's an increase in the price however, the active customers can be more willing to pay and generate more money, and certain firms might take advantage of the price increase.

Take note of adjustments which can affect the way the company is operating. Established SaaS firm may differ from that is just beginning.

The word "success" can be written in three letters.

If we think about pricing and packaging as a whole, we imagine combining the potential to make more money and the capability to come up with something new.

Take a look at the innovation curve which we design and as it gets more popular, it slows down. It's easy to become caught by the notion that the only way to come up with a truly new source of income is to create an unique product.

After that, we can contemplate it and think on the possibilities of creating new income S curves might be created by modifying the software as well as add-ons to programs and plans, and also providing users with new ways to shop with you and make use of your services.

When we are taking into account the measure of use that is dependent upon the measurement of value with a long-term outlook Changes and plans may increase ARPU during taking into consideration the horizon of.

SaaS Prices and Packaging Extras

The add-ons can be an easy way to boost revenue per customer. This applies to existing as well as new customers with the lowest budgets since they're able to have the luxury of choosing the items they purchase from you instead of spending, for example, at a flat cost to purchase an entire set of things they don't want or need.

As an example, do you have already a list of entitlements could be utilized as an additional option without having to create additional engineering efforts? Could one of those functions be omitted to make an entirely unique SKU without the need to create an entirely new product?

Add-ons come in a variety of formats. This means they come in a multitude of options or bundles.

There's a possibility of risk since they can decrease the updated MRR in the event that there are less customers who purchased the latest versionHowever, accessories may become a key driver of NRR.

Reduce the risk of accidents. To limit the chance for an accident, be sure you take the time to review your upgrade and downgrade rates prior to making any changes to the add-ons and package products.

You can however hold off the introduction of add-ons following the customers have signed up to your main product. When they've had a chance to try your product and are satisfied with the experience -- and due to all purchases they've made can be thought of as upsells which increase your sales retention rates and increase your revenue by offering additional features that will improve the user's experience with your product.

Customers can purchase the SaaS product at a lower price, then it will help you build your MRR and ARPU with discount.

Reduced costs may provide an opportunity to expand sales, especially when you can lower costs for your competitors by a small amount.

Develop a new pricing tier for the purpose of reaching the goal of A.R.P. User (ARPU)

Perhaps your ARPU-boosting requirement might not be a priority for you?

If you are using tiered pricing structure that offers choices of prices between $30, $150, and $300 rates, the ideal pricing structure to increase revenues is between 3 and 75 dollars.

Segmenting SaaS Plans will help you identify the worth of your service and increase the ARPU of your product.

Another option is to tear your package according to particular demands of your customer.

In this instance, WP Engine is a managed WordPress platform, which can manage any kind of website However they realized that they could target WooCommerce customers specifically. That's why they designed this program specifically for the specific customer.

A screenshot of the WP Engine pricing page for a segmented pricing plan for WooCommerce users.

WP Engine was able to draw attention to the demands of their customers within the location to catch the attention of their customers and boost sign-ups. As time passed, WP Engine was able deliver more value for customers who utilized it and this led to increasing the revenue of WP Engine.

Pay Frequency Increases Potentially

The pricing model that is annualized gives purchasers the benefits of discounts by making payments all through the year before the time of year's close, but it also offers you an opportunity to reduce the percentage of customers who are churning, as well as increasing the life-time value of your customer (or LTV.

To get the most benefit out of this strategy, it's possible to provide discounts on annual memberships that are less expensive for customers who are new or that are ready to move away from the monthly and annual costs.

The time frame of the price can allow customers to take the cost much more readily.

Tips when you're offering an Enterprise plan, and it becomes a little more costly in the case of an annual payment, and you want to be sure the cost remains under $5000. Many procurement departments follow a process which requires employees to get the approval for any purchase that is more than this amount. Then, you cut costs down to a specific quantity, let the customers pay for that payments using credit cards without navigating any internal hurdles within the business's hierarchy. It is possible that the procedure differs and doesn't have the same as a standard procedure but it's a great suggestion to experiment with.

You can't be flat. Change your strategy

In the event that you're considering adjustments to the way you manage your SaaS company's pricing policy and the customer's potential willingness to pay for your service is not the only factor to be considered. The rate of inflation could be drastically different in the span of a couple of years. the change may vary across the globe, or within a particular area.

An inflation graph of the annual percent change in consumer price index in Brazil, US, India, Germany, and China from 2008 to 2022.

The financial headwinds that are associated with different geographical areas could signal that localization is important for saas when offering the service globally.

Remove unnecessary Purchase Friction by using the Localization

The process of localization usually comprises a number of components that could be included, but definitely not the final:

  • You should accept the most preferred method of payment to the location you're selling to.
  • The expense is local.
  • The currency is localized.

Everyone has distinct advantages. And this is not just for customers but also for profitability margin.

The rate of conversion of localized prices is 2x in B2C SaaS companies. It is important to give sufficient reasons for price that is different in different countries or regions in the case where buyers are presented with prices that differ from one region to another.

Local currency can be easier to obtain approval and also to customers in looking for it, to comprehend. Customers who are new to the service will be capable of viewing your SaaS fees in the currency you're paying for, allowing clients to purchase items without hassle associated with buying an item. Calculate before committing.

How Can help?

The information within this piece was analyzed in a webinar by David Vogelpohl in a webinar hosted by View the live stream via's channel on YouTube.

David Vogelpohl Over the past 25 years, David Vogelpohl has led teams to develop engines that are high-growth as well as applications for top companies like WP Engine, Genesis, AWS, Cloudflare, and several others. David is a practical deep-dive expert who is able to share practical strategies which you can use for speeding up your development.

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