7 ELearning Strategies to Avoid
Anyone who decides to create an elearning course does so with the best intention.
They would like the course to be fun and also efficient.
But, it doesn't necessarily occur.
It is likely that at some point you have had a bad experience when it comes to e-learning.
It could be that the course isn't designed to be interactive or, in other cases, due to the excessive amount of "bells and whistles" throughout the course.
It is very easy to fall short when creating a course.
It's good to know that there are some things you can do to help make sure that your program isn't impacted by similar problems.
These are the most typical "traps" to avoid at all costs, starting with...
too much text Text divided into paragraphs is not a good idea. If you can, break large chunks of text using pictures such as bullet points, icons charts, and bullet points.
pointless Animation - The fact that you can create something that moves on the screen doesn't indicate that it is in motion. It could be distracting.
Random Gamification The utilization of badges and points to motivate students through the course has shown to be effective but only if they are properly used. Unintentional badges and rewards appearing on the screen without context about the purpose of their display can be considered distraction.
Courses are Too Long Courses are too long There aren't many individuals who would like to take an online courses for longer than an hour. If you have more than an hour worth of material in your course split it into "Part 1" along with "Part 2".
Reference:GLAD Solutions
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