9 methods to utilize screen-recorded videos to communicate better at work

Sep 6, 2023

The majority percent of workers are unengaged or are actively disengaged from their jobs.

Thankfully, video communication can save the day

Let's take you through 9 ways to utilize video to engage teams better and show you how to create these videos with the simplest screen recording device.

What is screen recording?

It's a handy tool to quickly share your thoughts with your team or clients without the need to write (and edit) long paragraphs explaining some aspect of your business.

Also, you don't need to be concerned about taking precise screen shots and marking them up to show specific things. Instead, you can simply guide people through the process using a screen recording and your audio that explains the steps.

9 methods to better communicate with recorded video

Screen-recorded video adds a sense of genuineness to your communications through the recording of your facial expressions, tone as well as other signals that are not verbal and, in turn, creating a sense of connection with your employees and minimising any misunderstanding that might come solely from the text.

Utilize these videos to help with all types of internal communications -- sharing performance reports or presentations, training materials, and a lot more:

1. Executive messages

77 percent of disengaged employees say they would be more active by receiving a consistent interval of communication from their leaders, including operational updates and the C-suite explaining how they make decisions.

Yet, the leadership usually limit their communications to town halls every quarter lengthy emails and official announcements. The comms that are scripted do nothing to gain the trust of employees and even less to engage them.

Thankfully, screen-recorded videos are a link between the C-suite as well as the other members of the company. It is quick and simple to create, these films are more authentic and less scripted, helping leadership gain the trust of their employees quickly and develop a loyal team.

"Being video-first and visually oriented for your work-related communication is a powerful antidote. This will force you to shed the protection and mask of the written or edited communications."

2. New welcome messages for employees

The majority of employees plan to quit soon -- simply because of a bad onboarding experiences that leave the employees feeling disengaged.

Boring decks sharing the company mission and culture do little to engage new employees.

Again, screen-recorded welcome videos provide a wonderful option. They can capture your enthusiasm of having the new employee to join your team without needing to schedule time to schedule another Zoom meeting. And because these videos show the user, they also:

  • You can do a fantastic job of making employees feel comfortable
  • Assist both you and your coworkers build relationships with the newcomer straight off the bat

Here's a case study with Maddie Diaz, Senior Demand Generation Specialist at the firm, who designed an introductory video for her to introduce herself to the marketing team.

3. Employee onboarding

Here's an EMS interactive training video that gives quiz-takers points based upon their answers.

4. Walkthroughs of the product

Teams must have a clear grasp of your product's unique worth before they are able to advertise and promote it.

Producing snackable feature films is an effective solution to more deeply explaining an item than a video demo is by itself.

  • Scale product education
  • Create all content in a way that is easy to find
Video Library  video enterprise product

5. Process walkthroughs and instructions

Are you aware of those " Hey, so what's the next step here?" messages? They indicate your employees don't understand your workflow.

In fact, only 4 in 10 employees working remotely or as hybrids claim to know the expectations they must meet at work.

Screen-recorded processes are great tools for setting up clear working objectives. Inspire sales, marketing, support, product, and other departments to make these for their teams, listing the categories:

  • Processes Examples include using specific tools, submit an employee's pay, and access internal databases.
  • Workflows -- What responsibilities are first, then and third? Who is responsible for what and to whom they'll give the ball to next.
  • Team communication -- When is it appropriate to hold meetings and when is it appropriate to make screen-recorded recordings, and the steps to create the videos.

It is also possible to assist employees by assisting them in resolving simple tech issues by providing troubleshooting tutorials in addition to answering often asked questions.

What's the best thing? Screen-recorded video is effective for laying out processes for external contractors as well. As an example, Shopify uses payment process walkthroughs in order to decrease the back-and-forth among the freelancers and managers on how to get the money.

6. Just-in-time trainings

Half of the employees in this TalentLMS survey are unhappy with their training program because the training content doesn't really matter to them. Since it's not relevant, they forget 50-80% of the training over the course of two days.

The solution?

Because of the instant application, the message is also far better retained than when employees are forced to sit through a helpful but irrelevant-in-the-moment training workshop.

"Having an online platform that will house the only source of truth. Let's allow us to use it as a link or embed code and incorporate it into our education, and then switch it back out with no embed codes or links changing it has saved us numerous times over the last few years."

Plus, thanks to detailed video analytics, you'll be able to monitor the engagement of your content to measure your training program's success.

7. Sales enablement training

Between prospecting, cold outreach and closing sales It's not difficult for sales training emails to fall through busy reps' inboxes. Workshops that are one-size-fits-all and squeezed into busy schedules won't be able to sustain the attention of customers also.

Contrarily, distributing one-on-one sales training using video formats is an effective way to increase acceptance and enhance group performance. You can record different sales enablement videos sharing:

  • marketing intelligence Share market research and brand messages, and briefs on incoming leads in bite-sized video lessons.
  • ideal customer profiles: Go deeper than a surface-level buyer persona PDF does. Educate reps by talking through exactly what resonates with ideal buyers, their challenges during the sales process, and more.
  • Playbooks for sales and frameworks: Use screen recording to provide feedback and share information for playbooks that you create. When you are done, put the actions to be taken into brief videos that promote acceptance.

8. Project management

"New project, more meetings What a great idea," nobody has ever.

However, project meetings are the most frequent type of meetings employees attend.

In contrast, reviving them using screen-recorded videos explaining the what, how, what, and what for projects is sure to save time for all parties involved. Imagine this in the following way:

  • Project managers can share project goals and details + comments on their own schedules.
  • Members of the team can watch video projects at their own speed rather than squinting throughout meetings.
  • Project members can also record videos using their browsers, to post progress reports.

Pro Tip: Organize videos sharing outcomes and goals for your project by campaign name in your video library. So, you'll have an easy-to-read record of each project's "why" and outcomes they generated.

9. Updates on the team and reports

Team updates can easily fall between chat messages as well as email archives, and some team members may not even receive the updates completely.

Video-recorded updates, on the other hand, can be difficult to miss. If they are organized according to groups, projects or topic within your library of videos, they become easily searchable as well. Yet another idea: share your screen to record the performance of your employees.

Based on the person who is watching the video, whether group members or other stakeholders allow the viewers to access, leave comments, or manage specific video folders. Also, you can disable public comments if needed.

Start recording employee comms videos now

Be aware that video screen recordings show your true feelings more effectively than written communications can.

They're also effective in bridging the gaps in communication between management and employees. For a user-friendly device to make these videos, we'd recommend our complimentary Recorder. You can simply enable it in your web browser and begin recording from the beginning.