5 tips from an experienced creator, and tricks to help you prepare in advance for Black Friday and Cyber Monday |

Jul 15, 2023

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the two largest sales days on the year. We've listed 5 tested strategies to aid creators to get the best benefit from these days.

If you're here, you've likely heard the fact that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest sale days of the year.

It is likely that you will not be shocked to learn that online shopping has become an increasing portion of the Cyber Weekend pie in recent time, with Cyber Monday 2020 making history as the largest online shopping event ever in U.S. history .

What is the significance of Cyber Weekend that runs between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday?

If you're looking to get into the game but don't know where to start Here are five tried and tested Black Friday and Cyber Monday methods for designers to connect with the most people possible and generate more revenue.

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How to make the most of Black Friday 2021 Take advantage of Black Friday with these dedicated instructions, tips and tricks for making this the greatest year of sales you've ever had.

Five ways to make the most of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday yet

#1: Make the most of discount offers

Black Friday is known for huge discounts on everything around the globe, however it's not required to keep in this pattern in order to have a successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale.

Actually, you ought not do this, particularly if you already have high profit margins.

Instead of giving the universal discount, instead give discounts on your highest priced products. For instance, you could offer 20% off of a $1000 course. Don't forget to discount the 10 dollars worth of ebook.

The reason is that it's typically easier to convince just a few people to buy larger products than getting a large number of people to purchase smaller goods.

If you sell just only one item in your $1000 course, you're earning an extra $800 at 20 percent discount. If you reduced the price of your $10 ebook by similar amounts, it'd require you to sell 100 ebooks to get that $800.

No matter what product you choose to give discounts on the coupon on making them, the process can be done easily. To make or look up your coupons, navigate to the coupons page and click on "Coupons" in the navigation. Then, click "New coupon" for coupons that you can use for purchasing your products or memberships.

Design the coupon. It is possible to select an appropriate coupon code such as BLACKFRIDAYSALE or click on "Generate an individual code" to generate a unique coupon code.

After that, choose which coupon type that you would like to redeem depending on the products or memberships you want to redeem to get the discount.

Next, you'll set the cost of your coupon. You can offer either a per-cent discount or a specific amount determined.

You can also limit the number of coupon codes can be used on your website. Additionally, you are able to specify an expiry date on the coupon.

Then, you can click "Create coupon" then your coupon will become live.

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For how much to discount, it all comes down to the margins you have for profits. If margins for profit are low you should consider discounting smaller percentages, explain Mike Moloney  who is the co-founder of FilterGrade :

"If you have limited margins I strongly suggest less discounts. They should be between 10% to 20%. They are very successful at getting new customers."

Another reason to stay clear of going Coupon-mad: Constantly reducing the price of the price of your merchandise can hurt your reputation as a brand. . If you are discounting your items frequently, buyers are less likely to buy at full price, instead of in anticipation of the next sales to start.

In 2020, though, Reuven experimented with a fresh concept for Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers, such as bundles.

"I'm planning to do completely different things this year. I'm moving toward creating bundles of my courses rather instead of selling each class separately. Instead of five different introduction Python classes, I'll market them as an intro bundle.
This is a bit risky but it doesn't suggest that I'll sell every item at a huge discount instead, it's the products I offer. I'm hoping that less people will buy costly items."

Price Bundling involves selling several items at the same time. Bundles typically are sold for lower prices than if every item was bought separately.

Bundles are a great option to boost your order's average price without offering a coupon or sitewide discounts.

In bundling the products, Justin sold his best products and training designed specifically to help digital marketers for less than if you buy the items individually.

This strategy increased the sale of customers and assisted Justin to attract prospective prospects. :

While discounts are commonplace in tradition Black Friday sales, you are also able to create attractive holiday promotions without having cut prices. In the next article, learn more about what I'm discussing.

#2: Give incentives other that discounts

There is no requirement for every Black Friday and Cyber Monday events need to be conventional coupon and discount events.

Instead, you can add value to your business without lowering prices by offering incentives, such as gifts of items for free during holiday events.

Promos will likely influence 82% of the Christmas shoppers They see the offer of free presents as among the top three most appealing offers:

And according to psychologists and academics Dan Ariely Dan Ariely, a psychologist and academic "appear to behave like a situation where zero price of a good does not just decrease its cost but it can also increase its advantages".

The public is awed by and appreciates things that are free, which makes incentives the perfect way to conduct for Black Friday or Cyber Monday promotional campaign.

In the process of deciding on incentives, think about how you could help your customers gain the maximum worth from their purchases for example, the possibility to take a personal phone call with a coach.

"Take the lowest rate you can get and figure out a way to increase the price" suggests Ryan of Signature Edits who utilized similar strategies for Black Friday. "I received my marketing membership and offered a free website evaluation to the initial 10 clients."

With only a no-cost review of the site for the initial ten customers, Ryan advises users to act fast so they don't miss out on this opportunity. (We'll look at other methods to induce FOMO, which refers to the fear that you might be left out in the future.)

Marketing Showrunners followed an identical approach by offering the following gifts for free for students who signed up early to take their Showrunner training :

By offering a PDF ebook by Co-founder Jay Acunzo, Marketing Showrunners offered value to sign up early.

Whether you offer a free deal, discount or perhaps a bundle of goods it is essential to spread the word out about your Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotion ASAP, and our second recommendation can assist you to do just that.

3. Inspire excitement with a drip email campaign

Marketing through email is among the most effective marketing tools in the marketplace, and is particularly effective to promote your sales in the holiday season.

"Social advertising and media may be an option, but they aren't so effective [as marketing via email]," explains Ryan at Signature Edits . In comparison to advertisements that requires money to pay for, email is a low-cost, high-ROI option for creators to let the world know on their events.

For the best results and your money out of your Black Friday emails, send several emailsknown as a drip campaign -prior to the day of shopping. As an example, Constant Contact advises sending 3 emails starting at least a week before the sales begin.

A drip campaign builds excitement about your campaign and helps keep it in the forefront of mind for your target audience.

If you are looking to build the most successful drip-mail campaign, it is important to begin the marketing of your emails as fast as you possibly can. If you fail to advertise the sale on time, and it becomes difficult to stand out in the rest of the pack.

There's plenty of noise to make a splash -- marketers from the world of e-commerce have rolled out more advertisements in the days that lead up the day of Black Friday than any other day of the year in the year 2018.

Coach in mindset and entrepreneurship Becky Mollenkamp can speak to that:

"I've conducted a Black Friday promotion (in 2019) but it wasn't particularly profitable. I tried discounting my courses after which I emailed my students with the announcement.
I made some sales but I'm not sure if it was a success due to the fact that I didn't discuss the subject enough.
Overall, I find it difficult to differentiate yourself from the mass of emails that we get about sales during the time of year."

To stay ahead of the game, Ryan at Signature Edits launches his marketing email campaign just one month prior to Black Friday. Ryan ensures that the content of his emails relevant, and it makes those who receive them more likely to click every new email.

"Provide the important information via email least once every week prior the day of Black Friday," recommends Ryan. "Next is to make sure you send one of the most important messages during on the week before the date that people are likely to be excited to check their email and a really amazing deal will be awaiting them."

This is the time of year when Ryan sends out one or two educational, instructive emails that link to the products and services that they provide. "Set the problem, explain how to resolve the problem Then explain how your product makes solving it simpler."

When his lists are heated up, here's how Ryan's drip marketing will look like during Cyber Weekend (Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday):

Thursday: Announce the sale with a Friday deadline.

Friday: Follow-up. Include a countdown timer to run for 24 hours. (An experiment by ConversionXL discovered that the introduction of a countdown timer led to a boost of 147% on conversions.)

Friday Night: Provide an additional bonus to anyone who buys (and those who already have).

Monday: Surprise! Since you desire them to experience the most successful year of their life in 2022, you're opening up the gates for another 12 hours.

The night of the late Monday This is the last opportunity to take a moment to think about it.

How do you know?

"I'm a novice and had NEVER had the opportunity to do anything like before. After following these tips I was able to make approximately $2000 during Black Friday, plus another $2k to $3k in the following days. In comparison to my normal sales of $150/day I was amazed."

If you don't have the entire month available to start your email campaign, don't worry. Reuven Lerner will begin the Black Friday drip campaign the week prior to.

Reuven has an active email list of 19k subscribers who are already looking forward to his updates each week on Mondays.

"I'll often utilize the header space in the top right corner of my newsletter to market an upcoming program, or even to announce the fact that something's going on," explains Reuven.

One or two weeks before Black Friday, Reuven uses his emails every week to let people know the fact that he's having offers again for the coming year. Here's how it works:

Thursday: Let people know to be ready to sell their items.

Friday morning: announce the sale.

Sunday afternoon: inform the public that the sale continues.

The afternoon of Monday: remind everyone that the sale will close in the following day.

In the year 2019, this method -- along with offering a discount code on every product in the shop resulted in Reuven making $20k from Cyber Weekend sales. "Beyond and the cost of credit card/PayPal, there weren't many other expenses and that's the reason this approach was extremely effective," he says.

If you'd like to create Cyber Weekend campaigns like Reuven and Ryan, it's easy to prepare your email campaigns in advance by using the email marketing software.

First, navigate to the webpage for email by clicking "Email" on the menu. After that, select "Create," then select "New broadcast".

Set your email subject line, and also the recipients you'd like your emails.

You can also schedule the email's delivery at a certain time -like, for instance, during on the day of Black Friday -- by selecting "Send Later".

Be sure to specify the time for sending then hit "Schedule broadcast" and then click "Schedule broadcast" start.

Of course it is true that when you send out emails to send you to send your Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails out, you need give your recipients a link to your website. Although you could connect to the homepage of your site, but it makes more sense to point at a particular page which is specifically focused on marketing. Let me explain.

#4: Design websites for the holiday marketing campaigns.

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales only happen only once a year, so it is only natural to create distinct landing pages.

Landing pages are dedicated destinations with a focus on one particular product or service. For instance the Black Friday promotion. Your landing pages will be the pages which people "land" upon clicking the hyperlink in your email or via social media.

What makes the perfect landing page?

First of all it is essential to make your offer super clear. Your landing page must provide the user with a clear explanation of the product you're offering and what it is that they can expect from the product.

You don't have a lot of time to get the message through.

The first time someone visits your website, you have approximately fifteen minutes in which to get the attention of visitors. .

Your headline is the primary focus on your page's landing.

Learn from the "father of marketing,"" David Ogilvy : "On the average the headline is read by five times as many readers are reading the headline than your body copy. Once you've composed the headline for your piece, you've paid eighty cents out of your dollar."

Make a compelling and clear headline. Like your subject line for emails the headline must contain details about the promotion or offer. promo offered.

A different way to draw interest quickly is to place crucial information as well as your call to action (CTA) above the fold which means that people aren't required to scroll down the page to locate the information.

Below and above the fold, the copywriting on your landing page should focus on the advantages and value your customer will gain by taking advantage of your fantastic Black Friday offer.

Check out this landing page that explains No-Code MVP's online training course  For instance. The top of the page offers an overview of the course as well as two purchase choices to purchase CTAs along with a short video telling viewers more about what they can expect from No-Code MVP.

Further down the site, No-Code MVP is deeper offering details on who will benefit from the course and details about the material of the course.

The layout is easy and easy to follow, as well as the extra information can help those who are in a bind to determine which course is best for them.

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Reviews are particularly helpful in the case of costly products, such as expensive online courses, or memberships that are annual. The research shows that the sales rose by 38 percent in the event that reviews were featured in the product's more expensive landing webpage:

We're taught to look up reviews and the opinions from our friends before we purchase anything. The reason for this is that testimonials of customers can be more persuasive than the best created sales pitch. the majority of customers go online to read reviews prior to purchasing a product.

In the meantime, we've another proven method for helping you make Black Friday and Cyber Monday an absolute success.

#5: Use FOMO to use it to your benefit

The urgency and scarcity of supplies are strong motivations, especially when it comes to the sale. This is what Black Friday and Cyber Monday are all about -deals that are going to disappear quickly in the blink of an eye and that's why customers better pounce on them fast.

These sales tap into the concept of scarcity , that is among psychologist Dr. Robert Cialdini's fundamental concepts of persuasion. The basic idea is that people would like to have more of what they can have less of.

A important study showed that people see more value in objects that are scarce.

200 participants were asked to give a rating to cookies

The 10 cookies were arranged inside a single Jar

2 of the same cookies were placed into a different

Scarcity won out: The cookies contained in the two-jar jar were rated 2x higher than a jar that contained 10 cookies.

The same concept is at the heart of FOMO, a.k.a. the fear of missing out. We're afraid of missing the opportunity to experience something positive which others can access.

We can apply this principle for marketing and sales - If the promotional offer is made available only to a small number of people or only for a short period of time, the public is more inclined to take advantage of the deal.

In reality, 89% of Americans believe that an exclusive offer could increase the chances of shopping for a particular brand. They believe that 48% of them think that an exclusive deal will help customers purchase more quickly.

How can you leverage the potential of FOMO to earn more money in the days between Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

"Create both value and scarcity. This is the reason to act now," recommends Ryan at Signature Edits. Make sure that your customers understand that the offer you are offering will only be available for a short period of time, and there will be a limited quantity of options available or both."

Follow the Black Friday text from Readdle to get an instance:

The text reminds the user that the celebration has ended. And who would want to miss an unforgettable party? Studies show that offers with a limited time boost " anticipatory regret " (aka FOMO) that causes people to spend money on things that they don't need.

In addition, you could include a countdown timer in your landing pages or in emails for a visual reminder of just how the time is left for customers to buy, as in the email below from Designmodo :

In certain promotions, there are occasions when time doesn't seem to be the main problem. There are other aspects that aren't available. If you're running an online class or membership community, let members know that you've got just a handful of seats remaining.

A study carried out by Wageningen along with Tilburg Universities on product scarcity showed that buyers prefer the product with the most scarcity instead of the more common one, because they thought that items with limited supply were more sought-after.

Workshops Collective Workshops Collective uses this technique on their home page for Space Camp. Space Camp workshop :

Workshop leader Erin Announces to participants that there are only four spots remaining and clarifies the benefits of being a smaller group, making that "Join the Adventure" CTA even more appealing.

Before we begin, here's an important restriction for making use of the "scarcity" concept in the context of your Black Friday marketing: it must be authentic. If you're planning to make your promotion last more than one day or even offer several more seats in the online course, don't deceive the public.

Your customers will eventually realize that you're doing something wrong and this could be an ultimate blow to their trust of your business. In the words of Abe Lincoln, always err in the direction of truthfulness.

So, now after you've completed this now you have instruments that have Black Friday and Cyber Monday strategies that are ready for action.

Are you ready to go on one of the biggest sales days of the year.

But, you're still not certain about your look.

Extra tip: If it doesn't feel right not do it.

It's definitely a major day to sell. You must ensure that you are taking care of the business and yourself first, and if you aren't able to make Black Friday or Cyber Monday promotion work for you it's okay.

It's difficult to satisfy everyone especially in the middle of a busy year. Therefore, if you're in the position of having to prioritize Black Friday this year, take a break on the particular day.

For Minessa this same attitude is applicable to not offering Black Friday promotions.

"I don't usually run Black Friday promotions or discounts. I'm anxious and honestly, planning to prepare for Black Friday has always given me anxiety. Since I quit selling clothing and shifted into coaching. I made the decision to end them.
It's been great for my productivity and mental health. Additionally, I counsel my clients to not run them if it doesn't fit to the way they want their company to look.
According to my calculations If it eventually is deemed to be a higher priority or requirement, I'll try to find ways to fit it in while currently I'd prefer to not even think about selling while hanging out with relatives."

If you do choose to pass on Black Friday this year, remember that it's not your only chance to conduct promotions.

"I prefer to run promotions at times that are more uncertain in order to increase the chance of getting people to see the offer," advises Becky Mollenkamp and decided to cease running Black Friday promotions in 2019.

If you do want to dive into the Black Friday and Cyber Monday excitement, but are nervous about the time commitment or the effort required Start by tackling an initial small project before expanding. This is how Ryan from Signature Edits Signature Edits Signature Edits found his success during the Christmas buying season:

"Don't think about doing every thing. Only do one thing. Develop ONE product and set your attention on one marketing method. Beginning marketers chase millions of concepts and don't make any profit. The professionals focus on finding a great offer and expanding everything else around it."

Always strive to do the best for both your company and you -- always.

How can creators tackle Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be coming soon and provide the chance for anyone who are able to create to take an integral part of the most crowded shopping day of the year.

These are some of our tried and true Black Friday strategies for creators:

Use discounts sparingly. Limit discounts to specific goods, especially those that are more expensive. If you're able to provide them on your web pages. You can also use bundles to boost the average price of your purchases.

Provide incentives beyond discounts like the free content, or even a personal coach phone calls. You can add the value of your business without cutting down on.

Create excitement ahead of your Black Friday promotion with an mailer drip prior to the day of celebration.

Design landing pages to promote your campaign. Be sure to highlight the advantages of your product, keep the design minimal as well as include testimonials the sake of attracting more customers.

Utilize the principle of scarcity convince customers to act promptly. It can be a highly efficient tool, but it is important to use it to the correct purpose.

And last, but certainly not the least

If you feel that participating on Black Friday doesn't feel right stay clear of it. Make it a priority to look after yourself as well as your company.

No matter if you opt to take part in Black Friday and Cyber Monday We wish your business and you the very best through the remaining months of this year. The shopping season is not excluded. We wish you a Happy Christmas!

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