9 Super-Nifty Angular Component Libraries to Jump-Start Development (r)

Mar 17, 2023
Illustration: A developer researching Angular component libraries.

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework that is built on TypeScript which is optimized to build simple web-based applications. It is well-known because of its versatility, which allows developers to concentrate on aspects and functions. The incorporation of component libraries in the mix can add another dimension of efficiency and speed, enhancing development productivity and the overall efficiency of your app.

But, choosing the best appropriate library for your requirements can be difficult with so many alternatives available. This article will review some of the top Angular library components, how they work and the most efficient way to add all of them to the Angular application.

What are the benefits of using a Component Library?

When you build them using the code you write yourself or using libraries from third parties componentry is at the heart of Angular applications. Every component is dependent on a template for its HTML and CSS elements and TypeScript code that controls its behaviour.

The primary benefit of component libraries is the fact that they offer reuseable, pre-built UI components that reduce the need for custom code as well as helping the developers to get their application up and running quickly.

An Angular approach to components may aid in enhancing cross-team collaboration among developers who write TypeScript codes and web developers that provide templates. HTML can be added to templates.

The libraries of components are generally used in Angular projects by using Node.js's Node.js npm Node Package Manager, or by using the Angular command line interface (CLI).

What is a good component library?

The libraries that comprise the list are selected in accordance with a variety of elements:

  • They offer a wide range of UI elements, which makes it easy for programmers to build appealing and practical applications.
  • They offer good documentation and support, ensuring developers get assistance when they need it.

9 Nifty Angular Component Libraries

Take a look at the top picks.

1. An Angular Material

Angular Material is the official Angular component library. It provides a comprehensive UI collection while keeping current with the most recent Angular capabilities and API updates. Additionally, it comes with accessibility capabilities, and generates marksup that allow for the use of keyboards and assistance technologies including screen readers.

Screenshot: Example of Material Angular component library buttons.
Material Library for Angular Components Examples of Button.

What it does: Angular Material leverages the built-in directives and features of Angular to create a set of highly efficient and data-bound components on over Angular and makes it easy to add interactivity to websites and applications.

Its strengths: Angular Material excels at creating already-built UI components that adhere to Material Design guidelines. It offers a range of well-designed, flexible UI components that can be integrated into Angular applications with ease. The components include navigation menus, buttons forms Dialog boxes, buttons, and many more.

If, for example, you'd like to include buttons to your app, it is recommended to use the mat-button directive and modify it according to your requirements.

Here's a sample code excerpt:

Click me!

The code generates buttons with the primary color scheme. It is possible to further personalize the button with the addition of event handlers, changing the text, and how the button appears.

2. NG-Bootstrap

The NG Bootstrap library is an open source library that is built upon Bootstrap CSS, providing elements and design patterns that a lot of developers are acquainted with. This reduces the learning curve for new projects, making it a viable option to create Angular applications swiftly and effectively.

Screenshot: NG-Bootstrap Angular component library carousel.
The NG-Bootstrap component library is a Carousel examples.

The way it worksNG-Bootstrap expands the capabilities of Bootstrap components by allowing programmers to utilize these components in the creation of Angular directives. It also includes two-way data binding along with more Angular-specific features. It allows developers to create responsive, mobile-friendly web applications that seamlessly work with Angular.

What is it good at: One of the most important advantages of NG Bootstrap is its support for accessibility capabilities, for instance accessibility features, such as the W3Cs guidelines regarding Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) that makes it simpler for developers to develop programs that can be used by disabled people. NG-Bootstrap also excels in dialogs that are modal. By using Modal dialogs, using the Ng-Bootstrap Modal element, developers can create simple Modal dialogs which can be modified in terms of dimensions, backgrounds and compatibility with keyboards.

Here's an example of how you can create a simple dialog that is modal with NG Bootstrap.

Modal title Modal title x Title text x Modal body text is here. Close Modal title Body text is here. Close the template /ng-template>Launch demonstration Modal

In this instance it is in this example, the templates element stores the information that will display the dialog, including the header, body, and footer. The button at the end of the code snippet triggers the opening of the modal after clicking. This opening() method is used to display the modality. It takes an element called the template element as its argument.

3. Clarity

Clarity is an open-source library that utilizes a shared visual language throughout its components to provide a consistent, intuitive UI. The library is also well-documented, featuring a wealth of guides, tutorials along with API references, which makes it easy to understand and to use.

An illustration based on the Clarity Angular component library's logo.
Illustration taken from the official site of the Clarity Angular components library.

How it works: The Clarity design method is based on notion that of "cards," which are used to group similar contents. Cards can be used to display individual pieces of information in an organized and orderly manner. Clarity comes with a wide range of card elements that display data in a range of formats. Card components include headers, footers and other elements and content sections. It is easy to customize them with different designs and styles.

They can also be mixed with other elements, such as dropdowns, modals and even as buttons -- in order to build more intricate UI designs. The principal goal of card-based design is providing modular and adaptable system that can create complicated user interfaces in a short time.

Its strengths: Its vast set of forms controls is an obvious benefit. They include input fields, select box radio buttons and many more. Clarity also provides a range of data visualisations like line charts, bar charts as well as pie charts that help present the data in a clear and well-organized manner.

Here's an example on how to use the Clarity input field component in the HTML form:


This code creates a form input field with the label and placeholder text. This input container, clrInput as well as the clrInput directives are made available by Clarity. Clarity library. The library will create the input field according to.

4. Kendo UI

Kendo UI Kendo UI HTML0 is an application library designed for commercial use that was designed with performance in mind . It guarantees quick loading times as well as a seamless user experience. Additionally, it offers different styles and themes, which can enhance the appeal and visually appealing. Of your apps along with comprehensive documentation as well as a professional support group.

Screenshot: Data grid example using the Kendo UI Angular component library.
Example of a data grid made using Kendo UI Angular component library. Kendo UI Angular component library.

How it functions Kendo UI employs techniques like virtualization or lazy loading to provide rapid loading speed and smooth user experience. The result is that the applications created through Kendo UI run fast and responsive, even in the face of large databases. Kendo UI is also built with a modular design that enables developers to only use those components they require and reduce the library's size and increasing the efficiency of their applications.

What it does well: Kendo UI is especially suited to enterprise-level apps which require extensive administration of data, as well as complex interactions with users. Grid components, for instance, supports features like sorting, filtering, and grouping, allowing developers to display huge information sets for users in an easy to manage manner.

Here's a code sample of how to create an easy Kendo UI grid in HTML:

This code displays the Kendo grid as a UI in your Angular applications. The grid can be customized by passing various settings options to the kendo-grid component.

5. PrimeNG

PrimeNG is an open source library designed to be easy to work with and customize. It also comes with sophisticated accessibility tools as well as internationalization capabilities, making it an excellent choice for global applications.

Official logo of the PrimeNG Angular component library.
Official logo of PrimeNG. PrimeNG Angular component library.

The method it uses is: PrimeNG library comes with an array of built-in UI elements that designers are able to seamlessly integrate with Angular applications. It makes use of Angular's built in directives and lifecycle hooks , in order to facilitate seamless integration into the framework. The framework offers various settings as well as options to customize it to allow developers to customize components to meet their individual needs.

The areas where it shines: One of the major features of PrimeNG is its support for internationalization. PrimeNG is compatible with many languages and also provides translation service in the vast majority of its parts. This is made possible by the use of Angular's localization framework, as well as message files which are easily customizable and updated.

For internationalization to work within PrimeNG it is essential to prepare translation files in the languages you wish to include. The files must include translations for all components you wish to include in your application. To enable internationalization in PrimeNG you must alter the translate attribute of a component to its true value. The component will utilize the translation files to display the contents in the language desired by the user.

Here is an example of how to use PrimeNG's calendar component that supports internationalization in PrimeNG:

In this case it is the p-calendar component has it's translation attribute set to true and also the [localeattributes are in place. In this example the [locale attribute is been set with the local code of English (en). This makes sure that the calendar will be accessible in English to those who have chosen that language.

6. Nebular

Nebular is a collection that comprises over 40 Angular UI elements, and can be customized in four themes. This library was created by web development company Akveo It also comes with an authentication component to allow users to login and also an ACL-based security component for more granular control of access to particular resource. Akveo can help get started with your personal administrator dashboard using an Ngx-admin tool that is built using Nebular modules.

Screenshot: Example of a "smart" table using the Nebular Angular component library.
Nebular Angular component library: "smart" table example.

The way it works Nebular's UI strategy is based on Akveo's Eva Design System, for which it also gives assets to teams who utilize design software, such as Sketch as well as Figma.

Designers working with Nebular's CSS can generally refer to styling options semantically -like the color variables primary and success, as well as information, alerts, and danger. They can, however, exceed the limits of what Akveo is claiming they are in the case of imports that make advanced changes to styling in Sass file.

Nebular's components library includes styles that comprise cards, lists as well as navigation tools, templates tables of information along with overlays and mods, as well as widgets such as date-pickers, spinners, as well as progress bars.

The information for Nebular's accordion part may be similar to the one in this TypeScript:

import Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy from '@angular/core'; @Component( selector: 'nb-accordion-demo', templateUrl: './accordion-demo.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, ) export class AccordionDemoComponent 

The template may look like this:

First Item Heading /nb-accordionitem-headerContent that can be toggled for the First Item. This Second Item's Heading is an nb-accordion item toggled content for the second Item.

What it does well: The Nebular library along with the ngx-admin administrator dashboard tools can be used for free and is an incredible benefit with such an advanced set of tools. Security and authentication are a reflection of Akveo's attention to those administration-panel elements.

Nebular is also a strong choice for those languages that read left to right (RTL). The users will discover CSS markups which support RTL (and LTR) layouts as well as methods such as setDirection() and setDirection() -- to change and decide the layout's direction at runtime.

7. NG-Lightning

the NG-Lightning library is a fascinating addition to the component library line-up, since it's an implementation using Angular of Salesforce's Lightning Design System (LDS). It is a repository of HTML and CSS elements, blueprints,- and designs guidelines for Salesforce developers using that framework's Lightning framework. The main features of LDS can be found in this collection of open-source Angular widgets. These include elements of HTML and CSS.

Screenshot: Alert example for the NG-Lightning Angular component library.
NG-Lightning Angular component library: alert examples.

What it can do: NG-Lightning has dependencies that set it apart from the other component libraries. In addition, it relies on the official-approved component dev kit, Angular Component Dev Kit, NG-Lightning applications link to the CSS repositories that are used by Salesforce LDS. The CSS is accessible for download through Salesforce's official Salesforce UX repositories or via a CDN.

The approach, however, made using TypeScript to creating views is utilized for Angular developers. This scenario would trigger the meta-data of the alert component in the above example:

import Component from '@angular/core'; @Component( selector: 'app-demo-alert-basic', templateUrl: './basic.html', ) export class DemoAlertBasic showTopAlert = false; onClose(reason: string) console.log(`Closed by $reason`); 

The basic template used in this official NG-Lightning example is:

div class="slds-notify_container">"> Your browser may be old. It is possible that your Salesforce experience may be deteriorating. Additional Information The following list of alerts the list of alerts that you can receive You are currently offline ('). Additional Information Your browser is not supported.Display notifications in the container

What is it good at: Reflecting their grounding in the Salesforce LDS, NG-Lightning's developers are committed to web accessibility. Dynamically generated interfaces that comprise the foundation of frameworks such as Angular are often difficult to those with visual or mobility disabilities. The NG-Lightning framework is compliant with the W3C's ARIA standards guidelines and produces web markup designed to support aidive technology, such as screen readers.

8. Syncfusion UI

The Syncfusion User Interface is a flexible and light library which lets users pick only the elements necessary to their application and reduce the overall size of the final package. It's simple to manage, extend the library and upgrade it with the addition of new components, or to modify existing ones, without affecting the other components.

Screenshot: Examples of cards using the Syncfusion UI Angular component library.
It's Syncfusion an UI component library: cards is an example.

The way it functions: If a webpage is loaded, the Syncfusion UI library is initialized and then generates the entire component using marking up and the setting options. In particular, the grid component lets users sort, filter, or mix information. The chart component is able to display data in various forms including lines, bar and pie charts.

The library also offers filled with utility features and tools that could assist in simplifying every day tasks, such as manipulating of data or validation. The library includes the data manager, which allows you to work with complicated data structures as well as the validation engine can be used to check the input of the user.

Its strengths: Syncfusion provides a extensive set of tools for customizing and thematic design, which allows developers to quickly build aesthetically appealing and consistent user interface. It has a broad collection of APIs and events which allow for the creation of unique functionality and interfaces in addition to connectivity with well-known information sources such as OData, REST APIs OData and SignalR.

Here is an example of using an Syncfusion grid component to an Angular app:

This code creates a simple grid to display the data from a source. The DataSource property is set so that dataSource. The the dataSource property for the display of the data display, and the E-Columns element is used to define the columns in the grid. Every column element determines each column in the grid. It includes the fields that are displayed as well as the text in the header as well as the width of the column. This example also shows how you can format information displayed in grids using the formatting attribute.

9. Onsen UI

Screenshot: List examples for the Onsen UI Angular component library.
Examples of lists made with the help of Onsen UI Angular component library. Onsen UI Angular component library.

What does it do: The Onsen UI is built upon the Material Design philosophy of Google to ensure users they are using a UI of the application is both aesthetically pleasing and simple to use. It comes with a variety of themes built into the app that are able to be applied to elements to enhance the look and feel of the app.

What it does well: Onsen UI excels by providing a user-friendly interface, as well as its ability to create cross-platform apps that look and feel like native apps. It comes with a wide range of pre-designed UI components designed for mobile phones. These components can be customized to meet the needs of the app. They also include features such as the FastClick feature that help to reduce the time taken for interactions that involve touch as well as lazy loading, which can accelerate the loading process of the app.

This is an example part of code to show how easy it is to design a button using Onsen UI. Onsen UI

Click me!

The code creates an icon using the words "Click me!" as well as the modifier class large--cta and changes the appearance of the button in a bigger size as well as the appropriate color for a button that is a call-to-action.


Component libraries are now widely accepted as the standard procedure in web development. Component libraries made Angular become one of the most popular frontend frameworks for development . They provide an efficient and convenient method to create UI components.

These libraries provide integrated and customized UI elements to allow designers to create quality and robust user interfaces that require less effort. At the end of the day, selecting the best library will depend upon the requirements specific to the program and also on the preferences of the designer.

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